Celebrate Scoot's 2nd Birthday With These Return Fares!
Sale from 1200hrs, 4 Jun 2014 to 2359hrs, 8 Jun 2014 2359hrs (GMT+10)
Travel Period: Now - 25 October 2014 (Blackout periods apply)
Singapore Return From (Fly Fare)
Perth $219*
Gold Coast $269*
Sydney $299*
Return Fares including Taxes and Surcharges
Included Cabin baggage
Economy class - Limited to one piece of up to 7kg, (+ 3kg allowance if a laptop is carried).
ScootBiz class - Lmited to 2 pieces of up to a combined weight of 15kg.
(Add-ons not included Checked Luggage, Food, IFE, Seat Selection, Inflight Blankets,Pillows etc)
Scoot is a LCC owned by Singapore Airlines & Operates out of its hub at Singapore Changi Terminal 2
Aircraft Utilized Boeing 777-200
Aircraft Utilized Boeing 787-800 (From November 2014)
If anyone would like to continue onward from Singapore they also have birthday fares departing Singapore
Celebrate Scoot's 2nd Anniversary With 2¢ Fares! (Taxes are not included)
Bangkok / Hong Kong from $0.02
Taipei from $2
Nanjing / Tianjin / Qingdao / Shenyang from $22
Tokyo / Seoul from $22
Sale period: 1200hrs, 4 Jun 2014 - 2359hrs, 5 Jun 2014 (GMT+8)
Travel by: 28 Mar 2015
$%^$^# bought ticket w them yesterday for about $550 from SYD :(