• expired

CPL Budget Gaming PC - New i5, 8G RAM, 1TB HDD, GTX660, No OS for Only $689 @ CPL Online


Today we have an Intel NEW Core i5 and GTX660 powered budget gaming PC on special. It includes an Intel Core i5 3.2GHz, Asus B85M-G motherboard, 8GB of Kingston 1600MHz RAM, Gigabyte 2GB GTX660 Windforce, 1TB Seagate HDD built into a Thermaltake H21 for $689.

We understand that everyone has a different preference for OS. If you require windows + installation, please e-mail us @ sales@cpl.net.au to arrange a quote.

CPU: Intel Core i5 4460
MB: Asus B85M-G
RAM: 8GB Kingston 1600MHz (1x8GB)
HDD: 1TB Seagate 7200RPM
Graphics: Gigabyte 2GB GTX660
ODD: Samsung SH224
Case & PSU : Thermaltake H21 Black Case (500W PSU Incl)

WTY: Manufacturer Parts Warranty + 1 Year Return to Base Labor Warranty

For delivery orders, spare boxes will not be shipped. Manuals/CDs and spare parts/cables will be shipped inside the case.

Windows 7 Home Premium Installed: Extra $114
Windows 8.1 Core Installed: Extra $130
Windows 7 Pro Installed: Extra $150
Windows 8.1 Pro Installed: Extra $180

Limited units available. To take advantage of this offer, payment MUST be made TODAY via Bank transfer. For bank transfer customers, proof of transfer today must be provided.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    $207 CPU: Intel Core i5 4460
    $88 MB: Asus B85M-G
    $85 RAM: 8GB Kingston 1600MHz (1x8GB)
    $65 HDD: 1TB Seagate 7200RPM
    $199 Graphics: Gigabyte 2GB GTX660
    $18 ODD: Samsung SH224
    $78 Case & PSU : Thermaltake H21 Black Case (500W PSU Incl)

    Total: $740 Parts + $70 Assembly fee. Prices from MSY as always.

    Add on extra for OS at both places.

  • +1

    Came to $775 on pccasegear so an awesome buy!

  • Hmm I'm really tempted to get one but CMIIW, didn't this seller had a big drama over warranty issue with one of OZbargainer or WP-er???

    • +1

      They did, but if you look at the photos and read the story, it is pretty clear the store got defrauded by the customer, but let it happen for the sake of goodwill.

      • -1

        BS. U want proof. West Melb are total……

    • +1

      The wise ones don't ever shop there after being shafted. I was refused refund with A 7 DAY DOA. Hardcore builders in whirlpool stopped complaining about CPL after they stopped shopping there.

    • I've never had an issue with them.

      Like with ANY online retailer, there's always going to be a few unhappy customers. And the more customers you have, it stands to reason that more people will find cause to complain.

      Get insurance on freight for expensive items (duh), and maybe even go to the trouble of videoing yourself opening up the parcel.

      I know it sounds anal, but when you buy expensive things online and they are being shipped to you by couriers who sometimes dont give a crap, it pays to protect yourself.

    • +1

      Head to whirlpool it is not one complainer but heaps including myself. But hey all solved now I never went back.

  • Any thoughts on the graphics card guys? It got good reviews in 2012 but does anyone think there's another 18 months in it?

    • Depends what your expectations are. It's a "budget" gaming PC which you're paying less than $700 for.

      Are you expecting to run 2016 games with max settings on 1080p+ resolution? If so, then no.

  • Would the $129 250GB SSD from MSY (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/147088) work with this PC?

    • +6

      For a guy who has 'tech' in their name, you're not a very good with tech are you?

      • +13

        lol .. not this kind of tech.
        actually .. not any kind of tech …
        My name is also not Tim.

        • ha. yes it would be fine..esp for the os. drive

        • +1

          Well not Tim, that drive you linked will work fine with this PC.

          The motherboard is sata3 so you won't be limiting the speed of the SSD.

  • How much would shipping cost to NSW metro area?

  • $45 to delivery to Brisbane CBD. I'll pass.

    • Damn… otherwise i would have brought one.

  • How much without optical drive and seagate 1tb? Pick up from nothing hill

    • Email to sales@cpl.net.au, I will see what we can do.

      • Can I add 2 1TB SSD's?

        • Yes, you can.

  • Hi rep,
    Can you do it for $600 without the GPU and Windows 7 Home premium installed?

    • Email to sales@cpl.net.au, I think we should be able to do it, I will send you a quote if I get it approved.

  • when get it everything is in the case and ready to use, how can we know all the parts are brand new not used or someone else return back?

    • We guarantee all the parts we sell are new.

      • removed as expired

    • do your research on CPL.. eg. whirlpool, ozbargain, PRODUCTREVIEW.com.au

      so should you have issues with any of the ITEM.. You'll have to not only ship it back at your costs… but be in a PITA of a situation dealing with them!!!

    • The truth is, all you have is their word.

      If you want to be certain your parts are unopened you'll have to buy them unassembled and do it yourself.

      This doesn't just apply to CPL but anywhere that accepts returns.

      • agree. so many bad comments. maybe the "new" just means "can work"

  • +2

    The truth is, despite CPL being robbed blind by some kid who dropped his PC then used the power of an angry mob to extort CPL, CPL is still here selling.

    I don't see any complaints from anyone who has actually bought one of these CPL OzBargain systems, except for the crook…

    • -1

      100% right mate.

      I followed that whole episode, and to be honest I reckon CPL were basically blackmailed into giving up.
      A consistant online bullying campaign, that had A LOT of keyboard warriors ignoring Australian defamation laws at their peril… but still CPL backed down.

      For all the crap that's been posted about them, if it was my business I'd be legally chasing up on a lot of lynch mob commenters and asking them to prove their comments or withdraw them.

      A lot of them were "oh my mate got ripped off too", or "a friend of a friend had this happen to them as well".

      And yet they are still in business.
      No registered complaints with Fair Trading.
      No investigation or litigation pending.

      Just a lot of keyboard warriors using online bullying to scare a business into giving up to a vocal minority.

      Even if you troll through all those old comments today, have a look what the ORIGINAL complainant had to say afterwards. Backtracked real fast when things 'got real'.

      • What a CPL defender. Must have never checked whirlpool for the numerous complaints about these sharks or indeed a post from CPL themselves.

        • "Must have never checked Whirlpool" ??

          You must have never read my post properly.
          Like I already said, I followed the whole episode- I am a regular on Whirlpool.

          Oh yeah… I did read the complaints.
          I doubted most of them were 100% truthful, but yes- I did read them.

          Sounded like a lot of sour grapes from people who I bet overclocked the crap out of their products or didnt install them right, and then tried to return them DOA. Also, a lot of the complainers… magically enough, have like 10-15 posts to their name… then they disappear never to return. Amazing. Advice is given to take CPL to the tribunal (which costs like $40 tops)… but nope, no evidence or guts to do so. Just bitching online. If I had a factual gripe and a retailer wasnt doing what they were supposed to do, I'd go through official channels to raise complaint. NONE of the whirlpool newbies 'complaining' did so.

          And that screams bullcrap to me.

          If CPL was as bad as you and other Whirlpool users still claim, they still wouldnt be in business.

        • As with all forum feedback, it's the people who have negative experiences that will post. People who had smooth experiences don't have anything to comment on. So you really can never know what percentage of customers are angry customers, but from the point of view of a casual forumer, it will look like 90% of people who've purchased from them had a bad experience.

          Skewed by sample size.

        • -1

          total BS u r full of UFO. Most people that have had an issue with them don't bother taking them to VCAT coz its a time consuming process and do costs above 100bucks to lodge a case. A mate that took them last year was able to recover his money + fees as CPL don't bother turning up! I didn't pursue my case as I had more important things in life to deal with. Sore loser to you? perhaps and the hundreds that think about taking them but dont pursue … BUT I am quite satisfied giving people the HEADS UP of my own experience with them! I am more than satisfied our company no longer give a single cent to these people for their disrespect of consumer laws… my WOES.. Ever tried getting your money back for a DOA item from them < 7days old? enough said!

          My hope will be that my post will have an impact with CPL's management and they will start complying with ACL so others here or elsewhere won't be victimised! Having said that.. fat chance you'll see me shop there again..

        • -1

          Cool story bro, but needs more dragons.


          VCAT costs $44.90 for small claims up to $500….very reasonable.
          Claims for up to $10,000 are heard for $132.30…. again, very reasonable.

          And like you said, if the other side doesnt show- you get recovery of reasonable costs plus your original claim.
          So…. again, what's your point?

          If all those stories were the truth, and CPL are as bad you claim, what the hell havent they gone to court?
          Why havent YOU gone to court?

          It would cost you nothing but your time, and again if you're telling the truth and your claim is in fact "over 100 bucks to lodge", then that would mean you've got over $500 as a loss…. and you think thats not worth your time?

          You're making no sense mate.
          If someone is full of BS, it aint me thats for sure.

          Once again for the hard of hearing… if you have a legitimate beef with a retailer, there are appropriate (and affordable) means of restitution. Stories of mates doing this, and guys I know doing that, is just that… a story.

          I've been through small claims (in NSW) for a retail issue. I know its a pain. But it IS worth it. Anyone like you who is preaching otherwise is full of it.

          And yeah… DOA in 7 days with no refund or replacement?
          Of course I'd go small claims! The fact you didnt, and are prepared to take a loss of over $500 tells me two things. You are either very rich or very silly to not proceed.
          The fact you had "more important things to do" than pursue them isnt the point.

          Feel free to continue to tell your story of woe to all that will listen. I dont doubt you have issue with CPL and are well entitled to give your opinion on them. But telling me all those complainers on Whirlpool were legit is quite frankly laughable. 10 posts by some of those users… all in threads bagging CPL, all 3-4 years ago, and never posted again. Trolls, plain and simple.

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