Good price on a decent SSD. Good sequential speeds, though IOPS not as high as others.
Overall a decent performer for the money.
I have linked to the promo page, which also includes OTG USB drives, WiFi router among others.
We call this a hard drive. Solid state drive to be more precise. When you say memory, we tend to think of RAM.
And without sounding too condescending I suggest you use Google to get your answer. Might also help to specify what 'mac' you are referring to in your search term, e.g Upgrading to an SSD on a Macbook Pro 13, or iMac SSD upgrade, as the instructions differ greatly between models.
Thats unfortunately the name of the line of laptops from Apple not a specific model, you will first need to find out the model of your mac book and then a quick google search on how to upgrade that model to an SSD or a larger SSD will help you out.
in saying that if you are not IT savvy (and there is nothing wrong if your not) i suggest getting a professional to help out :)
i suggest getting a professional
Well, That narrows it down to the entire ozbargain community
"We call this a hard drive"
Gentle lessons in hardware for the painfully unaware Apple user.
So kind.
have a look at the new Sandforce Crucial MX100 before you buy
Marvell 88SS9189, not Sandforce.
hey can you please explain what that means and what makes it better? thanks
They're different chipsets designed by different companies to be used in solid state drives. Arc4ne was just pointing out that the linked drive uses a Marvell chipset, not a SandForce chipset. It's hard to say which is "better" but the Marvell is generally considered more reliable, while the Sandforce is supposedly faster.
Might have to pick up one of those 128GB drives for games storage.
(Anyone got deals for high capacity 2.5" HDD's?)
Games are getting massive now, I am struggling with a 250GB game drive these days.
tell me about it, i only have 10 gb left and i only play DOTA2 and BF4…!!! (though mine is an ancient OCZ 120G SSD)
Why would you put games on an SSD? All comparisons I have read indicate there is zero performance benefits in game, although I would expect minor improvements for load times.
The improvement in load times is not insignificant in some games.
I would have thought that this is especially so if you boot up your computer on a daily basis and plays games only for short bursts of 15-30 mins or so which means that the games don't get cache in the memory for reloading (current game a rather old Mass Effect 1 on a 4Gb RAM system).
How are the Patriot memory sticks prices and their performace?
Thought it be handy with the microusb male adaptor in built and appears to go at decent speed? Seems handy for use along with mobile phones to do miracasting.
This or the M500/MX100? Local warranty might be worth the extra money…
I went with crucial just because of the reliability of the crucial brand, just preference and i have lots of the crucial SSD's out there in our work laptops(M500)…:)
Decent reviews on this product but didn't get a read on the reliability maybe check that out first… with SSD's i find it best to never have to claim warranty.. hehe
I have 6 Sandisk SSDs (Extremes & Ultra Pluses) mainly because they are always so cheap and perform on par with other brands. I'll keep buying Sandisk until one of them fails, is DOA or has some issue that cause me to question their reliability.
I picked up a 256GB Ultra Plus a few weeks back when Shopping Express had them for $140 delivered.
My reasoning back then, among other things, was 256GB over 128GB for the increased sequential write speeds (Ultra Plus 128/256 = 290MB/s and 445MB/s), and Ultra Plus over M500 as it seemed on paper to perform a little better in most areas (especially write speeds, M500 120/240 = 130MB/s and 250MB/s), as well an extra 8GB of usable space.
I also figured, if I wanted the absolute fastest, I would get a Samsung 840 Pro, but since I didn't want to spend that much, the Ultra Plus seemed to have good performance at the other end of price range.
On top of that, while it looks great in benchmarks that one edges out another, in real world performance you probably aren't going to notice that much difference.
That said, there are a bunch of new SSD's out now that compare nicely (ie the Crucial M550), but not sure how they compare with the price on these.
guys this of 120gb 840 evo from msy??? i need to buy one today, im sick of my 5800rpm laptop HDD
this is twice the size obviously but which one is a better buy??
You need to consider..
How much space do you need?
Is your laptop SATA2 or SATA3?
The EVO is faster. But like I mentioned earlier, you may not notice a difference anyway when comparing SSD's.
If your laptop is only SATA2 then that's going to limit the performance anyway, in which case you may be better off going for extra space for less $/MB.
The jump from HDD to any modern SSD will definitely be noticeable either way.
IMHO 256GB Sandisk. SSD's require some free empty space to perform correctly, try to never exceed around 80% capacity I've been told.
how about the mx100 vs sandisk?? its $126 aud after usd to aud convertion, is it worth the delivery wait from amazon?
Looks like a good drive on paper for the money, especially performance of the 512GB. And comes with Acronis.
If you are paying conversion fees too, looks like the price will work out exactly the same as the SanDisk.
Only downside is the wait like you say, and overseas warranty should you have a problem.
Here is a review that includes the MX100 512MB and Ultra Plus 256GB. Keep in mind the performance of the 256GB MX100 is not as high as the 512MB included in the review, but you can see the Ultra Plus holds up well against it in most tests regardless. On top of that, the tests that the Ultra Plus falls behind in (high queue depths) are probably not going to impact performance on a desktop system anyway, as the queue depths are rarely that high in general use.
Again, benchmarks are one thing, real world you probably wouldn't notice much of a difference between the two.
If you want one today, you know your answer. I don't think you'll be disappointed with the SanDisk.
Damm :(
Bought a 120 gig samsung evo for $94.00 last saturday for the laptop
Sould of waited and grabbed the 256 gig for $129.00
This is local stock so you can pick up instore. Plus those prices are in USD, so exchange rate makes it ~$120, $9 extra and we don't have to wait weeks for it to arrive.
could I install it into my Mac to increase memory capacity. If yes, how ?