This was posted 10 years 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Pro Kit with 12-40mm F2.8 Lens $1695 after Cashback, Pickup or Postage + $16


Been searching the web for the best price combination for OM-D E-M1 + 12-40mm Pro Lens, ended up with Leederville Camera House being the cheapest.

$1995 (before $300 cashback), pickup in PERTH or $16 postage Australia wide, no CC surcharge for Visa/Master.…

Came in second is Gerry Gibbs Camera House, also located in PERTH for $1999 before $300 cashback. Pickup or $17.95 postage Australia wide, CC surcharge apply.…

Been able to price match at my local camera store for $2011 ($1995 + $16) for the Pro Kit. Even with the price match, service is still excellent, although no freebies.

Hope this help.

Expiry date is for the $300 cashback, not the deal itself.

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Leederville Cameras

closed Comments

  • Shouldn't you also get $100 off the lens? From the Olympus site:
    V314060BG000 EZ-M1240 PRO 12-40MM F2.8 LENS BLACK $100

    I would try the two serial numbers, to see what you get. Unfortunately, there is no cashback on the lens that comes with the other single lens kit

    • Unfortunately not - already tried it! They list the EM1/12-40 kit as a single cashback item and receipt needs to show body and lens as separate purchases instead

    • Only if they are listed as two seperate items on the invoice. You can still try the two serial numbers if your invoice indicates that you bought them as a kit (instead of body-only + lens) but I suspect it will get turned down. That's probably why all sellers only list one cashback for kits.

  • Is this the weatherproof lens also?

    • +1

      Yes, the 12-40mm f2.8 is weather-sealed.

  • great deal.

    I picked up the body (only) today for $1149 from camerapro.

    I've just been fiddling with the 60 macro and the wifi control on my phone. Very very cool

  • I fail to understand why the E-M1 is so expensive in comparison with the A6000 and GX7. Anyone care to enlighten me?

    • +1

      They are all good cameras. There's really not a lot of difference in price if you take the cashback into account.

      Why does the EM-1 cost more? The short answer is ergonomic, in-camera image stabilisation and weather sealing. If you take a lot of video, the GX7 is the obvious choice. If you shoot mostly still images and like tinkering and customising every aspect of the controls on the camera to suit your shooting style then the Pro level of control on the EM-1 will be a delight. If you enjoy innovative auto features such as sweep panorama then the A6000 should appeal.

      • Thank you for the feedback, it's very informative and solidifies my understanding of the target audiences. So it would appear that the E-M1 and its pro feature set is geared toward the photographic purist, the GX7 toward video and the A6000 toward the 'point-and-shoot' prosumer and photographic enthusiast.

        Despite the E-M1, GX7 (as well as the X-T1) being fantastic cameras with decent feature sets, I find it quite hard to look past the incredible value offered by the A6000 at its sub-$1000 price point.

        • I'm a NEX (A series) user because of the better low light sensitivity and EVF, bc i shoot more indoor low light stuff and prefer just to be able to point and shoot sometimes (like when wifey uses it). So the best camera does depend on what and how you shoot. Price evens out once you get into the emount carl zeiss lenses…

        • +1


          The A6000 is not a p&s camera. Sony's strength lies in making the camera more compact (the trade-off is ergonomics and balance with the lens mounted on the body) and adding innovative features that appeal to prosumers, such as in-camera processing of panorama and HDR.

          With these system cameras, you really ought to look beyond the purchase price of the camera body and its kit lens. That is because you're buying into a system. As your photographic skills improve you will more than likely want higher quality lenses with different focal lengths for your needs. These cost a lot more than the camera body and will represent the bulk of your investment.

          OTOH, if you're not interested in or cannot afford new lenses then you should look at cameras such as the Sony RX100 I/II/III which give you a fixed lens of superb quality that no ordinary kit lenses can match (except for the PRO kits such as the one on offer here).

          If you are quite sold on the E-M1 being the type that suit your style of photography but don't wish to spend as much then I would suggest you take a serious look at its younger sibling, the E-M10.

    • E-M1 is pro level. It has the legendary 5-axis image stabilization. Its weather sealed etc you know what pro's would use, the other 2 are consumer/enthusiast cameras.

      GX7 competes with something like the Olympus E-M10. A6000 well that is a different system, larger sensor but I don't think lens ecosystem is quite there to compete with MFT, no weather sealing either.

  • I only just started researching this camera (my first foray in to the interchangeable lens world) and this bargain pops up, so if I say something retarded, please correct me.

    Myers has the M1 on sale at $1614.15 with a 12-55mm lens included, but the website doesn't say anything about a cashback.
    Would I still be eligible for the cashback?
    Also, if I have an overseas holiday planned soon, can I claim the GST on the camera? Would that price be pre or post cashback?


    • Or something like this deal, which (I think) comes with the same lens, plus a 45mm f1.8 lens for $1995 - it just doesn't say anything about the cashback deal?[name]=Olympus-E-M1-OM-D-System-Camera-with-M.-Zuiko-12-40mm-ED-PRO-and-45mm-f1.8-Lenses—-Black-Digital-Cameras&catalog[product_guids][0]=1034022


      • +1

        All here:…
        Trs claim is on whatever shown as GST on the invoice - 10%.

      • That is the first time EVER I've seen Camera Solutions offer something for a decent price :-) Makes me wonder if this is an import and therefore not applicable for cashback. Anyone know for sure?

        I've always been quite shocked at the service and prices in-store at Camera Solutions. Over the last year I've enquired about lens prices several times, and in every case their price was at least $100 higher than all other local shops. Whenever I want cheering up I'll wander in there and look at their ridiculously high Lowepro bag prices!

    • FYI, I can always get the salesman to give 20% the ticket price :)
      Pro kit is way better than 12-50mm

    • Yes. Go to the Olympus website for cash back details. You get $300 back from Olympus. JB Hifi had this for $1399 a couple of weeks ago, so $1099 after cash back.

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