8x AAA Eneloop Batteries $19.96 Delivered @ Dick Smith. Nice deal.
8x AAA Eneloop Batteries $19.96 Delivered @ Dick Smith

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They did have at some stage…maybe just not as popular as the AA's
Yeah, not just for looks, too: I find the colours are genuinely useful for rechargeables, harder to get mixed up about which ones were in what and which are flat or charged.
maybe we should all email sanyo about this issue
I'm starting to question the spamming of the DS Eneloop 'deals'. I've personally bought different ones several months ago (like… 40 AA and 16 AAA), and the price has never changed…so why is it still a bargain exactly? This seems more like their normal price with the occasional inflated priced to keep claiming it's a deal.
The price does change. Its not always 8 x batteries for $20.
Yeah, but it's like those regular supermarket deals that are always the same.
If it's discounted so often, it's not really a discount anymore. There's now just a "high" price and a "normal" price.
It's not like you can just walk into Dick Smith (or Jaycar or wherever else) and get 8 Eneloops for 20 bucks whenever you feel like it. As such there are always going to be people who are waiting for them to be on special again, and people who are ready to buy some for the first time. As such, continuing to post these deals will always benefit somebody out there, and likely many people.
Isn't that what ozbargain is for?
ozbargain…keeping Sanyo (Panasonic) financially afloat, one eneloop at a time
I think ozbargain should set a maximum price per eneloop battery.
If the bargain doesn't equal that price or less, you can't post it.I think we've all become "used to" the 20$ eneloop deals, DSE needs to work harder now lol
No it's not. That post is AA, this is AAA.
Read the post!
I did. That means every single Woolies/Coles/DSE/Airfare deal is a dupe.
And what about all the deals that use the same coupon code across the same store!
This has been discussed many times before, and I have TWAMs from the mods that agree with this.
If someone posts a deal for $1 Coke and in the content adds that Bread is also on sale for $1, then someone else posts the Bread as the main deal, that doesn't constitute a dupe.
For anyone looking at the deal on the surface, they have NO idea the bread is on sale, unless of course they click on the OPs post to read his comments.
So what's the issue here? You're concerned about what? You don't want as many people as possible to know about a bargain?
You'll also notice that the mods have removed your report.
Have a great day, and thanks for your concern.
yes, TA's is IMO a dupe.
But it would have been pretty hard for TA to find that because the original poster headlined with the tropical 8 pack and then included them in the details of his post. But then didn't specify that they were AAAs, he just had a link to them. So they were originally a little hidden in his deal, which has since been updated. Hardly TAs fault.
And the mods are aware of this. I sent them a report to show exactly that, before the OP modified the post. Thanks Chicken.
Tomatoes …tomatoos
Call it what ever you like.
Bottom line is that you saw that post, searched a little bit and created your own new post, when you could have very easily commented that this deal was also available but no….
You just had to list something, admit it!
vegimate, why do you insist on pushing this?
You know that I saw the post, do you? Well, if you really must know, here's the story…
I wanted to post the combined Eneloop deal after midnight, as I knew DSE was going to have a site-wide free delivery day. Unfortunately, I had reached my post limit and was on a 6-hour hold from midnight.
So, when I woke up this morning, I searched for Eneloop hoping no-one had posted. I saw workwear's post and thought 'damn!'. But I didn't actually read the content. All I saw was AA in the title and the colourful picture. I then immediately posted the AAA deal.
Soon after, I went into workwear's post and read it. I saw a link to 2x 4 packs, but it didn't specify AAA. So I sent a report to the mods confirming this wasn't a dupe.
If it wasn't for the post limit, I would have posted both sets of batteries in the one title at around 1am. But, not to be. No sour grapes here.
Now, I've gone to some trouble to explain this, just so you can see I have integrity. I deplore it when people question my honesty.
If you must, feel free to ask the mods if all of the above is true.
You just had to list something, admit it!
Maybe this is what you should start doing.
on a side note - thanks for ALWAYS taking time out to post deals for people like me. so much hate around but here's some love from my corner!
You just had to list something, admit it!
Maybe this is what you should start doing.
So many complainers, so few posters. Sick of all the whinging from those that can't even be bothered to post their own deals. pro tip for complainers: Post your own better deals!
Tip of the hat to TA! Keep up the good work.
Don't worry TA, most of us really appreciate you posting deals dupes or not. Keep it up!
Seems like no one ever reads faqs (or terms and conditions.)
Don't post duplicates (deals that are already on the site). Please search OzBargain before posting.
The duplicate gains an excessive amount of positive votes (50+) and reaches the front page.
The original deal is a list of multiple items and the item is not contained in the title of the original deal.
no, these are AAA
Thanks, was waiting for this one to pop up again after missing the last one.
I just can't stop myself from buying Eneloop. Its a bad addiction.
Are there good addictions?
Sex addition?
Buy more appliances so you can justify your eneloops
Do Ozbargainers in general house a massive adult toy collection that continually warrents the purchase of more batteries?
A lot of adult toys recommend NOT using rechargeables. Don't ask me why.
don't ask you why, or don't ask you why you know? ;)
they prob don't want you getting disappointed half way through
Worse if the batteries run out just at the end…
Lower voltages mean the motors don't turn over as hard
I dunno about anyone else, but in my case, i need a never ending supply of rechargables to power up my endless collection of flashlights that kept popping up on this site.
do you guys use these for low-usage things like remote controls?
I generally don't, but I never really experimented.
Your answer would fit even better into the discussion above about adult toys.
You could use them for any thing that takes NIMH AA batteries. Just on low usage devices the battery should last longer before needing a recharge.
You can, but you will be better off investing money spent on eneloops and buying cheap batteries every 2-3 years from profits.
But think of the environment!
Eneloop Eneloop!
Are these Eneloop better than the Powertech NIMH batteries from Jaycar?.
Powertech is nowhere near the quality of Eneloop
Powertech are utter rubbish. They leak like sieves.
Damn. Well the Powertech AA batteries i got seem to be working quite well on my Logitech G700s mouse. Next time maybe i'll go for Eneloop batteries.
Logitech wireless tech is brilliantly power efficient. I've left my keyboard on overnight most nights for years now, still on the original batteries.
most sanyo products are crap…
only the eneloop are keeping them in business…
if that's the case… ozbargain is probably keeping them in business.
I wonder if a takeover is possible?LOL… Sanyo is no longer Sanyo. So not even Eneloops saved them.
I believe eneloops are now made by Panasonic.
They should call em peneloops, has a nice ring to it
YES!! Thanks TA :-)
Do they need special charger?
what the f is that?
A joke…
Dang, So I need a nuclear fusion reactor to charge these batteries??
So I can use a normal charger? Thanks for that.
You could use a charger that supports NIMH.
Is Dick down? I keep getting a "502 Bad Gateway" error.
Dick is up. Dick Smith website that is.
He must have ran out of viagra
BTW Panasonic own Sanyo now and the next generation Eneloops are branded Panasonic and will be made in……….China.
Also the current gen, well all Eneloops are made in the Takasaki factory in Gumna Japan which a little too close to Fukushima for me.
So thats either a good or a bad thing depending on your POV.this is my first venture into Eneloops. What charger do you guys recommend?
I did a count of the household devices (gaming, remotes, etc) that require AA & AAA batteries and came up with a total of 40 AA and 20 AAAs.
That said my eneloop battery count is 56 AAs and 24 AAAs (thanks to ozbargain)
Don't think I'll be buying eneloops for a while now, but they are a quality product and you owe it to buy yourself a decent charger.
Is this the cheapest price ever ?
More like standard bargain price.
bit the bullet bought my first AAA + AA eneloop batteries, now for a charger, then evaluate if I have wasted my money or not. thanks for the post TA
i've only used 4 of my 20 AAs from last time for my keyboard batteries..
ordered these AAAs for remotes.. even though apparently it's cheaper to buy bulk alkalines for low usage devices
Thanks TA
Thanks TA, luv your work !
Wait a second…. I ordered these and those tropical AAs in one order. I just got it now but there are no AAAs in the packet. The invoice only has the AAs on it for $20, but the PayPal invoice I paid the full $40. Grr.
What shld I do? Go directly to Paypal or to dse?
I just checked "my account" on DSE and it says awaiting fulfillment on the AAAs. Would have been good if they had communicated this to me in some normal way.
same thing has happened with me and my order… received my 2x AA's but no AAA's.
DSE order also says awaiting fulfillment.I'm the same would have been nice to tell us, was a bit of disapointment when i saw the AAA were missing and thought dame now I have to call them.
Looks like thee finally being delivered today
Received mine 2day :-)
gosh finally got mine just today! not that i need them anyway
why AAA has no colour version?