Front page of the First Choice catalogue has Grey Goose Vodka at $49.90 for $700ml (Save $22.10)
Also thanks to Sydbargainer for the find, Dan Murphy's have it at 5c cheaper $49.85…
Front page of the First Choice catalogue has Grey Goose Vodka at $49.90 for $700ml (Save $22.10)
Also thanks to Sydbargainer for the find, Dan Murphy's have it at 5c cheaper $49.85…
Good find mate I'll add that to the title if you don't mind?
I tried to Google cache the above website but wasn't having much luck. I recon they're just 1st Choice pricematching. I think its normally about 70 too. either way, cheap quality vodka!
Great price, pretty much identical price to duty free, from memory duty free was about $70 or $71 for the 1 litre so the same as this. Just shows the mark up for the airport duty free shop. No need to look like an alcho going through customs.
i like premium vodka. but only because the more expensive it is, the less it tastes like vodka.
Vodka makers strive for a neutral/no taste. The ideal vodka is 40% ethanol, 60% water - no congeners or fusel oils that give other spirits their taste. Cheap vodkas might not put as much effort/time into distilling, filtering and "polishing" as the more expensive brands, so they'll have more congeners and have traces of some of the flavours that other spirits have.
tl;dr - vodka should really almost taste like nothing… in that regard the more expensive vodkas taste more like vodka.
I was just up at Dan's and belvedere was 50 too. :) their website still shows as 70 tho
interesting that the best deals have the lowest votes :)
Must be that budget, people just can't go the Goose anymore :P
good vodka n good price +1