ASUS 10.1" T100TA-DK003H Touch Transformer Book $439.12 delivered @ DSE
ASUS 10.1" T100TA-DK003H Touch Transformer Book $439.12 Delivered @ DSE

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Its not on the exclusion list! There's a first.
Sorry, i realised what was on the 12th and edited my comment before you responded. Just thought id reply so you don't look stupid :P
lol thanks, now please don't edit that comment also :)
Can I do price match at Officeworks?
no coz list price is 499, $439 is after you enter the promo code, and OW dont pricematch Promo codes or cashback deals..
Actually they should do it. Since the code is advertised on their site, it's the equivalent of a sale price. I didn't have any trouble pricematching this when there was a similar promotion last time.
They do sometime, people claim that they receive price match from the target tenoff code. Though technically they dont have to price match but it doesn't hurt to try your luck.
Neither the memory or the storage are upgradable?
Storage is upgradable via MicroSD
It's takes a micro SD to upgrade storage, I think up to a 64gb card
Does it not take the new 128GB cards?
Confirmed SDXC Compatible
Thanks for the heads up OP
Gift card hack not working this time.
LOL, nice try
How would replace the battery once it cannot hold a charge (ie after 1-2 years). Do you just throw it out? I assume the cost to replace the battery would be a significant portion of the cost price.
I'm thinking of selling mine, doesn't get as much use as I thought it would.
Me too. Trackpad is lousy but I suppose you can use a mouse
It is a tablet you should only use the keyboard if only necessary.
It's a convertible. The keyboard dock is supposed to be part of the appeal.
And I find it amusing you're trying to tell other people how to use their own devices.The reason I said that because too many people complained it when it first released.
Like people complained Win8 not user friendly and found out that they were using tablet on the desktop mode.
I reckon 80% of people use it as a tablet so trackpad is not really a matter. If you use it 80% as a netbook so why buy it? You should buy a laptop or ultrabook.
Agree that the trackpad isn't the greatest but mine still gets a workout.
Gotta say the full version of windows is where you win here. Steam Streaming!
Typing on one of these now. Purchased when I saw this post
I use this more than my main laptop. One of the best purchases I made
Arghhh, don't need one but very tempted…
Can I use a digitised pen to write notes or any hand writing activities?
Nope, just capacitive styluses - no active digitisers.
This is also capable of running android-x86.
How? Link Please…!searchin/android-x86/UEFI/…
Works on my Surface Pro (1).
I haven't tried it on T100, but should be possible.
The 32-bit UEFI issue is still there, so you might need to follow this:
The person selling made the account yesterday and has no feedback. Suss much?
They also took the pictures from another seller's listing
that ebay listing is a scam. there is No paypal protection.
there is No paypal protection.
Interesting… please explain?
that ebay listing is a scam.
Of course. These types of listings are placed daily. PCs, iPhones, etc. etc.
It was obviously a scam and it's been removed now, but PayPal WILL protect you in my experience with a similar 'too good to be true' zero feedback seller. In my case, Ebay closed the auction and banned the seller, while Paypal refunded my money before I even knew that I'd been ripped off!
Does it include MS Office?
Yeah, it does
Home & student version.
screen is rubbish
Not great but acceptable at this price.
Hmm I'd say the colour and brightness is good to great (IPS), the biggest flaw is the resolution (720p). It is a lot more noticeable than I expected
Their mobile site is not friendly to my 5" smartphone.
Check the shipping is a bitch for shipping!
That is an overseas model.
No warranty from ASUS in Australia,
The warranty from is worthless - read it.
With cheapest p/h come up to $448 delivered. No deal there good sir.
I've checked other products and I realised DSE jacked up the prices first THEN give us 12% discount, pretending it's a huge discount. What a bunch of a**holes.
What can you say? A##holes deserve dick…
This is an awesome device. Bought one recently for my folks and set it up for them before posting it to them. I loved it whilst it was in my hands.
Can you please confirm the quality of the screen?
Nothing close to an iPad with retina screen but acceptable for productivity purposes. Hope it helps.
I read reviews that said the screen was crap, but I was impressed. It's not as bright as my ipad but totally functional for what it is. A full windows and office environment more than makes up for the screen in my opinion.
People have different levels of "crap" e.g. Other than a Ferrari or Lamborghini all other cars are crap etc. but yet they want a Ferrari with a Toyota 86 price tag on it.
The screen is fine, not great, but for this price it's pretty good.
Colour, viewing angles and brightness are very good. But the low res is quite apparent at times, especially when reading text.
I hate you… you made me buy this
Anyone tried any games on this?
Also, does it output HDMI?
Can't decide whether to get this or hold out for medion/ aldi one when it comes back.
. or surface 2 which should be on sale soon…It has a micro HDMI output.
The Surface 2 RT is full HD, and the battery last longer. Apart form that, this is better to use.
Go play with them side by side.
The Surface 2 only came out in late October, so there will be no need for super special price. The Asus also comes with more internal storage.I think I'll wait for the Aldi top come back. The hard drive in the base (which makes it comparable to the Asus H100?) is a big plus for me.
You can get the US version 64GB T100 with 500GB in the keyboard from Amazon for about $480 delivered, not sure about the terms of their "international warranty" though.
hmmmm… does that mean that the this dick smith T100 might have an empty spot in the keyboard to fit a HDD?
Maybe diff kind of keyboard supplied for those with 500gb hdd. Is it replaceable with a larger capacity by the way?
No it doesn't, there is a youtube clip showing how to remove the 200g sheet of metal and there is no void for a HDD like the US version.…
Yes replacement is possible, but you are limited to the slimmer 7mm drives.
hmmmm… does that mean that the this dick smith T100 might have an empty spot in the keyboard to fit a HDD?
However, on a different matter, one can easily remove the metal plate (used as extra weight) from the keyboard in order to lighten the tablet/keyboard combo if traveling - but this will allow the unit to tip backwards if opened too far.
Sorry, just saw that CH covered this in their comment.7mm still supports 1TB SSDs, though…
840 Pro, etc.
It's a hell of lot easier to put 1TB in a T100 keyboard dock than to put a 1TB drive in a Surface Pro.
NB, if you like the Surface form factor, but want the battery life of the T100 Atom there is always the Pipo W1
For anyone that has this already, does it lag after a while using it? My old Toshiba Netbook with an Atom processor crawled after a few months of use…
Don't get confused with the name ATOM, this one is a completely difference design and a lot faster and can even play some 3D games. The old Atom is rubbish.
A little while ago it was $299 @ Centrecom
Really?? The one that Centrecom often has on sale (and actively tries to talk you into when in-store) is the ME400, a precursor to this model…
This or Surface Pro 1? Feedback appreciated :)
Battery life is about par, but maybe the Atom is slightly better.
Surface Pro is 64-bit Windows, and a Ivy Bridge. Surface Pro also has a 1920x1200 screen.
For the price here, this is better "value", especially if you want to use it as a tablet.
Also worth noting the Surface Pro has a much better build and includes a pen (big deal IMO). However it weighs more (I think 900 vs 500 grams without keyboards) and is not bundled with Office.
I can't even find places that sell Surface Pro 1 nowadays :( . T100's batt life is miles ahead of SP1 (which lasts about 3-4 hours), so if that's important to you got for the T100. Otherwise if you need performance and will usually have access to a powerpoint then SP1 would be a fine option.
Waiting for Surface Pro 3 in August, larger screen for productivity, as well as powerful CPU. (This deal is fine, don't get me wrong)
I'm also keen for it, the silly thing is last time I checked the student price was the same as the standard price
doesnt seem to work anymore, says coupon code not valid
agreed it doesn't work… strange :(
They added it to the Excluded list. Mark as expired.
no they didn't… XC9233 isn't on the list
Refresh it - "XC9045, XC9233, XC9246"
Just called DSE online sales… they said they are having problems with the coupon and they will still honour, to buy online and call back for refund in difference. Not sure whats correct now.
Same for me.
If you call up their sales team they'll honour the discount, worked for me. Odd that it is in the exclusion list and still being honored.
Not odd when it is still profitable from DSE point of view.
Tried calling sales team, refused to honour. They say the initial non-exclusion was an error, and they have a right to change it whenever they like. I really hate DSE.
OK, in less than 24 hours I have screwed up my new T100. I removed the piece of metal that weighs down the keyboard base and in doing so have pulled out a ribbon connector connecting the touchpad to the motherboard (there was a piece of tape on the metal).
I have tried to put back the connector, but it is finicky and I can't get the touchpad working again!
Why did you remove the piece of metal?
I'm going travelling soon and wanted to make it a bit lighter as I'm carrying quite a bit in my backpack. See link above in this thread relating to it's removal.
Anyway I found this very handy software for emulating a mouse on the touchscreen…Might negate any need for the trackpad!
lol my brother bought one from bing lee for 544 with free trent micro and printer.