Free delivery now.
Direct link to the AAA batteries $19.96 here
8 pack of Tropical AAs here
The standard charger and 4x AA $14.99 here SOLD OUT Now back in stock!
But i highly recommend the FAST CHARGER, still available from Masters here. If anyone actually takes the $76 fairmaiden "Truck Delivery" option please add your comments on the service :)
Good rundown of why the fast charger is better here
who can ever forget what those 'fair maidens' can do for $76 ;)
Thx anyway OP..have been waiting for free delivery on AAA
edit: what the fudge? the AAA link is giving 404 Not Found, even when I go through the search and opening the link from there. Out of Stock?
2nd edit: dw..opening the link to the product doesn't work but adding to cart seems to still work.