$50 Credit Towards Your Electricity Account with Click Energy. New Signups Only

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Similar to this deal I posted last year.

Click Energy's referral programme is BACK and now the person being referred again gets something out of it and not just the referrer.

You will get a total of $50 credit which you will not receive if you signup without quoting the promo code.
Bonus is credited to your click energy account in 2 installments: $25 upfront and another $25 after being with click for 12 months.

As it is often the case, going direct to the provider without a referral is not smart and will not get you the absolute best terms.

All their electricity plans are without contract so you can leave at any time and pay no exit fee. They also don't charge any surcharge for paying by credit card (INCLUDING AMEX).

I believe they operate in QLD,VIC & NSW at this stage.

I regularly price check my electricity plan and this mob always comes as the cheapest. I am in QLD (Gold Coast) so that might not be the case for you so make sure you check! If you want a guide on how to do that in a structured and efficient manner, you are welcome to use our comprehensive yet totally free guide.

Fair disclosure: this is a referral link so I will get a $50 credit to my account for every new sign-up.

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Click Energy
Click Energy


  • +2

    $1.13 service charge daily!!!

    • +4

      $1.36 for my area!

  • Brisbane costs:

    Description Usage Rate (exc. GST) Discounted Rates‡ Total (inc. GST)
    Electricity Usage 1375 kWh $0.2673 per kWh $0.2432 per kWh $404.29
    Supply Charge 91 days $0.50219 per day $0.45699 per day $50.27
    Subtotal $454.56
    9% Pay on Time Discount  –   Pay with Direct Debit? -$40.91
    Total Including $37.60 GST $413.65^

    • Have you been able to find anything cheaper for QLD?

      If so, I'd like to know. Nothing but absolutely the BEST price will do for me! :)

      • it's regulated so it's a good deal with the bonus credit. australianenergy is not bad either but no longer have 11% discount

    • Depends on your meter type. Leeroys_dad is only a peak meter

  • Meh, after looking at their rates they're far from great.

    • Maybe not for Victoria (where you are)

      For QLD however (where I am), I wasn't able to find even a single retailer that has lower rates and offers a discount on BOTH usage AND the fixed 'supply charge'.

      If anyone here is in QLD and managed to get a better deal than 9% off on both supply AND usage charges, I'd appreciate a heads-up.

      I have ZERO loyalty to Click or to any other retailer. All I want is the ABSOLUTE BEST price and nothing less will do! ;)

  • +2

    Check this forum post before considering singing up with these guys:

  • +2

    Or $75 with PowerShop with no contract. (Vic only) - as seen in previous OzB post.

  • +1

    My 2c: Left them recently because I found it too hard to work out what discount I was getting and better deals around. Their online account site is very basic.

    • I've left them today… very unhelpful bunch of people.

      • +1

        I just left AGL and signed up to PowerShop after seeing them mentioned on OzB. I did some research and found their prices pretty good and no contract.

        I also tried to find a good deal through Energy Australia, they mentioned Lumo and Simply Energy. After the big sell on Lumo, i asked Energy Australia about PowerShop and they brought up the details. Interestingly the electricity was cheaper than Lumo or Simply. When I asked them why they did not tell me about this deal, they said they exclude PowerShop as they don't do gas, just electricity. I want an electricity deal, i don't care about gas.

        Anyway, PowerShop have been very helpful so far. i believe you speak to their call centre in New Zealand for issues.

        I then was contacted by AGL trying to do a better deal. I told them they were ripping me off for 24 months, unless they wanted to refund me the difference I was not willing to stay.

        Anyway, will see how PowerShop go.

        • +2

          We left Click Energy after our first bill was way over what they quoted, it was around the last price rise cycle and was $9.50 a day. After joining Powershop and reducing our usage based on the very detailed 1/2 hourly graphs we can get through them since we have a smart meter, we have been able to get our price down to $5.74 a day.

          Then we pre buy power three months in advance at 22% off.

          Powershop referrals are different though, if I refer you I get $75 credit and so do you, if you join from their website then only you get the $75 credit. So ask me (or your friends) to refer you :)

          And all of this is Vic only ATM.

    • better deals around

      I see you are in QLD like me. What better deal were you able to secure?

      Have you been able to get something better than 9% off the government mandated rates on BOTH usage and supply charges?

      If so, I'd appreciate a tip-off ;)

  • +1

    Rates are a complete ripoff. No bargain here.

    • I'm not sure which state you live in.

      If you are not in QLD than you might be indeed correct and that's why I suggested people do their independent research and comparisons. As I mentioned, we even have a free guide to help people do that.

      If you are in QLD and was able to do better than 9% off on both usage and fixed supply charges, I'd appreciate a heads-up as despite my best efforts, I was unable to locate such a deal.

  • +2

    I was with them for 3 years and didn’t missed any payment for the discount.
    One time, I missed for 1 day because I was busy and their response was too bad so sad.
    Went along with the One Big Switch – got better rates and better discount.
    From memory to exit, I had to give them one month notice and it must be in writing.
    $50 for all those inconvenience….

    Got an email from them last week to come back and they’ll give $100…. Not a chance!

  • +1

    As always, do your own research.

    Check out this thread for more details…


    • dodo 10% is cheapest

      Is the 10% off given on BOTH the supply and usage charges components?

      If so, I'd appreciate a link to that plan?

      Do they require you to commit to a contract?

      just checked the dodo offer and it appears that the discount applies to USAGE ONLY. There is no discount on the fixed supply charge component.

      Also, it appears that you must sign-up for a 12 month contract in order to get the 10% off on usage. Otherwise, you only get 5% off (again, off usage only).

      Bottom line: NO DEAL!

        • -1

          "No Term Contact - Enter a “No Term” contract and receive 5% Pay on Time Discount off your electricity consumption."
          "12 Month Contract - Enter a 12 Month contract and receive 10% Pay on Time Discount off your electricity consumption "

          Reference and supporting evidence here

        • -1

          Well mate, there is only way to know for sure and that is to test it.

          If you have been with Dodo for less than 12 months, I suggest you call them and tell them you wanna leave and ask if there are any fees payable. I think you might be surprised ;)

          The 'exit fee' is $3 for every month left on your initial 12 month contract

        • -1

          Cool. seems like it's a promotional offer. It is not their standard offer.

          Either way, it is 10% off usage ONLY so my answer remains the same. No deal! :)

          i use a desktop recorder to record every sign up i make

          VERY good practice. I do the same! You can never be too careful with these companies. :)

        • -1

          Ginmi why are you so sceptical of Dodo 10% off no contract, you REFERRED IT YOURSELF not long ago lol? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/110284

          Dodo have been 0 month contract online for AGES. That fact sheet you posted in from a July 2013….

        • Ginmi why are you so sceptical of Dodo 10% off no contract

          Simple. Dodo's deal is good but IMHO and according to my extensive research Click is simply better if you live in QLD.

          The reason for that is that click offer 9% off on BOTH usage AND fixed supply charges. This makes a difference if your electricity usage is relatively low which means the fixed supply charge component makes a bigger portion of your overall spend.

          I invite you to crunch the numbers and see it for yourself :)

          Another thing I personally like about click is the fact they have no credit card surcharge (including if you pay with Amex) and that's pretty rare amongst utility companies these days.

          Again, just to make it crystal clear to everyone: I have no affiliation to click other than being their customer myself and have ZERO LOYALTY to them!

          If someone can find a better deal, than by all means go for it! If you also happen to live in QLD, I'd also love to know about it so that I can switch myself ;)

        • +1

          No affiliation except you are keen to profit from $25 per person who signs up to your link right?

          BTW the discount off supply charge only ends up being a benefit of ~$1.50 a month, nothing to get crazy over….they estimate bills and make you direct debit $100 a month regardless of what you use. Thus why I dont use Click anymore.

  • +2

    I never receive my $50 as they promised. Service charge is go up to $1.36 from 89 c after few months. Going to leave them soon

  • Red Energy is cheapest in Victoria, followed by Powershop and Dodo.

  • Have you seen Alinta Energy website (VIC)? 25% electricity and 10% gas discount by just paying on time. No contract. Offer only this month.

    • I can get you 27% on electricity if paid on time and 16% on Gas if paid on time through my business. Contract 1 year. PM me if interested

    • Thats an excellent deal, you should post it on.

  • +2

    In Victoria Click have gone from being almost the cheapest to one of the most expensive. Not a deal, not a bargain and not worth the $50 credit. I moved from Click to powershop.com.au and am very happy. Red energy in Victoria is also very competitive.

    • Absolutely they do.

      You pay an advance prepayment monthly and when the quarterly reading is made, they consolidate and adjust accordingly (I personally often end up in credit so don't pay anything for that month).

      The bill with the actual reading shows the current and previous meter reading. All retailers in SE QLD get this from Energex as they are the ones who do the actual meter reading.

  • +2

    I've been with Click for a year, I signed up thinking I had chosen the best deal. I've never known a utilities company to be so random and unreliable.

    Their billing department is diabolical:

    • Multiple bills randomly sent throughout a period, for different segments of the period. ie. Invoice for 2 months and then the next month's a day or two later resulting in pay on time discount removed from 'old' invoice (2/3rds of total discount) in consolidated figure of the new one. Required me chasing them for a manual adjustment.

    • Giving an invoice with Actual Readings and then sending subsequent invoices for the same period with unexplained higher usage figures due to new 'Actual Readings'. So untrustworthy.

    • Took an age for them to change over from old supplier.

    If you go with them, you will have to scrutinize every bill to find the errors and chase them, each bill is a dog's breakfast - just not worth the effort for something which should be straightforward.

      • Didn't think of the last bill non-discount, will have to try and make it a short one.

    • $100 monthly direct debit, regardless of your real usage turned me off.

      • +1

        And if you find you are in credit when the Meter reading is done, they don't give you the pay on time discount because according to them you technically didn't pay that bill due to being in credit! Crazy! Had to officially complain in writing before they reimbursed me. In that response they said their billing system doesn't have the capacity to recognise on time payments if the bill is in credit. How many people are getting ripped off by this?

        • I've had that happen to me.

          I am usually in credit when the actual meter is read. Sometimes they do forget to give you the credit because their system does not record a payment.

          However, I always contact them when it happens and they apply a manual credit immediately.

        • They dont 'sometimes forget' to give you the pay on time discount, their billing system is designed to not give the discount if you are in credit. They dont bother manually checking everyone in this circumstance, they wait for the customer to contact them. Even after contacting them the operator tried to convince me I was getting it and I had to insist and then email to complaints after she hung up on me. These guys are dodgy to the bone. How many customers who dont scrutinize their complex bill are they ripping off? However, as you say they are the cheapest, which is why I am still with them.

        • Yep same thing here. Their billing system and the excuses and lies they hide behind to not give you the pay on time discount is a major turn off with Click, but their rates arent cheap nor competitiv anymore anyways so why anyone would bother with them is beyond me

  • +6

    Ginmi I just gotta put it out there, your deals seem to go against the Ozbargain spirit……
    All you do is link to your crappy website and referal links so you can get something out of it.

    Your website has the appearance of those dodgy websites trying to sell you "free" reports or ebooks then make you cough up money later. You don't post a "deal" on Ozbargain unless theres some sort of referal in it for you.

    Just sayin'!

    • +1

      And then spends hours arguing against anyone who criticises anything.

    • +1

      The website and "saving alerts" just rehash the good deals on ozbargain, why not refer your subscribers here so they may benefit from deals which you don't aggregate?

    • -1

      I am not in the habit of getting into arguments and responding to baseless accusations.

      The first and last comment I am going to make on the matter is that my record of posts and comments on Ozbargain and my contribution to this community speak for itself (and anyone can check it simply by clicking my profile).

      As far as the values and mission of Spending Hacker, I will let that speak for itself as well.

      I will not be making any further comments on the matter. Have a lovely day :)

      • +4

        Baseless? Ok, lets cover the bases.

        Yes, I've seen your website and your profile thus why I posted what I did.
        Besides your deals that are simply a snap from an australia post catalogue, they are just links to your spending hacker website and referral links.

        but let's not forget all your other websites….


        Which all seem to be targeting the vulnerable and impressionable.

        But wait, you could be simply doing this out of the kindest of your own heart to help people? Well considering you said yourself on an interview "Last year I made 6 figures from online sales. This year will be in the 5 figures range"link I doubt your websites are there to really help people and more likely to help your wallet.

        Thus why I question your motives when the majority of your posts aren't really that good and appear to be simply so you can make money from referrals and affiliate links (yes i can use italics and bold as well lol)

        You use commissionfactory.com.au for hidden links in your "bargains" to make money off US. Looking at your deals they ALL seem to be commissionfactory affiliates. smile.com.au, visiondirect. shipporter. All useless deals and all supported by commissionfactory. You use various methods to hide the URL so people who click on the links don't realize you are getting a commission. Hmmm interesting?

        Why do I care? I've personally had someone I'm close to sucked in by a "life coach" "motivational sponsor" who did nothing but milk them dry of thousands of dollars. Your websites and ethos are eerily similar of the tactics these life coaches use.

        Have a lovely day as well.

  • +1

    Paying 19.5 cents/kWh including GST in Melbourne with Momentum which is cheaper than click. Discounts are stupid when the base rates are high.

  • How does this compare against Dodo's electricity plan ie. 15% off market rates plus $50 initial credit (referred by iSelect)?

  • Any advice for nsw

    • http://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

      I recently checked there before lazily renewing with my existing retailer; they were one of the bunch of cheapest retailers that all have much the same offer in terms of total cost. Thing is, I read more than one anecdote that if you switch to another provider, your previous one may call you and offer 20+% off, rather than just the published 15ish% deals, so it might be worth switching to try for that.

      • Message for Queensland customers

        Sorry, but you are not able to compare energy offers on Energy Made Easy at this time.

        To find energy offers that may be available to you in Queensland, visit the Queensland Competition AuthorityExternal link - opens new window.

        On Energy Made Easy, Queensland customers are able to compare their electricity usage with similar households in their area.

        For more information on the supply of electricity and gas in Queensland, visit the Department of Energy and Water SupplyExternal link - opens new window.

  • +1

    You claim click energy on the Gold Coast is the cheapest? NOT TRUE. A quick iselect search can verify this too. I have 2 brothers that live on the GC and they too verify for me that click is not the cheapest. Are you just taking a cheap shot at earning a referal bonus?

    • -2

      You claim click energy on the Gold Coast is the cheapest? NOT TRUE

      If you have a better deal than 9% off on both the usage and fixed supply charge and no contract, I'd really appreciate a link to this deal as I will be switching myself :)


      • +1


        ginmi you really just want to flog this offer so you get your referral credit dont you?

        "I regularly price check my electricity plan and this mob always comes as the cheapest"

        No you don't or you would have actually acknowledged people's feedback in this thread instead of arguing with everyone. It would haven taken you 30 seconds on iselect to see this info for yourself.

        Many of us have already said in this thread the Dodo offer with 10% off usage is cheaper, has no contract, and works out better off even though it doesnt discount the supply charge as the usage rates are cheaper and the discount is higher.

        Here's the link that you constantly ask of everyone to see for yourself.

        Please note the big pink banner that states "no lock-in contract" as you seem to argue this point as well.

        Example postcode 4217
        1500kwh peak meter quarterly
        Dodo = $471.39 vs Click = 473.85

        And it keeps getting cheaper with Dodo the more usage above this.

        And as a few of us have said, with Dodo you don't have to wait until subsequent bills to get your discount, nor pay a mandated $100 minimum a month direct debit which Click forces you to do.

        I just did all that without asking people to click a referral link, nor visit a crappy website, nor sign up for a crappy mail list which you try and force people to do EVERY post you put on ozbargain. Spending Hacker my ass.

  • I am in QLD and with Origin too and my contract is expiring. I had a good deal with 15% off Pay on Time discount, but that is no longer available.

    Now the best discount available is Origin ESaver (online) with 7% Pay on Time + 1% Direct Debit discount (do not like direct debit, so I would not consider this 1% discount)).

    Origin's tariffs are:
    Tariff 11: (Peak) 28.015 c/KWh = 28.015 -7%= 26.054 c/KWh + GST(10%) = 28.66 c/KWh
    Tariff 33: (Off Peak) 20.997 c/KWh = 20.997 -7%= 19.527 c/KWh + GST(10%) = 21.48 c/KWh
    Service to property: 83.414 c/day with no discount on this 83.414 + GST (10%) = 91.755 c/day

    Just checked with DODO and apart being very pushy, they give 10% Pay on Time discount, but their tariffs are different to start with. I thought base tariffs were government regulated in QLD (I am correct?)! These are the numbers:
    Tariff 11: (Peak) 25.25 c/KWh = 25.25 -10%= 22.725 c/KWh + GST(10%) = 25 c/KWh
    Tariff 33: (Off Peak) 18.40 c/KWh = 18.40 -7%= 16.56 c/KWh + GST(10%) = 18.216 c/KWh
    Service to property: 82 c/day with no discount on this 82 + GST (10%) = 90.2 c/day

    Now I am not sure if the tariffs they gave me already had the discount applied to them. The pushy guy i spoke with at DODO told me that the discount was on top (so my calcs above should be right). Anybody can confirm?

    It looks like Origin is 15 to 18% more expensive on the c/KWh after all dicounts and GST have been applied. Anybody can confirm if I am right?

    • I thought base tariffs were government regulated in QLD (I am correct?)

      Yes, you are correct.

      The state government regulates the electricity prices on a standard contract.

      Most retailers rates are based on a market contract which includes various discounts or other 'perks'.

      The regulated prices charged in the standard contract are the absolute maximum prices an electricity retailer can charge a home consumer in QLD.

      The following link from the Queensland competition authority explains this well:

      Whenever a retailer quotes you a discount, you need to clarify with them two things:

      1. The discount is off which rates ? Is it the government regulated rates (refer to 'standard contract' above) or some other concoction the individual retailer came up with?

      2. Does the discount apply to both USAGE (c/Kwh) and SERVICE (c/day) charges or to usage only? Most retailers operating in QLD apply a discount to the usage charges only and Click is one of the only ones I came across so far which apply their discount on both.

      Hope that clarifies things. :)

      • +1

        Thank you Gimni.
        I have seen on other posts of Origin having a Retention Team that may contact you after you switch away from them to get you back. Anybody has a way to contact them?
        Wouldn't it be easier to just match the competition without all the hassle? Or may be they count on the fact that people will not go through the troubles of switching provider? Once I switch, and I will, I would not go back unless they offered at least a 5% discount on the competition.

        • Wouldn't it be easier to just match the competition without all the hassle?

          Sure it would but that is not how this game is played.

          As you rightfully pointed out, they simply count on the fact that people will not have the 'guts' so to speak to pull the trigger and walk away.

          This is why you can't reach the 'manager' or 'supervisor' or whatever they are called while you are still a customer. Once you leave, they might contact you, depending on how desperate they are to keep your business.

          I would not go back unless they offered at least a 5% discount on the competition.

          I do exactly the same but my 'benchmark' is actually higher: 10%-15% (depending on the industry) :)

  • +1

    Update: I switched to Dodo 2 weeks ago and yesterday after the cooling off period Origin rung me asking to stay and offering 15% discount and I also got a $100 credit on my account. Had to haggle for the $100 though and complain about them how badly they treat the customer. The guy was very apologetic. I got a great deal. Still, I think Origin are hopeless and would not deal with them unless I saved lots of money.

    • Well done maxi!

      One of biggest problems in this country when it comes to consumer affairs is that people are not game to HAGGLE.

      I do this all the time…on pretty much anything I spend money on. I win 95% of the time.

  • Forgot, origin new base tariff post carbon tax (from 15.09.14) are cheaper than Dodo's. And 15% discount on top of that.

  • Click Energy have now launched three new plans aimed at maximising the fee-in tariff for those with solar power systems.


    As far as I'm aware, no one pays a higher feed-in tariff per Kwh exported to the grid in QLD, NSW or VIC. If anyone knows otherwise, I would appreciate a heads-up.

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