Sony SLTA65VB Digital SLT 24.3MP Camera with SAL552002 DT 55 - 200mm Lens (New)
The cheapest on ebay for the lens is $236.50 so you could potentially sell that lens and keep the camera.
I saw on ebay too that there is only one SLTA65VB camera and they're selling for $649 + shipping, not that I'm saying you'll be able to do that.
You can also get an extra 2% cash back through here. You need at least $12 for them to send the cash to you so a $600 purchase like this should just get you a $12 cash back check.
I already have a SLR, so I don't need this but this looks like a good deal if you're currently in the market for a camera.
From TightBottom, use JOY20 for further $20 discount
From ChickenTalon, purchase via Velocity for 1200 Velocity points
It is a strange choice of bundled lens….but I have grown to enojy using this camera, even with the small range of lenses I own (18-55 + 30 macro) and have found it to be good platform for adapted lenses (M42 and Tamron Adaptall2). At this price it is a decent buy, but then again there are some good steals to be had at the moment.