Probably the best 'bang for buck' headphones on the market at this price.
Usually takes about 2 weeks for the items to arrive from MassDrop after the deal finishes.
Probably the best 'bang for buck' headphones on the market at this price.
Usually takes about 2 weeks for the items to arrive from MassDrop after the deal finishes.
Referee receives $10 on a new signup with referral link. Referrer receives $10 credit upon the Referee completing a purchase.
I don't see why your comment is negged. Bentan77 just informed there's an alternative headphone with similar price but (maybe) slightly better sound quality.
Because 'better deal' here is subjective. Especially because bentan77 posted the other deal.
I would choose the m50's over the creatives any day of the week.
At the moment, the M50 isn't the best band for buck headphone anymore. To be honest, it doesn't sound that great either. The CAL is probably better in every department other than bass quantity. Even then, the bass on the M50 doesn't sound that good.
I dont think you have ever heard the m50'sfrom a proper amp/source, and if you have maybe your hearing aint what it used to be.
Thanks, bought a pair. Already owned 2 M50s, broke one, lost the other, decided to try something new.
Probably the best 'bang for buck' headphones on the market at this price. [Citation needed]
These would be a better deal [Citation needed]
To add fire to the flame, I think a better option would be the Alessandro MS-1's for US$114 delivered to Australia :P
They might sound great, but they look soooo 80s!!
Again, subjective. I have both and while the Alessandros are incredible and outperform the m50s in most ares, they completely lack bass, which is a problem for me being into EDM and Hip Hop.
Agreed that this is heavily subjective. Note to prospective purchasers: this may clamp quite tightly if you have a wide head (like I do) - make sure you gently loosen the headband for a more comfortable fit.
Which headphones are you referring to (that clamp tightly)? There's already too many mentioned above.
Ok, let's add more fuel to the fire. Why not the Sony MDR-V6's or MDR-7506?……
Most neutral headphones in their price range.
Unlike the OP, I won't claim that these are the best in the price range (although subjectively, I do like them more than the M50's)
No amp required, easily driven by a smartphone, plug may not fit directly if you have a case on though.
The MDR-v6 is my favorite by a mile :D
Buy them!
Heard there were fakes floating around on ebay though so be careful. Those sellers look legit.
I've got a pair of the MS1i's they're a bit uncomfortable, feels like my ears get squished. Good sound output though
Bought the CAL!2 when it first came out @ $130 delivered
Sound quality is really good, I'm no audiophile, and i've only tested the HD598 for like a minute or so… but its quite close if you ask me.
How would these compare to some Sennheiser HD449's?
Should be significantly better than the HD449's.
SQ wise, the CAL's are better then the HD439… and i heard the HD439 is just the HD449 with different pads and less bass =/
Depends on what sound you like, looking at reviews the 449's look like they're more flat sound headphones. M50 and Aurvanas both are more V shaped (bass and highs focused).
Does it need a amp for a smart phone?
No, they're easy to drive
These make the creatives look average. Rated as the best headphones you can get under US$200.
What's a good cheap amp to run these to make them sound even better
I owned the M50s for a while (my first proper headphones) and with my Yulong DA8, the improvement is just marginal (or my ears are just not that great XD).
That said, the M50s sound great without an amp so I would highly recommend them for anyone who wants to get an affordable headphones with great sound.
Unless you already have a good one, get a new sound card or DAC over an amp.
I have my M50 connected to my Fiio E11 which is connected to my IPod Classic 160Gb via a Fiio lineout connector. Sounds fantastic and better than connecting directly to the IPod.
The E11 battery lasts about 10 hours so needs more frequent recharging.
I am a basshead and despite the V shape nature of the M50, still have my IPod set on Classic EQ.
Love my M50 and not really interested in testing any other cans now (I do have a Sony XBA-3 for truly portable use though). Note this comment is for music only as the M50 mildly suppressed mid range makes it not as good for movies.
From melbourne vendor noisy motel Fiio E07K usb amp/dac
Google it for many reviews. Billy is also a member here and whirlpool and is great for customer service queries.
My cords for headphones always wreck so I'm scared to buy more 'expensive' headphones. Will I be better off getting the M50X or is the cord very durable for these kinds of $100+ heapdhones?
Mine have held up fine for about 3 years.
If your cords "always wreck" then it sounds like you put them through a good bit of use and you're probably better off spending that bit extra for detachable cables rather than spend $100+ only to realise that someone else's anecdote over the internet doesn't quite match your own use conditions.
oh wow. didn't know you could get headphones with detachable cables.
do you recommend any particular model?
If you were after the M50s, the M50X has detachable cables.
i have these, they are beast. Also highly reccomend doing the detachable cable mod, i use a red cable with it, makes it look a lot more premium :)
Do you mean.. you made the M50X's look like BEATS? I should downvote you for the very notion!
no no the coiled cable wasnt very portable, thats why i did the detach mod. they look great with green thick mogami cable too.
edit: i didnt know about the M50X, dont think it was out when I bought mine
Hey you PM has been turned off but can i ask where you go the parts for your mod?
Currently own an Audio Technica ATH-AD700 openback, how much of a change in listening to music or plugging into my guitar amp would this have on me?
I have both, the AD700 have an incredible soundstage and are by far the most comfortable headphones out there, but lack bass. The M50s could be described as the Jack of all trades really good at everything but master of none.
I have tried both headphones, the one's you have are open so naturally the sound stage is going to be a lot wider. What this basically means that the music will literally be coming at you from all directions, as you should know from owning those headphones. The ATH M50's are a great pair of headphones, I own a pair myself. Their sound stage is no where near as large as the AD700's however, in saying that, they still produce a great sound. The M50's are studio monitoring so they have a neutral EQ as opposed to that of Bose and Beats where the bass is turned up so high it creates a sound wall. Personally, I don't think it's worth it buying another pair of headphones at around the same entry range. If you truly want to feel the difference, and by that I mean like you put them on and are blown away, then you have to go up to the HD600 range which has truly mind blowing sound but will set you back around $300.
Very detailed and informative - Thanks!
careful about calling m50's neutral. HD600's or dt880's are neutral give or take wamth/sibilance. M50's are nowhere near
Yup, M50s are definitely "V" shaped as opposed to neutral.
More bass and isolation, less comfort and soundstage.
I don't understand the hype around these headphones, I bought a pair and they were too tight, made my head sweaty in hot weather and the ear cup material started to wear off pretty quickly. The sound was the only good thing, not amazing though and a tiny bit too muddy for my tastes.
Happy with my Sennheiser HD 558's though.
i found they were too hot except in cold weather and their sound is good but i dont like the flat response
these come with normal straight cable?
Thats the m50s…
The m50x have 3 -1.2m and 3m (maybe 1.8m) straight as well as a coil.
M50 just have coiled.
Great cans. I have the M50x and a lot of people say there isn't that much of a difference but I love the removable cable (of which there is a mod for these ones) - so so comfy and sound great.
The detachable cord is an after market modded one. I don't think there is an official detachable version of M50
how are these compared to the ue6000?
Pretty close soundwise imo.
ue6000 is a tad more comfortable though.
I have both. You shouldn't be disappointed by either :)
thanks for the reply. if they sound similar then i probably wont get this!
Which are better these or Sennheiser HD 25-1 ii?
Depends if you don't mind spending more for the Sennheiser. If you're indifferent, I would recommend the ATH-M50's as they're a lot cheaper and far more comfortable - but if sound is most important to you, the Sennheisers sound better.
I have both, the M50 has better isolation but heavier weight. The M50 is much cheaper on sale. They both don't have detachable cables :)
Has the deal expired? i have an account with them
For those wanting a good comparison of decent headphones…
Hit f3 (or search) and type A6 for the m50's
or B3 for the aurvana live's
in speculation to bentan777's comment about the aurvana lives being a better deal, i disagree.
I have personally worn both for a good period of time, the m50's are a class ahead.
A24 you mean. Aurvana live 2 is different.
i found out about these from my fav tech reviewer MKBHD…
ive already got jaybird blubuds x (also recommended by MKBHD) but ill probs buy for a friends bday. thnx OP…
is this better? i believe eglobal also provides Aussie warranty as well?
The site above is American I think so would we still get the warranty?
Yes I want to know if the link is the same product as this group deal.
eglobal are grey importers similar to shoppingsquare?
If so, you may have warranty issues if the product came from OS (like France or Korea).
I've purchased from Massdrop before and besides slow international postage (~2 weeks isn't too bad) they're good. Really good customer service too.
thanks :D
THX, so they are legit but no warranty… does that make it a better deal than this?
These are normally $220 and are on sale for $99 atm.
Sorry PoorStudent,
Sol Republics are like Beats - Well marketed but as for sound quality, not so much. They're designed to be a fashion accessory, not for listening to music.
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