66% off all Star Wars games. Notable games:
The Force Unleashed 1 & 2: $6.79 each
KotoR 1 & 2: $3.39 each
Battlefront 2: $3.39
Empire at War Gold: $6.79
I hope to see some of you at the May 4th cinema screenings of the original trilogy!
66% off all Star Wars games. Notable games:
The Force Unleashed 1 & 2: $6.79 each
KotoR 1 & 2: $3.39 each
Battlefront 2: $3.39
Empire at War Gold: $6.79
I hope to see some of you at the May 4th cinema screenings of the original trilogy!
Badum tish.
I think you mean "Bzz-sshhh kshhh"
I cannot repel Humour of this magnitude.
Highly recommend Jedi Knight : Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, a lot of fun especially once you earn your Light Saber.
Both Star Wars Battlefront games were very enjoyable….not sure if there are servers for them anymore though.
Playing Star Wars Force Unleashed II now….whilst the greater array of moves is impressive, it can get very repetitive.
Force Unleashed 1 is pretty good for the price too if anyone is interested.
Battlefront was intense with the sheer number of players running around. Hoth was the best.
"Oh snap, just unlocked Yoda, killing spree"
What I remember most from Jedi Outcast is disintegrating enemies with the Disruptor Rifle.
pull, rotate back-stab, unblock-able move when everyone started doing it.. apparently patched.
Kotor 1 was known as the best Star Wars game. I stopped counting how many time I finished it.
What type of game is it?
Rpgish pace is slow than jedi knight 1 and 2. Jedi knight is very fast paced and fun to muck around with the force powers but the graphics would look VERY dated now. If you can look past the graphics a lot of fun can be gotten from these two games.
Hell yeah….Los of fun just fighting Desan at the end.
Desann wasn't in JK 1 or 2 (Dark Forces).
In JK Outcast I squished him under a collapsible pillar.
An amazing one - highly recommend number one and two. If you're a fan of Star Wars and RPG's you'll love it.
Which of the above games can I kill Jar-Jar Binks over and over again?
I didn't like Jar-Jar, but it was Yoda that made me turn to the dark side. He couldn't even tell who the emperor was? And he just keeps lecturing everyone! The constant lectures, the sentence delivery…. just shut up Yoda, you're so annoying. I know it's a kids show and all, but I'd love to get my hands on the neck of that puppet. I'd so shoot first watching the light fade from those cloth or cgi eyes……hmmm, maybe I should give the Hannibal episodes a rest for a couple of weeks?
yikes!!! lolll that was def rage coming from the dark side… if you had turned on caps lock fury then you'd def be lost, just curious have you been cast in episode VII as a man on the edge of turning to the dark side?.. hehehe
You can shoot gungans in Battlefront 1 :O
More games to buy which I might not play.
It's a trap!!!
i can confirm… its is a trap! :(
$8 poorer …. lol
Republic Commando is a very, very underrated Star Wars FPS from Lucasarts.
If you're at all partial to the Clone Wars-era storylines and even gasp, like Episode II, then Republic Commando is right up your alley.
The squad mates are actually half-way competent, and the visual presentation is pretty neat (with the Metroid-style visor HUD) and the storyline is actually pretty good. Definitely challenging on the harder difficulties. Plus Temuera Morrison voices your Commando.
I also highly recommend Empire at War. Think of it as the first Rome Total War in space.
Agree with Republic Commando even though your blaster is as powerful as a pop-gun, but whilst I enjoy Empire at War, it has NOTHING on any of the Total War games.
True, Empire at War is not of the same calibre as RTW. But in terms of similarity? They're close.
Turn-based movement of armies/fleets on the strategic map/galaxy map, a real-time battle map and the different planets are essentially different territories as they are in RTW. There's no player-controlled resource-harvesting, it's automatically calculated based on various criteria, and your goal is to expand across the known realm. It's a very similiar feel, minus the lack of an array of playable factions in Empire at War.
Agree with Republic Commando even though your blaster is as powerful as a pop-gun,
It sounds like one too, with that meek "pew pew pew" sound. I remember at distances longer than a room away, the shot spread was ridiculous.
I see your point, I guess I'm just looking at the level of complexity involved. Having said that, I'd LOVE to see a Star Wars game based on the mechanics of say Napoleon Total War!
Very true with RC, I also found I ran out of ammo ridiculously quickly. Still very cool game, another one that is just crying out for a modern sequel.
I haven't played Force Unleashed 1 & 2. Which are more enjoyable, Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy or Force Unleashed 1 & 2?
I liked Jedi Academy NPC_spawn, NPC_freeze and noclip, setting up an epic 30-a-side Jedi vs Reborn battle and letting all hell break loose. I usually did it in the open space at the sandcrawler level, and bind NPC_spawn to hot keys.
^This. Exactly. Force Unleashed is fun, it really is, but I sunk hundreds upon hundreds more hours into Jedi Academy. My Xfire profile should be proof of that… http://www.xfire.com/profile/jebusjm
602 hours in the one year I played it.
Can't tell you how many times I've created spawn battles, Jedi vs Reborn, Rebels vs Stormtroopers, Rebels vs Wampas, Sandworm vs Rancor. Mutant Rancor vs Sandworm is funny - Mutant Rancor gets eaten but it's too large, bugs, and pulls Sandworm out of the ground.
Sometimes went a bit overboard = instant crash back to desktop.
KOTOR games are the best!
Battlefront 2 was my favourite game out of the mix. It was essentially Battlefield but with Star Wars and usable jedi, sith, all the different types of clone classes, droids and a massive selection of fighters and tanks.
Definitely recommend.
Will Battlefront II work with Windows 7? System requirements say Windows 200, XP or Vista.
Works fine in windows 8.. however, it is rather dated.. lol.. didn't realise it was a pandemic game! nice
Yep, works great on Windows 64bit. There are no Aussie servers left though. And Gamespy is shutting down, unfortunately.
Can anyone comment on the multiplayer for Jedi Outcast if I have already bought Jedi Academy? I remember some of the maps I played 10 years again like Bespin and others were really well designed and fun for multiplayer, were these exclusive to Jedi Outcast? Not sure whether worth it to be Jedi Outcast as well for multiplayer. Thanks!
Or how about all OzBargainers buy both Jedi Outcast/Academy games and I get us a server.
Haha, that sounds great, Ozbargain server.
I think everyone seems to be leaning more towards Battlefront II and KOTOR than Jedi Outcast/Academy.
Execute order 66
Do they have X-wing?
Alas, no. Never quite understood why these sorts of games don't get onto Steam, like the games from the 'golden age' of Star Trek gaming - Armada, Elite Force, Birth of the Federation etc
and tie fighter! …. aaah the good old days :)
No Rebellion, I did enjoy creating fleets of SSD and Deathstars. Playing as the Rebels wasn't half as much fun.
If it's May the Fourth, does this mean the discount is sixty-Sith ?