Beat the Bomb's current Bomb deals are:
- Pokemon X - Import, $39.39 Link
- Pokemon Y - Import $39.39 Link
- New Style Boutique - (EDIT: local, see below) $12.12 Link
- Nintendogs + Cats Golden Retriever - (EDIT: import), $19.99 Link
- F1 2011 - Import, $2.22 Link
- Freaky Forms Deluxe - (EDIT: local, see below), $12.12 Link
All games are for Nintendo 3DS/XL/2DS. Base shipping rate is $2.50 with $4.95 express shipping. All items currently have ?? stock and an availability of TBA.
Edit: I originally had three of the games listed as local copies, they are all imports.
Edit 2: Dan has clarified that the three games I originally listed as local copies are local copies. Based on the front page these are: New Style Boutique, F1 2011 and Freaky Forms Deluxe.
Great price for Style Boutique! <3