This was posted 10 years 10 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

New KFC $5 Box


KFC's new Hot Rods $5 box meal comes with 1 Hot Rod, 1 Crispy strip, 1 lime aioli, potato and gravy, regular chips and 250ml Pepsi.

Available until 4pm. Limited time only at participating stores.

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +35

    How much is the $5 box normally ?

    This looks more like an advertisement than a bargain…

    • +7


    • +16

      Ahh jv, you'll done it again!

    • +1

      KFC says it's a limited time offer, they probably don't normally sell it as a combo at this price. Previous $5 box had different items.

  • +4

    Not sure this is a bargain..

    • -8

      Muncan says it's a bargain. Therefore, it's a bargain!

      • Whose muncan?

        • +6

          Whose muncan?

          A Taste of Home, No Matter Where You Are

        • +3

          I forgot that Food and I were incorporated. Thanks for the reminder!

        • +8


        • +1

          Nek Monday, muncanfoodcorp SEO analysts puzzle over a referral flood from OzBargain.

        • Not in my calendar?

  • +3

    Cheap bastards should throw in one of them rolls. Then its a bargain. $5 for a $5 box. pffft.

    mmmm …those rolls are good though.

    • +1

      Maybe you could switch the Aioli for the bun?

    • +1

      when i used to work there, we would sandwich a roll between 2 chip fryer baskets and deep fry the hell out of it, then sprinkle it with the coffee machine sugar…

      i have weekly cravings for this and it kills me because i will probably never have it again in my life

      • +1

        Ha! My brother used to do something similar at Maccas with the Cheeseburger rolls… deep fry them and sprinkle with sugar. DIY doughnut!

      • Breadtop comes pretty close!

  • +9

    Let me guess, the QLD version of the $5 box comes with no drink, half a hot rod and is $5.95?

    • +2

      half a hot rod and is $5.95?

      Half of a hot rod is not bad for $5 dollars.

      Though I doubt you're getting much sustenance from it unless you're Michel Lotito.

  • +5

    Had this on box Tuesday. You can upgrade from the 250mL pepsi can to a proper can for an additional 50cent. Damn, should've tried to switch from the lime aioli to the roll.

  • +5

    If the $5 dollar box had been $4 then it would be a bargain. this is simply advertising.

    • +2

      Eww, who would eat a $4 box.

  • +4

    It is not a bargain cuz stone cold said so

  • +8

    Hmm these KFC $5 boxes are progressively get worse and worse. The first one was a bargain and was filling but not anymore… Good marketing by KFC all the sheeple have it ingrained in their head that anything in a box/package is a good deal and fail to evaluate objectively. Next…

  • +3

    This isn't deal worthy any more, it's just an advertising campaign, come on guys.

    • It's both IMO

  • +2

    Actually I think this is better than the last one! Of course, I'm in Qld so…

  • +1

    Finally, I'm glad everyone is seeing KFC for what they really are, and that is, a rip-off. The first $5 box they had, even with the sub, I honestly needed two boxes to make me full, and I'm not overweight. They're not very good at discounting, why would you include a 250ml can of drink, when every other meal you sell has the 375ml? wouldn't that make your customers think they're getting less right from the start? just make it 375ml and absorb a bit of loss, what? 10 cents? by rounding off this meal to $5, and not $4.95, you've already halved your loss.

    KFC has never really suffered in sales pre or post GFC, compared to other fast food chains IMO, people do enjoy their chicken, even at the high prices. So, this $5 box is mainly to attract new customers or claw back the ones that have gone to HJ, like me.

    • +2

      I actually have a beef (lol) with the family dinners/buckets etc. None of the dinner meals suit my family. I dont want no nuggets. I dont want no popcorn chicken etc.

      12-15-18 chicken pieces (amount depending how hungry we are, and if we think they will make a nice breaky or not)
      2-3 Lge Chips
      4 Rolls
      Lge Pot and Gravy for chips and chicken dippin
      Lge Slaw
      Drink or not, I dont care.

      I ask about getting rid of the nuggets for example and pimple face says "Sorry, we cant do that." It depends who you get because Ive had it done and ended up with a satisfactory dinner deal, but yeah stuff that. I cant be bothered to walk in and find out who is on that night. I just go elsewhere.

      • +2

        KFC isn't customer-friendly when it comes to substituting. You'd think they would be more generous seeing how you've ordered a sizeable meal.

  • +5

    Well. You can add the FEEDBACK receipts with the FREE REGULAR DRINK + CHIPS (with any purchase over $4.95) on top on this would be a more like Bargain !

    Use this together before. You feel like eating lots lots of Chips

  • +250ml Pepsi
    Why is it assumed a fatty fast food deal is going to be sweetened by some fizzy sugar water?

    • +1

      Just ask for Max or Diet then.

  • +1

    So let me get this right, if it was called the $6 box it would be a bargain?

  • +5

    Has anyone noticed that periodically the recipe for KFC becomes really crap - hot & spicy and original?
    Kinda like it's burnt, or missing an ingredient. Usually remains consistently crap for a couple of months.

    It's like this at the moment in Brisbane.
    Maybe QLD just gets the left overs from the other states. Reheated.

    • Go to Malaysia or Thailand to eat KFC it kicks the Crap out of the salty chicken they serve here in Brisbane

      • +2

        Mother… in Thailand.

        3 pieces of chicken=$3.70AU
        A Zinger burger=$1.95
        Large fries=$1.65
        Large (318G) mashed potato=$1.40
        550ML Pepsi=$0.85

      • +6

        Aussie fast food tastes leagues better than every other country I've been too, and that especially includes South-East Asian fast food (they use funky local ingredients and have low-quality produce compared to us).

        • ^ fact

        • Yeah and their lack of hygiene also means food poisoning is pretty much a guarantee in South East Asia.

        • +1

          It's training. Like going to the gym for your stomach.

        • Food was bloody delicious in South East Asia.

          Curries here are just meat and sauce and you have to pick the heat for some stupid reason. Chinese food is greasy with Sweet and Sour being revolting. Australian KFC chicken is the least appetising I've had. Too much salt is placed on everything and why does chicken salt even exist?

          You can get great burgers here though as the beef is the best and seafood is excellent if near trawlers. Vegetables outside of the supermarkets are fresh and tasty but not fast food.

  • What's a lime aioli?

    • It's a sauce that is in every fast food shop now.

    • +3

      Mayo with garlic and lime.

  • +7

    … and while we're at it, what happened to the seasoning on the chips? Is there some new 'health' policy that states the amount of seasoning they're allowed to expose their customers to OR is it that they just want to save 0.00001c OR is it that the staff are just useless and don't bother reading the order and preparing what the customer actually requests?! I hardly go to KFC anymore but over the last few years I've found that their chip seasoning (which was one of the only reasons I used to go) was becoming less & less each time. I then started asking for extra seasoning, then extra extra seasoning until I got fed up and started asking for extra extra extra extra seasoning which was even reflected on the docket but the chips always came out the same way ie. just enough seasoning to be detectable which is nowhere near as much as they used to apply.

    If I want to burn my mouth and take years off my life by consuming far too much salt then that's my call. Dear KFC, you've dropped the ball.

  • -6

    Not a bargain. This is an advert for cheap and nasty fat and grease 'food'.

  • +1

    Wonder what watered-down version Queensland will receive…

  • +8

    My 9 yrs old nephew said to me the other day "Do you know what KFC stands for? Kids Fattening Center"
    Even the kids are catching on!

    • +1

      I LOL'ed… I got fattening up when I was a kid back when it was all you can eat hahahaha.

  • +9

    The hot rod is barely bigger than the crispy strip, and the crispy strip is barely bigger than the piggy finger. KFC really have down sized. I remember the hot rod being kebab stick sized.

    • +1

      yeps… with the gravy dipping sauce.

    • +4

      Their promotions in general are really poor lately. Remember the 'boneless fillets'? More like swollen nuggets. You get more 'fillet' on the average drumstuck.

      • +7

        Wow "250ml Pepsi" they've even found a way to make the drink smaller…

        • Ever smaller in Queensland - No Drink at all.

      • The nacho box was by far the worst, the boneless fillets was just deceiving. When you get fast good you don't expect just like the picture , but you expect to see the resemblance …

    • +1

      Pinky finger

    • The crispy strip I got from today's lunchtime research was about 5 inches by 1-2 inches, and the hot rod was about 6 inches.

      • Where did you get yours? My one was Elizabeth St, Melbourne.

        • Ermington, NSW.

  • +7

    In the interests of OZ Bargain research I had one of these for lunch.

    The receipt shows:

    1 Hot Rod $1.16
    1 Crispy Strip $2.45
    1 Dip Lime Aioli $1.00
    1 Reg Bag Chips $2.95
    1 Reg Potato & Gravy $3.75
    1 250ml Max $2.50
    1 $5 H/Rod Box -$8.81

    Eat In $4.55
    Tax $0.45
    Amount Due $5.00

    Receipt also come with survey, if you complete survey and spend over $4.95 on next purchase, you can get free chips and drink.

    Is it a bargain ?

    Most of the items are not on the menu to buy as a single unit.
    However, just the chips and the potato and gravy, cost more than $5.00 to buy as single items, so the rest is a bonus.

    Would I pay the full price ($9)? - no way

    Would I buy it again ? - No prefer KFC in full pieces.

    For a $5 for lunch that includes a drink, it seems a reasonable deal.

    • I also succumbed and had it for lunch, can't remember the last time I had KFC.
      The hot rod was actually quite nice, spicy bits of chicken thigh meat (I think), couldn't taste any lime in the aioli but it was alright. I preferred the hot rod over the crispy strip. I thought it wasn't bad for $5.

    • +4

      I remember going to KFC near the Bankstown airport, I asked for the $3.5 chips and strip box, I should've taken a photo of it, they gave me, and I'm not kidding, 6 chip pieces. I looked inside and asked them "are you serious? is this all the chips I get?, why make the box so big then?", she replied "that's all we're allowed to give?", I replied "really? you actually counted the number of chips?", she told me to hold on a sec, she came back with two more pieces.

      • LOL… it's like the two extra chips were like here now go away.

  • +1

    Seriously…It's $5, people.

    What other fast food 'meals' (multiple course & drink) can be had for that price??

    • +3

      $4.95 HJ's Stunner meal?

    • +2

      You do realise that this is ozbargin. Do you know what 'bargin' stands for? and why we come here for?
      Also i've know many places too be cheaper than crappy $5 box. Heck even maccas loose change menu is better 2 dollar burger and a fries and hopefully you can use student edge card for a medium drink if they didn't catch on. That's a 3 dollar meal, which is more fulfilling than that 5 dollar box that contains a midget sized can, 2 pinky sized chicken and the only chips quantity that doesn't even look medium sized. Don't forget about that crappy sauce.
      The only thing i liked about the $5 is the potato gravy.

      • +9

        Do you know what 'bargin' stands for?

        Is it "Bargain" with 14% off? ;-)

      • The streetwise combo isn't bad. I prefer kfc streetwise burger to the stunner meal ones. :)

  • +1

    swapped out the drink for a another portion of chips, im totally stuffed now.

    • Carb load for the cardio later :P

  • +1

    If you saw how they make the gravy, you'd never eat it.

    Scrapings from the bottom of the cooking pots get added to a packet mix.

    It's like collecting the muck off the walls of your oven and making a gravy out of it.

    • +2

      Saw that 14 years ago when I worked at KFC. It does look disgusting, but it tastes good, just close your eyes while you eat that part of the meal.

    • +5

      Traditional gravy is made from collecting the fat from the roasting tin anyway.

    • That'll be your fond… or sucs….

    • +1

      Hrmmm I do that with my pork belly roast. It makes really tasty gravy!!!

    • All the fat and grease at the bottom are the yummy bits.

    • But that's the tastiest bits…

    • that's how traditional gravy is made didn't you know

  • -7

    Ordered 2 and got no Aioli. Didn't realise until i got back to work. Pissed off.

    • -1

      You should've checked your meal.

  • Get an extra two hot rods for $2.95 to make it more of a meal

  • no drink for qld zzzzz

  • Large chips are usually $4.95 os may as well just get one of these and change the drink to upgrade the chips to a large. I usually also get plain gravy instead of potato and gravy.

  • Is it just me, or were the hot rods much tastier/bigger when they first came out? I remember having them when I was a kid. I was left a little disappointed tonight :(

  • I tend to only eat KFC when their $9.95 for 9 pieces or whatever comes out. That was probably the best value meal they had.

  • QLD doesn't have a drink, but not to worry!

    Just give them a survey receipt, double serve of chips and a drink, still for $5! Even better value than the rest of Australia!

  • +1

    $5 box in qld with free survey chips+drink. Can get another drink for $1 if you want to share. Insane value! One more wafer…

  • bought this and they didnt give me the lime aioli or the pepsi.


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