This was posted 10 years 10 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 50GB Cloud Storage at


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One of top 6 free cloud storage web.…
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"Firedrive, formerly known as PutLocker, is a UK-based cloud storage and file hosting service that offers 50GB of free storage and uploading a maximum file size of 1GB for free users. Files are accessible on any device along with the feature to share them as privately or publicly. It also has features like groups, public profiles, filedrops, advanced file permissions, document viewing etc. Firedrive uses the freemium financial model allowing people to use the site for free, as well as unlock additional features for a monthly fee.

PutLocker was re-branded as "Firedrive" on February 12, 2014, and became a cloud storage platform service.[2]

Firedrive allows for immediate access to media files, without forcing the user to download. Video files are automatically converted to a streaming format, audio files are playable via a web based player, images are embedded directly into the page. PutLocker currently does not have any upload limits in terms of how many files a user can upload to their account, however unregistered and free users have a maximum file size of 1GB per file. Premium users have a maximum file size of 5GB.[3] Putlocker limits downloaders in Asia, India, Philippines, Malaysia and possibly others to secret daily download limits. After downloading a file the next one will say "You have exceeded the daily download limit for your country. You can wait until tomorrow, or get a premium account right now, and access the site without any limits."

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  • Putlocker limits downloaders in Asia, India, Philippines, Malaysia and possibly others to secret daily download >limits.

    This, does this include Australia? Sounds like it doesn't but it's a deal breaker if it does.

    • +4

      It's 50GB and it's free. There is no deal to break.

      • Can this be linked to the iPhone for Cloud backup? My iPhone cloud says I only have a 5GB limit and need to pay to have more. Therefor I cannot use it without paying.

        • +2

          No, that 5GB backup for iPhone is iCloud backup. It's linked to your AppleID.
          It's easy to get around the 5GB limitation though - just switch off backing up your camera roll, and use Dropbox or Google Plus (both of which offer automatic camera roll backup) in addition to iCloud. Then, your phone backup lives on iCloud, but camera backup is elsewhere.

      • My Box account is 50GB and it's free and if I need to, I can download plenty of files in one go. Just sayin'…

        I'll skip this one. Though it does sound like the above limitations don't apply to Australia anyway.

  • I signed up and added uploads to the list but its not uploading, anyone else experience this?

  • no mobile app?

  • Thanks OP ….. signed up just fine

  • Great deal, just signed up. Thank you Original Poster.

  • Hmmm.

    Not great so far.

    No option to use the FileDrop function (happy for help here)

    And after uploading a 3.1mb file I'm getting an alert that says I'm over 90% of my file storage.

    Seems very buggy to me.

    EDIT: Got FileDrop to work. It's activated on an individual shared folder. Not particularly intuitive.

    Getting better.

    EDIT2:The Usage 90% is because I assigned 45gb to a shared folder. So the system assumes it's being 'used'.

  • Enjoy uploading 50 GB of data on a home 'fraudband' connexion. If we were all to be getting FTTH, large uploads were cease to be a problem. What is the point of these Liberal cretins spending almost as much for a FTTN system that will cost almost as much and be susceptible to rain ingress and other problems besetting our copper network? If they want to save money, why don't they just spending nothing on telecommunications rather than all of that money for little gain. Or forcing us to use expensive monopoly coaxial Foxtel cable :(

    • +1

      Or forcing us to use expensive monopoly coaxial Foxtel cable :(

      its not just the fox internet its mostly so foxtel tv does not have to compete with OS companies like netflix etc.

      makes for some interesting reading…

      edit: oh and…

    • -2

      Oh shut it, if you think simply connecting FTTH will magically make Telcos give you faster, cheaper and available broadband, you've just been drinking the cool-aid way too much.

      • +1

        i was going to waste my time writing a response to prove how wrong you are but its all out there on the internet already in easy to understand facts… but it seems the libral supporters dont seem to want or care about facts anyway so im not going to bother.

      • +1

        My point is that any form of ADSl or FTTN has very limited upload speeds which limit the ability to work from home for some people, but the limits of copper phonelines would would cease to be a problem if we had all fibre. Some people, like myself, experience massive slowdowns too when it is raining. Not a problem with fibre optics.

        "Telcos give you faster, cheaper and available broadband" : of course Optus and Telstra have no interest in giving people faster and cheaper broadband. They are greedy capitalists who only care about milking the system for maximum profits. That's why the Telcos have to be bypassed and telecommunications make a public instrastructure project that will never be allowed to be sold off.

        I believe TPG is offering Unlimited FTTP plans for people fortunate enough to live in FTTP areas. If Telstra had their way, we would all have 1GB/month caps on our internet connections.

        • If Telstra had their way, we would all have 1GB/month caps on our internet connections.

          oh no way would they stop there. it would be less by a factor of billions if they thought they could get away with it.

          the author of the post figures out the number of bits in a text message and concludes that transmitting data by SMS is about 15 million times more expensive than doing so over a commodity internet connection.

  • Getting back on track…

    Now I have it configured, it works pretty well.

    FileDrop is the star of the show. I don't know of any other service that has this exact feature - namely, anonymous uploading without login. It was exactly what I was looking for and works really well.

    Their Help page and interface could do with a birthday though.

    Thanks again OP!

    • cheers :)

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