There's a selection of useful items today all for under $7. Buy 4 items or more and get free shopping.
You can't have too many socks.
There's a selection of useful items today all for under $7. Buy 4 items or more and get free shopping.
You can't have too many socks.
Don't forget to congratulate them on their accusation of Ozbargain. We will be seeing their deals a whole lot more now!
* acquisition
On the other hand, maybe we will see accusations when they see OzB has stolen their colour scheme. :)
Can still neg jv ;)
Uh oh…
Pix or it didn't happen. On the other hand, er, maybe don't.
Edit: I love free shopping.
I, for one, welcome our new CatchoftheDay overlords!
Oh dear. Has OzB sold out? Hopefully just an April fools joke?
Guys! The whole reason OzB is great because it's independent!!!
Doh!!!!!! ;)
+323 with only 7 votes… something smells fishy
I clicked +ve 12 times because I bought 12 pairs of panty hose.
(This is one of the new rules for catch of the day sales, read the posting rules)
Edit: dang I've been fooled, you got me good OzB, you got me good. Forgot the date, got me good.
the page script adds a +ve for ever visitor to COTD deals….
All part of the new CatchBargain site - woohoo!
yay free shipping!
Welcome to Jurassic Park.
I mean CatchBargain.
You might want to fix the home page. Still only showing 12 votes :D
It's happening!
Damn this is such a good deal, our new owners are really treating us well :D
I for one welcome our new CoTD overlords.
EDIT: Oh what, someone already posted that? Small World.
Useful items are my favourite type of items
Only 1 Catch Deal on the day they take over?
I was expecting the entire New Deals Page to be Catch Deals and all other sites to be banned!
More coming soon!
We should ban deals from other sites and just make the home page a single link to catch of the day for maximum coverage.
Too bad it's only for the posts, and not your comments :D
432+ and increasing, these socks are going on fire with the new April 1st system.
Almost got me. Nice try!
That was a nasty joke… good but nasty… almost added you to my host file.
This line basically took it too far:
"All current OzBargain users will receive mandatory daily newsletters from Catch of the Day 5 minutes before everyone else in Australia gets them, completely FREE of charge."
Up until there it seemed like it may be real. Good April Fools joke though.
Gotta put in a few hints…
They want us to leave …..
And COTD is rated 1.8/5 stars
This has to be a April Fools Day joke…
30 dollars of crap I don't need. Thanks Ozbargain !
It's CatchBargain…
Saw it on here first so I guess I am thanking Ozbargain.
My browser URL disagrees with you!
Although OzBargain is now part of The Catch Group, we will try very hard staying unchanged — being the independent voice of the consumers
And again no neg vote option…… Thanks for the good deals OzBargain but independence is out the window so, so am I.
I sincerely hope this is an April fools joke.
Even if this is a joke… does this mean we (our community) is really in bed with COTD behind the scenes??
not happy jane!
happy april fools!
This what my comment are based on, everyone knows its April Fools, but the fact the its Ozb are in bed with COTD for money, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
WTF no neg votes. What sort of sorcery is this?
Let me rephrase, what sort of tyranny is this?
First time ever I upvoted a catch of the day deal. Dictatorship taking over me.
Means I will be coming less and less to Ozbargain in future, can't neg a deal just doesn't cut it, if a deal is crap, then we must be able to neg it.
Woosh! Look up and you'll see the joke flying past.
"Everything under $7 Sale" is gone from the cotd website…
Yes the deal is not working
this one nailed me —"
For realzies