This was posted 10 years 11 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$10 SEN/PSN Credit When Topping up $50 with PayPal [AU/EU Only]


Just got sent an email from Sony, sounds like it could be decent to combine with any of the current deals on the PSN. Its similar to the deal/forum post from last year which was only for the US Store (, so it's now Australia's turn for the deal!

Closes 30th April 2014.

Note from comments from Phreakuency "You get $10 every time you top up $50 worth (and that $50 can be done in bits too)."

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Cool, not limited either. You get $10 every time you top up $50 worth (and that $50 can be done in bits too).

  • People post so quickly on here - well done

  • Excellent. About time we got this.

  • Awesome, thanks OP. I'll be taking advantage of this one for sure.

  • Thanks for sharing. Might want to specify Australian PSN only.

    • +2

      Yeah that is the deal breaker right there.

      There shouldn't be a single OZ bargainer who uses the Aus store to buy things outside exclusive content (of which there is almost none, That even includes DLC because you should be importing from elsewhere too :P. You could even make this a free $20 per $50 and in most cases you would still pay more money overall buying it on the AUS store instead of the US store.

      It's a shame really, Aussies get screwed on almost all digital content from everywhere.

      • It's a shame really, Aussies get screwed on almost all digital content from everywhere.

        There, I fixed it.

        The general consensus was that EU/AU PS+ gets generally better games (although this may be an out of date viewpoint). Buying from the US store would obviously would have to take into account exchange rates (buying PSN credit form Amazon, paypal etc). It may end up cheaper but is it worth the faffing around for what might be a minute amout?

        • Funny that, although I agree 95% of the time, a few recent purchases I made in AU where cheaper than US due to sale. I have an account for all regions.

  • awesome, been debating on whether to renew my yearly psn+. seems like the best time to do it.

  • This is now currently the cheapest way to get PS Plus in AU.

  • at last something good for our region's PSN

  • Strange how I can't top up by $50.

    I have $10,$20,$30,$40 and $80 options…

    • I thought the same, but checked the T&C of the promotion……

      And, if you look at point 4, it's like Phreakuency said, the $50 can be made up from multiple top-ups during the promo period.

    • Phreakuency has stated "that $50 can be done in bits too."

      Damn, already got beaten.

  • Is it worth committing money to a US or AU PSN account?

    I currently have an AU account with ~9 months PS Plus remaining (and 6 months worth of instant games), and a new US account for my PS4, which I purchased cheap Amazon PS3 codes (for upgrade) as well as $29.99 Tomb Raider HD on sale.

    Once my PS Plus runs out at the end of the year, should I switch to US PS Plus? Or could I use this offer now and extend my AU subscription/save the credit for AU store sales?

    • Yep, you could.

    • +2

      I have a US account as my primiary because of sales and being cheaper most of the time. The US store is so much better than the Aus one that I barely use my Aus account any more. To get money on the account I use Amazon it is so easy and simple to set it up.

      • same here, US PSN ftw.
        i only use my AUS acct to play since most of my friends are on it, too lazy to submit 180 friends request again :P

      • Hi guys just curious,

        i get my psn code's for my US account from here…

        I couldn't seem to get my amazon US account to work every time i tried to purchase it wouldn't accept my CC but the above site worked fine using paypal and its in $Aus ..

        all up i paid Aus$54 for the US psn+ code … is that any good?

        decent service too u can chat to them and their pretty friendly

        • I think that's fairly good. Last week, I purchased $50 from Amazon and it turned out to be AU$54.80 with 28 Degrees. The site you've mentioned is already in AUD so I could use it on my complimentary Citibank Signature card without O/S fees! If their reward points system was also decent that might offer a small saving in the long run.

          I managed to fit 3 games in that $50 - AC IV (upgrade), COD Ghosts (upgrade) and Tomb Raider Definitive (on sale). Came up to $49.97!

  • +1

    Nice deal. Added $50 and will leave it in there until ps plus is on sale again or has the bonus months to top up my subscription for even cheaper. Most of my digital subscriptions are on the US store these days but I'm still tied to aus ps plus after being with it since day 1.

    • bear in mind there is an expiry to that voucher

      • the SEN $ won't expires once you redeem it :)

        • +1

          According to the terms and conditions it seems he may be right :( his is what it says:

          Those Eligible Persons successfully performing a Top-Up according to the steps in Clause 3 above, will receive a voucher code (“Voucher Code”), which expires on 31 May 2014, for the value of AUD 10.

          Not sure if that means just the voucher expires on that day if you don't redeem it or the credit expires if you don't use it, even if you redeem it. :S

        • +3

          Onceyou put the money in your "wallet" it will stay there, it will mix with the rest of your money like water.

        • Awesome

  • -7

    Sorry i am new to psn. So i buy a ps gift card from woolie etc to top up my psn account credit is eligible for the $10 bonus credit or do i have to join ps plus first?

    • +1

      Click on the link, read the terms, or perhaps even the title of the deal.

        • +1

          Read the title, it's PAYPAL only.

          From the link

          " sign into their SEN account and top-up their SEN wallet with at least AUD 50 using PayPal on the PlayStation®Store, or on their PlayStation®3, during the Promotional Period (“Top-Up”). "

        • Finally figured out. There is no paypal option if i wanna top up wallet directly from my ps vita but this option is available if logged onto through SEN website. No wonder you kept on saying Paypal but i could only see cc and ps gift card options in my ps vita.

  • Does the system automatically calculate lots of $50? Eg will recharging $100 automatically get me $20 or do I need to do it in lots? Terms imply it should but just curious.

    Ps thanks op. I just topped up $40 and $10. Now to see how long it is before I get the voucher.

    • I read the ToU and i couldn't find any place that suggested multiple $10 vouchers will be received. I'd be a little cautious of that. The terms of use state a $10 voucher will be given (singular not plural/multiple). However… The ad contradicts the ToU

      • If you read……

        Point 7 states "An Eligible Person will receive a Voucher Code for every Top-Up made pursuant to clause 3 above." - meaning that you'll get a code for every $50 top up.

        Having also received the original email, it has this (copied & pasted)…

        "Get a $10 voucher for every $50 Top-Up via PayPal

        PlayStation Store is bursting with games for your PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita and for a limited time, we’re giving you even more entertainment for your money.

        It’s easy to earn a $10 voucher – every time you top up your SEN account wallet with $50 via PayPal between 31st March and 30th April 2014, we’ll send you a voucher code for another $10 to spend on PlayStation Store."

  • Anyone received their $10 back yet?

    • +1

      based on my experience (with US PSN Store), you get the voucher at the end of the promo. so i guess you shld get it after 30/4.

      • Hopefully it's within 14 days

        8) The Promoter will use reasonable endeavors to send the Voucher Codes to Eligible Persons, (i) to their SEN account via PlayStation®Store message, or (ii) via email to the email address linked to their SEN account, (in respect of those Eligible Persons who have a SEN account but do not have a PlayStation®Network ID), within 14 days of the Eligible Person’s Top-Up.

    • I plan to try get a few vouchers but have only tried the one $50 deposit so far until I get an idea of the timeframe between the top up and the voucher, nothing yet. Topped up last night which was midday GMT. (Promo began from 9am GMT)

  • Sorry for the noob question but I've never had a Playstation Plus account before but just got a PS4 and want to play online.
    Will using a US account with Playstation Plus give me any issues to play online against friends in Aus?

    • +1

      That'll work fine.

      • Thanks!

  • loaded up $50 twice, hope it get the voucher soon

  • I have looked around the games on psn but they ain any cheap compared with physical copies in those retail shops. Am I missing something except for ps plus is the only bargain there?

    • they have blockbuster deal, deal of the week, and other deals now and then. but PS+ is the main reason.

    • Well, I picked up Tomb Raider Definitive Edition on the PS4 for $39.99 a couple of days ago. Normally I would prefer physical copies, but this worked out a lil cheaper (even if it was a massive download).

      The US Store has much fairer pricing. I don't know why Sony Europe (or SCEE) charge so much for digital downloads of games where you can buy the physical copy for less (and be able to trade it if you wanted to).

      They do have better sales on the PSN Store too, around Easter, Christmas, etc. It's just a matter of following the EU PlayStation Blog and see what's cheap each week… or hopefully someone will post it here on OzBargain!

    • Some of them aren't that much more for digital. It annoys me no end that it cost more to 'get' nothing, digital should always be cheaper. Cutting out the middle man, delivery costs etc.

      inFamous Second Son is $79 for digital vs $75 for an EU version (if importing), and I think Dick Smith had it the other day for $75. I have been surprised at how little the price differences have been, between a) Australia and the rest of the world b) digital vs. physical.

  • +1

    Hey, how are you guys adding funds?

    On the PS3 and PS4, if I try to add funds in the AU PSN Store it says the payment will be charged to my credit card. If I go to Account Management/Transaction Management, Add Funds, i'm only given two options - Credit Card and PSN Card. No PayPal option anywhere there, so I "topped up" by logging into my account on the PC (which should still qualify for the promo), but the instructions given at… aren't very accurate.

    Nevermind… it's because I had my CC linked to my account. As soon as I removed it, I now have the option to pay with PayPal in the PSN Store.

  • How are you guys adding funds?There's no $50 option in one transaction…so you have to do it in bits.

    Can you do like $40 then $10 and expect $10 voucher to be honoured? Does it really work like this?

    Promotion is not clear…

    3 b. sign into their SEN account and top-up their SEN wallet with at least AUD 50 using PayPal on the PlayStation®Store, or on their PlayStation®3, during the Promotional Period (“Top-Up”).

    • Promotion is clear, and so is the description above, yes you can do that.

  • Hey guys just wondering what's the best way to track discounts on games on AU PlayStation store?

    I'm thinking of using the top up only when there's a discounted title. Thanks

    • +1

      Probably by checking the playstation blog every week.

  • is this australian only? title says AU/EU only and i'm confused. I have a vita and looking into buying a ps4 soon (along with ps plus) but my region is locked to my UK account (yes i'm a pom, forgive me). can i benefit from this or not?

    • +1

      UK is EU so yeah that's fine. Why don't you make an AU or US account as well though when you get a PS4 for ease of use or cheaper stuff (US)

      • maybe i will at a later date but i'm new to it all so right now it's too much of a mindf**k to even begin to comprehend…. i have a uk psn account, an australian vita, should get either a US or AU psn account and pay for the ps plus in that region, bank accounts in uk and aus, then buying stuff from the store for the new account in that currency, still having trophies and friends on uk account. simpler for me to leave it ha.

        • Lag will kill any hope of playing with friends from the UK. I'm English as well mate, it's a nightmare.

        • +1

          ozgameshop sell UK ps+ vouchers but they wont work on AU psn accounts… so i wouldnt be 100% sure that it would work.

        • Lag? I have next to no issues playing with people from all over the world. Uk, US, other European countries. I think in my friends list only 3 are even from Australia.

        • What games do you play? Try FIFA against UK peeps.

        • For the lag I have experienced it seems to be game dependant, rather than region. For example NFS: the run is laggy, but I think it's laggy for every one from what I've heard, even for people playing each other in the same region.

        • Granted mate but I also thing that games that rely on good ping suffer across the pond. Us poms love FIFA you know ;)

  • +1

    Just topped up $50 lets see how it goes. Have never signed up for PSN+ but will try if the voucher comes in. Hope some there's some discounts on the store. But definately wait for special PSN+ subscriptions

  • +2

    You get your $10 code through the PSN/SEN. I got one of my 2 today through my PS3: (feel free to add me :P)

    • Lucky you I thought the voucher its end of the month someone suggested?

      • I was under that impression too. But when I turned on my PS3 today I got a new message with a link to the PlayStation Store. You get an email confirmation after you add the code to your account too.

        • +1

          Good stuff thanks, mine were there too!
          Kept checking my ps4 because I thought it'd be the same message box? But it wasn't there, it was in my ps3 message box.

        • No problem. :) I got my 2nd one today. I noticed that both of mine came through at exactly 10am. $10 at 10am.

    • Confirmed, I too received one today. I checked on PS3 and there was a message link to the store.

  • Those of you can't wait might as well do the ING paywave trick on DSE deal 5% of PSN cards.

  • It seems as though everyone is talking about US PSN being better, so I have a few questions.

    1. US PSN+ has better deals, is there anything your missing out on by not having AU PSN+?

    2. Will using US PSN+ cause more lag when I play my AU friends?

    I ask this because I notice most people seem to have both, but I'm only going to go for one or the other, leaning more towards US as the PSN+ is cheaper overall and when I get the PS4 ill need it to play online, the deals are just a bonus!

    • +1

      US PSN+ has better deals, is there anything your missing out on by not having AU PSN+?

      Yes, AU deals ;) accounts are free to create and considering how cheap PS+ is you might even consider getting it for both accounts. 120$ a year for a LOT of games and discounts, best part is you won't miss out on any.

      Will using US PSN+ cause more lag when I play my AU friends?

      Nope, apart from changing which store you view, prices etc, there will be no difference.

      If you were not aware if this; on the ps3 and ps4 you can have multiple accounts setup, and they can be from any region. If one account owns a game it can be played by any account setup on that system.

  • If I spend part of my top up, do I still get the $10? I bought a game earlier ($24) and topped my account with $30.

    • it should ok. as long as the total amount of top up is > $50 within this month, doesn't matter if you spend it or not since it's not about your total amount fund in your wallet account.

  • Still waiting for the $10, anyone else got theirs?

    • I have,

      • Do you get an email or you log on to PSN via PS3 to see this? Otherwise from PC?

        • I did not receive any email. I received a message on the PS3, no message appeared on PS4, but it might have got removed once it has been read/activated on the PS3.

        • thanks mate I will check it tonight

  • Nice one. Sony is getting a big boost from me. Vita deals, PSN wallet bonuses. I'm spending heaps more than the PS+ that I've been plugging along with for the last 2 years.

  • -1

    How many days from top up does it take to receive the voucher ? Is it through email or through ps3 messages ?

    • +1

      Two who have received the voucher state that no email containing the code arrived. The message appeared in their PS3 message list and contained a link to the store.

      Terms and conditions
      10) The Promoter will use reasonable endeavors to send the Voucher Codes to Eligible Persons, (i) to their SEN account via PlayStation®Store message, or (ii) via email to the email address linked to their SEN account, (in respect of those Eligible Persons who have a SEN account but do not have a PlayStation®Network ID), within 14 days of the Eligible Person’s Top-Up. Eligible Persons with a PlayStation®Network ID should log into their SEN account on their console to access their message box

  • I haven't received a message on any of my systems (PS3/PS4/PSVita)

  • Hi everyone,
    To those who have received their $10 vouchers, how long did it take? I topped up on the 9th, and I know its only 8 days but still, I thought Id have it by now. Really want to buy MGS:GZ! lol

    • I added a $20 + $40 on the 1st April the message arrived before 8th April.

      • Cool, thanks for the reply.
        So I guess it should be arriving soon.

        • I got my voucher from PSN, they send you a message you just need to click the link and it adds to your psn wallet.

          I got it about 2 weeks after I topped up $50

        • Thanks for that. Yeah they stated two weeks which is fair enough. Just hoping that maybe Id get mine earlier. But its all good!

  • Just topped up $40 + $10 for some Final Fantasy X HD magic!

  • +1

    Hi all,
    Just a heads up to those that are still waiting. My vouchers arrived 11 days ago, but were sitting in my PS3 inbox. Luckily my sisters boyfriend has a PS3 so I was able to access the messages. Im a little confused as Im logged into the same account on my PS4, but yet, no messages. Strange.

    • Time to plug the PS3 back in.. luckily I haven't sold it yet. Thanks!

    • thanks for the heads up! I woudln't have noticed!

  • Ok I Purchased 2 lots of $50 ($40 & $10) on the 13th of april and still I have no message on my ps3 or any emails.
    Am I missing something here?
    I would I have thought I would have received something by now or I would not have bothered spending my cash for no reason… I was even going to do a couple more but it would appear this is not being honoured by sony!!!
    Any contact details to chase this up.. im very disappointed indeed!

    • Did you use ps3 ps store to buy and pay by PayPal?

  • Good deal

  • Yes I did use the ps3 ps store to buy and pay via paypal no doubt.

    Simply I have never received any mail , email or message on my ps3 for the 2 vouchers

    I have emailed them and have had a response to call them to find what the problem is (and they told me the codes should arrive no later than 14 days after the transactions has now been 19 days so well I have missed out at this point) which I will be doing today.
    For whatever reason something is not right.

    Update pending on phone call.

  • Got my voucher codes today after purchasing last Friday, so 7 day turnaround for me, not bad!

    Word of warning: you can only have a maximum of $200 in your account. I've got $195 and a $10 voucher to redeem.. luckily it looks like Sony is having a decent sale again this week (haven't confirmed for AU?)…

    • US only so that sucks for this deal, it doesn't apply.

  • +2

    Called Sony Today And Still waiting on why I have not received vouchers.
    Was again told should have been no longer than 14 days after payments… well over they said is now 20 days.
    Awaiting a phone call from Sony for answers… Fingers Crossed.

    • Good luck mate. You've checked the console you paid on?

    • Hey dealmeup

      What contact details do you have for Sony?
      I also have not received a voucher and it has been over 14 days for me too. I've emailed Australian support but no reply yet.


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