Wasn't happy with the 15-visits from preferred, so here's the good-old gold one we can take advantage of:
As a Businessworld Gold member you can now enjoy:
- Unlimited walk-in access to more than 1500 business lounges and cafés worldwide
- Complimentary Internet, tea and coffee on every visit
- 10% discount on meeting rooms, day offices and videoconferencing
- Professional administrative support from our professional onsite team
The promo code was ment to be for regus.co.in/amex, but it works for regus.co.uk/amex (tried .com or .com.au, didn't work).
I've tested the process and it works! And, by the way, you can have multiple cards in your name on your account too.
Thank you very much. Been looking for free lounges deal since i will be traveling on june to europe with a baby.
Do you think a baby can be brought to the lounge since this is a business lounge?
Thanks for the deal anyways.