As part of SXSW, comiXology are giving away codes to comics and graphic novels. Some are issue 1 of a set, and some are complete collected storylines ie, Transformers: Autocracy. Codes found on link, and there are more being revealed each day of the weekend.
Fridays codes:
SXNINJAGO - Ninjago vol 1 ($? value)
SXINJUSTICE - Injustice: Gods Among Us #1 ($0.99 value)
SXPONIES My Little Pony #1 (for all the closet Bronies out there) ($7.99 value)
SXBATMAN - Batman '66 #1 ($0.99 value)
SXLOCKE - Locke & Key vol. 1 ($11.99 value)
SXARKHAM - Batman: Arkham City #1 ($1.99 value)
SXTRANSFORMERS - Transformers: Autocracy ($11.99 value)
SXTUROK - Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #1 ($1.99 value)
SXFABLES - Fables #1 ($1.99 value)
these codes have expired.
Saturday Codes:
SXSMALLVILLE - Smallville: Season 11 #1 ($0.99 value)
DEADPOOL - Deadpool: The Gauntlet #1 ($2.99 value)
SXADVENTURETIME - Adventure Time vol. 1 ($7.99 Value)
SXSCRIBBLE - Scribblenauts Unmasked: A Crisis of Imagination # 1 ($0.99 value)
SXTHINKTANK - Think Tank vol. 1 ($5.99 value)
SXMANOWAR - X-O Manowar #1-4 ($11.96 value)
These codes will expire 4pm Monday AEST.
Sundays Codes
SXGRIMM - Grimm Fairy Tales vol.1 ($9.99 value)
SXIMAGE - 4 Image Favorites ($5.97 value)
SXTREK - Stark Trek: Ongoing vol. 1 ($7.99 value)
SXGVN - Three Guided View Native™ Favorites ($5.97 value)
SXMBRAIN - Ten Monkeybrain Favorites ($10.91 value)
SXLOOK - Lookouts #1 ($0.99 value)
That's all the codes revealed. Saturdays will expire 4pm AEST today, and Sunday codes will expire Tues 4pm AEST.
Codes redeemed at;
comiXology account required
ios app:
Android app:…
Windows 8 app:…
for the newbies, everyday free comics can be found here;
Awesome, thanks