This was posted 11 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DOULEX Credit Card Sized LED Pocket Lamp $0.02 Delivered @ Gearbest


What an awesome price for a novelty gadget, and pay with Paypal to fully protect your 2 cent investment. Here's a YouTube video of the product

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closed Comments

  • -4

    $1 for insurance is a bit steep !!!

    • You can always untick that box.

      • -1

        What if it gets lost in the post though ???

        • +42

          Order 99 (different emails of course) for 99c, one is sure to get through.

    • Is jv just getting negged because he/she is jv?

      • +1

        He takes the negs so you don't have to, kinda like Christ on the Cross, the more he takes the less there are to go 'round.

  • +12

    Giving a plus just for the music in that youtube video. Idunno wtf that was, and I have no idea if I like it. +1 for the mindwarp

    • All I can tell is that it's something sung in Chinese……

    • +3

      Music was v. interesting indeed! Certainly better than Bieber and 1D in any case ;-)
      Here's another review
      Keep in mind Paypal conversion doubles the price! 2c ;-)

    • Quite possibly the most awful music I've ever heard…my ears are soiled!

  • curious. anyone tell us a story?

    • +4

      once upon a time …..

      …. zzzzzzz

  • +24

    I don't even really know what this is, but it's proof that I'll buy anything if the price is low enough.

  • +13

    2 cents and fits in your wallet , great for emergency lighting when your phone dies

    Only one per customer though … was going to buy 100 and stick them all on my wall

    • me too, had my hopes up when I got to the payment page..

      let me add 50 to my cart before "changing" it.

  • +5
    • +1

      Hey, just had a lightbulb moment… whip this baby out on the table at your next non-romantic restaurant.
      Now you're a romantic!

      • +1

        Also it reminds me of the OzBargain default avatar

        • +7

          Let me guess… you bought two?

  • +8

    The budget is a bit tight this week, can't afford it.

    • +15

      I put it on my credit card, 55 days interest free !!!

      • +16

        put it on my credit card

        you can put it over your credit card too once you receive it

      • +6

        I bought it anyway, will just have to work back tomorrow arvo for a few more seconds.

  • +5

    Father day gift sorted :p

    • +58

      Son, I am disappoint.

      • +7

        Dad, you need to go back to school.

        • +1

          Forget spellings. Feel it :)

        • +3

          Forget feelings. Spell it :?

        • +2

          Forget it. Feel Spellings :!

    • my dad going to love this. love this kind of shit and bottle of rum. last year was remote that flot in the pool he was wow for hours.

  • It's actually only 1c (USD).

    The payment amount is: $0.01 USD

    Anyway, I'm slightly confused why the allow paypal, don't they charge like ~30c in fees…

  • +1

    I have one, now will get a second and the bedroom will be twice as bright :)

  • +5

    see you in hell shameless consumers

    • +1

      Says the guy with an ozbargain account…

    • +1

      Oh you're going that way too ? Any chance we could car pool ?

  • Bought one. Thanks OP

    • +16

      You're joking right…?

      I just paid 100% more than what I should have.

      Just my 2c.

        • +16

          Think you missed the joke and will now be negged into oblivion.

        • Oh… I laughed when I read this :)

        • +1

          One day he'll see the light.

        • Feel bad for easternculture, can I give him my pluses?

  • +1

    Should come with a welders mask as standard practice.

    Dangerously bright. OH+S warning not prominent enough.

    • +3

      Ozbargain Safe Work Practice or Maybe TA should do a risk assessment first

  • Ordered one, hopefully it gets delivered!

  • Quuuuiiick!!! Someone send me a promo code before these little puppies sell out!

    • +4

      Here you go:

      他妈的 小气
      • +1


  • Is the site reliable?

    • +11

      It's a bloody cheap way to find out.

      • By that I don't mean if the product arrives or not. But details such as paypal email address+ residential address. Sure you cant do much with those alone but still…

    • +2

      Make sure you use protection

      • +10

        use protection

        This deal is for DOULEX .. not Durex

        • +4

          There are too many comedians on OzBargain.
          Just how I like it.

        • +5

          Not to be confused with Dulux Protective Coatings.

        • +2

          Instructions unclear. Stuck with paint all over my penis.

        • -7

          Stuck with paint all over my penis.

          was it black paint

  • +2

    I just love late night Ozbargain digital looting. 2 cents inc delivery is a steal, literally.

    • +4

      It's literally not.

  • +1

    Sold :-)

  • +2

    how does it even work? :O

    • +3

      who cares?

    • +2

      You rub it for an hour and the static electricity runs through the amorphous filament letting it glow for 0.1 seconds. I think. Could also use a battery and a led, but that would be boring.

  • +4

    Please remember your order number: w1237651273564132097420 Ofcourse! I'll be sure to do that..

    • +17

      I made up a poem to remember mine…

      • +2

        what was it

        • +8

          Probably like this:
          I wrote a poem
          So I'd be knowin'
          What my order number was
          And I'd get a few ozbargain pos'
          It was w1237651273564132097420

        • +6

          Mine was

          A 2c LED was the deal
          So cheap it is almost a steal
          Order number w1237651273564132097…FOUR TWO ZERO
          Tightarse the poster is our hero
          Unless it's a scam and not real

  • +2

    how does 1 cent US round to 2 cents AUD?
    if FX rate is AUD = US 0.89
    0.01/0.89=0.011 rounds down to 0.01
    saved 50%.
    Paid by 28degrees, this will be interesting…

    • +1

      Came to $0.01c for me on my Bankwest Zero platinum.. well it hasn't shown on there yet, but my current balance is -$0.01 and this is the only thing on my card at the moment.

      • -1

        Bought and paid two cents by PayPal.

        Then I got that feeling non oz bargainers must experience when they realise they just overpaid.

        Then I realised I only overpaid by one cent.

        Then I had buyers remorse.

        Then I consider cancelling the order and paying by credit card.

        Don't lie. You feel the hurt too.

    • i dont think thats right…

    • Hi Hugh

      I tried two different linked cards via the same Paypal account. One charged 0.01c and the other 0.02c
      Perhaps it's the way the credit provider does the rounding ? It would not appear to be Paypal itself.

  • +6

    I have no idea what I'll ever use this for, but when I saw it, I just HAD to have it….

    I think I need help.

  • I had one a few years ago. it's crap. broke within 2 minutes. it barely gives out any light at all.

    save your 2cents

    • -1

      how much did u buy it for

    • +1

      Yeah but you're not a real Ozbargainer until you buy stupid crap like this with your 28 Degrees.

      • +4

        i bought one any way.

        2cents for the battery, LED, packaging to recycle for ebay crap I sell.

        • +7

          thats the spirit .. please proceed to window number 5 to collect your ozbargain badge

        • +3

          +1 for reusing packaging for eBay sales!
          (and not for the environmental factor… get your priorities straight)

    • +3

      2c is worth the suprise you get in the mail in a months time..
      Who cares really if it works or you throw it in the bin right away

      • +3

        I want to see how surprise you are when you pick it up from Australia post 5kms away from your place expecting something else. :))

      • You just talked me into it … I did the same thing. Love all these little parcels of nothing.

  • +3

    The music in that video… I've just discovered my seizure threshold.

  • +2

    Ok so Bf just asked me what I'm doing. I said shh I'm buying useless stuff bf asked why? My response, I dunno oz-y bargain style.

    • +3

      Tell him you are having an orgy with 2295 people (at time of writing) on Ozbargain, go away and mind your own business.

      Definition 2, of course. Don't be dirty!

    • +3

      If he doesn't get it, time to get a new bf.

      One that saves money like us by buying useless crap that we don't need, and will never use. Oh, wait.

  • -1

    Some of their Mice looks good :-)

    • -5

      i wouldn't be ordering live mice online unless you want them dead

  • +1

    Any coupons available for this site?

    • Next Week we have some coupons for other product, Pleased you kindly wait for it patiently.

      • +3

        I will wait aggressively and impatiently.

  • +5

    Too expensive

  • But will it blend?

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