Coles has 4 pack of coke glass bottle 250ml for 3.50.
Pretty cheap considering it tastes about 100 times better out of glass compared to cans and plastic.
Enjoy the sugar!
Pretty sure the end date is next Wednesday. My local Coles had stacks of boxes so should have a fair few at your local Coles too.
4 Pack Coke 250ml Glass Bottle Packs for $3.50 at Coles! 50% off!

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Yep. I was interested @ $7. $3.50? I'm certainly sold.
taste also depends on the expiry date and were the stock has been kept
Also seen them but for $7 i laugh and walked off.. $3.50 pretty good but not available to buy online which sucks.
That would be the lowest price for a 4 pack of glass Coke bottles ever. At best they're reduced to 5-dollars something from time to time.
Bare in mind though these are not the 330ml or 290ml varieties of Coke bottles you normally get at resteraunts or on the shelves at your supermarket, they're 250ml; but for this price, that's acceptable.
Yeah - I reckon I saw some in the Reject shop a while back, and even there they were selling for $1 each.
So about 85c per 250ml bottle? Then I have been thoroughly ripped off at cafes and restaurants that sell these 250ml bottles for $4 or even $5 (at an Italian restaurant in Paddington, Sydney). Coke should come out with thimble sized bottles… I'm sure restaurants would buy them and try to sell them for $3.
My wife works at an upmarket Asian restaurant in Perth and they sell this sparking water for $14 a bottle. The scary thing is, people buy lots of it.
I bought a 400ml one the other day for $3 lol.. its a very nice glass bottle.
I pine for the day they bring back 750mL glass bottles.
I have them every day - longnecks
Stays colder longer too. But at 250ml, probably wont last long enough to notice.
Coke tastes so much better from an aluminium can. Much fizzier
Aluminium cans have an interior liner which is largely plastic. Degrades the taste a lot.
Glass Bottle > Can > Plastic Bottle > Paper takeaway-cup.
I must be a weirdo, because the only coke I like is the syrup concentrate that maccas and HJs uses. Real coke is too fizzy for my tastes, and makes me burp out of my nose which hurts. Same goes for Fanta and Sprite.
I'm probably the only one in the world that prefers HJ coke.
you're not alone…
burping out your nose does make you very unique
I prefer the following order
Glass Bottle > Can > Plastic Bottle > Licking up spilt coke off the footpath >Paper takeaway-cup.
burping out your nose does make you very unique
It's an involuntary burp that can't be suppressed. You've never experienced it?
semi with you.
When im actually thirsty i also prefer the watered down cokes with less fizz.However for general drinks with meals etc, its pretty horrible - especially if you let it sit for 10 mins.
If you like you coke more watery and less fizzy, just add some tap water to normal coke
I'm with you. Particularly when I'm hungover, there's nothing better than a Maccas Coke.
Actually as my English teacher told me many years ago, it's impossible to be 'very' unique.
One litre of coke for $3.50……. bargain?
Yeah, for just the liquid, it's certainly no bargain.
But, for the packaging, the sentimentality, and the fact its reduced from absurd levels, a bargain it is. I know my mum loves coke in this type of glass bottle, so I'll be buying her some. It'll go a little to paying her back for all the free home-cooked meals I've scrounged from her over the years (and still do ;). Now that is undoubtedly a bargain!
And think if you buy 9 packs you can get 4c off your fuel which costs a $1.50 a litre
Then again addictions are always a bear….
Pretty cheap considering it tastes about 100 times better out of glass compared to cans and plastic.
If that really was the case, then why hasnt this sold out at $7 a pack???
Looks to be Australia-wide. Just picked up some in WA. They've had these limited edition Coke bottles since Christmas, must be the last of them.
Found a heap at Coles Warnbro - great cheap addition to my Coke collection.
I'm puzzled why coke aust don't offer more options for consumers to buy coke in glass. 500ml, 1lt etc. They could charge a mint for them but we'd buy them. Its a luxury good with an inelastic price curve.
It's neither a luxury good nor has an inelastic price curve. You can even see limited evidence (small sample size) of the price elasticity properties in this thread, people bulking at a) $3.50 for a litre of coke or b) won't pay $7 but will pay $3.50. While there is no perfect substitute for coke for die hard fans, there sure is for the majority of consumers.
At Coles, 1L Coke Zero (not even refridgerated) is more expensive than 1.25L or 1.5L. It's even more expensive than 2L when the 2L is on special.
The shelves are full of the 1L which no one buys and will never get moved.
6 pack of 375ml coke cans are more expensive at Coles than at my local 7/11. :\
Ideal for stocking up a home bar, much more visually appealing than cans/or plastic bottles…
Yes definitely mirin the glass. You do good work Heisenberg.
Just to let everyone know the expiry is 17 November 2014. So plenty of time to use them. For those that think it's not a bargain as it's $3.50 a litre, you obviously don't know how much better coke tastes from glass. Oh and how much more expensive it normally is to get the luxury of the glass..
Just bring those glass to HJ for free refill
My local HJ doesn't do free refills anymore.
The reason Glass coke tastes better is less carbonated and less preservative.
Coke doesn't seem to think so:
"The ingredients and manufacturing processes used to make Coca‑Cola are the same, regardless of the package type. Factors such as temperature of the drink, whether it is drunk from the package or after having been poured into a glass, how it is poured into the glass and other foods consumed at the same time, are among some factors that can alter the taste perception."…
And don't forget to throw in confirmation bias to boot. Not saying it does or doesn't taste better in glass in a blind test - I have no idea - but it's very likely the case that it will taste better to people who are expecting it to taste better.
And before anyone points out that this sounds stupid because it doesn't sound very intuitive go and read about taste testing and how we actually perceive taste.
I admit. I tend to not be eating anything else when I drink glass coke.
I guess no one wants to pay $7.00 for 4 very small bottles of coke.
I can confirm this price at my local Coles at Barkley Square, Brunswick - Victoria ;)
lots of stock too.Where abouts in the store? Didn't see any today.
Instead of the drinks aisle try looking at the ends in the front or back.
Love the 50's style glass coke bottles, gives you that extra authentic feel of being at one of those American Diners you see in old television and film, all we need now is some pretty women wearing skimpy clothing and on roller skates to serve it to us.
Saw this tonight when i went shopping before seeing it here. Only picked up one pack, didn't quite realise how good a deal this was as I tend to avoid soft drink now. Wish I got more!
It had want to taste like gold at $3.50 per litre! I'll 'suffer' drinking the cans from the Coles deal at $1.51 per litre
Crown tops. Do they still twist off?
Thank you. I was waiting for it to be half price.
It is a marketing gimmick. Release product at high price and place in aisles or other prominent place. Wait a period of time. Them blam, reduce price as if it is on promo. Product starts selling. Sorry but this is standard FMCG practice for "limited edition" lines.
Marketing gimmick or not it's still a good deal…
Have you even drunk coke out of a glass bottle before?
Marketing gimmick or not, it still tastes awesome.
I was thinking the other day that it definitely tastes better out of glass. Mind you this was after my Reiki session while I was on my way to my acupuncturist, which I only got into after my naturopath had to cancel on me. So I promise you it does.
When I was a kid Coke out of small bottles seemed to be much fizzier and better tasting than the canned versions of today. But I'm not in the least inclined to pay 33%+ more to "taste the diffrence'.
Can anyone confirm SA? Couldn't see any in Rundle Mall looking quickly but they seem to stock a little less than suburban stores
Some at Welland today stacked near front of aisle. Extra 10c/bottle in SA so $3.90.
I bought some from Brisbane.
Used by date November coke rewards tokens :(
This isn't available at my local Coles superstore in Taylor's hill
Picked up 2 packs today and it definitely tastes better out of a glass bottle, reminded me of coke from japan it just seems to have a crisper taste to it. Personally though nothing beats the soft drink you get on airplanes :)
Picked up 2 packs today as well, they didn't have the price displayed but scanned at $3.50.. Would not pay the original price of $7 though… At this price worth it for the novelty factor.
Not available at Broadway NSW
I love Coke, but wasn't going to pick this up because even for $3.50 it's not very good value. But I still picked one up today. It's so good! Shame the bottle is only 250ml!
..Sanitarium just called, they want their brand slogan back!
Floreat WA still has a lot. they're near the self-serve check-out area. so much coke-caine!
Your tip paid off mate. Cheers. Grabbed about 8, there's still 15 or so on that one beverage fridge just in front of the self-serve checkouts.
From the horses mouth
The ingredients and manufacturing processes used to make Coca‑Cola are the same, regardless of the package type. Factors such as temperature of the drink, whether it is drunk from the package or after having been poured into a glass, how it is poured into the glass and other foods consumed at the same time, are among some factors that can alter the taste perception.…
If you want it from glass, its cheaper to buy a glass….
Umm, the argument that in glass it tastes better has bugger all to do with the way its made. No one is suggesting that Coke in a can is made differently than Coke in a bottle, the premise is the packaging imparts a taste, or in the case of glass, does not. I know this, I drink beer from a stubby, its nicer than a beer from a can. Im not a huge beer drinker, I only drink one, on a hot day after being out in the sun. After Ive had the one beer, Im done, but I cant even half finish a can. I can finish a stubby.
Psychosomatic? Real? no idea. Its just how it is.
The Coke you get from HJ and McD for example is not necessarily the same. It comes in syrup form and they mix it as it pumps into your cup. At least it used to, I believe. I dont think they have kegs of Coke on tap.
Fair enough but you have to be concerned if the can imparts a flavour - from where? And what is it that it imparts.
And yes HJ and McD's taste will be different, as it will depend on how they mix the syrup. Some say that different chains make it richer.
Also you get ice with it, that waters down the syrup and the fizz.
Although I still believe paying $3.50 a litre is a hefty price for some sugared liquid pep pill, vs $1.50 on special for 3 cans (approx 1 litre).
But its just a comment, I respect the votes of the addicts here…
Fair enough but you have to be concerned if the can imparts a flavour - from where? And what is it that it imparts.
From the plastic used to line the inside of the can (otherwise you would get a strong aluminium after-taste), and nothing that is leeched into the contents of can is going to make you healthier in anyway, I can assure you that.
Plastics 101: Literally all plastic will leech some contaminants/compunds into stored food or liquids at room temperature and this is only amplified if the plastics are exposed to additional heat, light or rough handling. It's a question of when and how much; not if. Doesn't matter if it's labelled/marketed as "food-safe"/"BPA-free", etc.
On top of that there is no such thing as "BPA-free" plastic. Some reading:………
It seems you did not bother to read the posts from 26 Feb.
Please keep up at the back.
Morisset Coles still have some for that price. I bought 2 yesterday.
Saw this the other day at $7 and was interested just because Coke in a bottle has no equal. This is a really good price.