This was posted 11 years ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[STEAM/Uplay] Far Cry 3 $7.48 USD & Far Cry 2 $4.99 USD & Far Cry $2.49 USD @ Steam/ Uplay Store


Todays Ubisoft Weekend deal on the Steam store is for the Far Cry franchise.

Steam Sale ends at 4AM AEST Monday 24th Feb

As pointed out by Kirk below, if you don't mind or prefer the Uplay DRM over Steam, then it is slightly cheaper at the Ubisoft (Uplay) store. They may look like the same price, but Uplay is in AUD so about 10% cheaper then Steam which uses USD..

However, from my research, these prices are the cheapest ever for the Steam copies!!

Far Cry 3 = $7.48 USD [Steam]

Far Cry 3 - Deluxe Edition = $9.98 USD [Steam]
Far Cry 3 - Deluxe Edition = $9.98 AUD [Uplay] <<<< Cheaper!

Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon = $6.09 USD [Steam]
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon = $6.10 AUD [Uplay] <<<< Cheaper!

Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition = $4.99 USD [Steam]
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition = $4.49 AUD [Uplay] <<<< Cheaper!

Far Cry = $2.49 USD [Steam]
Far Cry = $2.49 AUD [Uplay] <<<< Cheaper!

Enjoy =)

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closed Comments

  • Anyone know if this is the cheapest far cry 3 has been?

    • +1

      It is equal cheapest (especially for a steam copy) and has only ever been cheaper at nuuvem.

      • Yes, from what I can find, kulprit is right..

        It's the cheapest ever for a Steam copy by quite a bit.. All the other deals I found were for Uplay..

        Someone please correct me if I am wrong =)

    • Thanks kulprit, Junkee. Steam's definitely preferable in terms of usability. Tempted to get this.

  • +2

    For those who prefer / are happy with a single DRM, it's cheaper direct from Ubisoft:…

    • Thanks kirt, you are correct..

      If you don't care which DRM (Uplay > Steam) then go through the Ubisoft (Uplay) store..

      They look like they are the same price, but the steam store is in USD and Uplay is in AUD.. So roughly 10% difference in price!

      I will update the deal now..

      • The alternative is to buy steam credit in-store (eg JB-HIFI), for a massive 1c saving! (and a steam version) :P

  • Great prices for a great games!

  • Any comment on how 1 and 2 are like, have only played 3?

    • I haven't played the first one but the second is very repetitive..

      Don't get me wrong though, at the time it was an awesome game and I loved playing it, but now that we have the 3rd, its not really worth playing in my opinion..

    • Far Cry 1 was a great game, but as been mentioned, FarCry 2 was a bit grindy, having to constantly clear checkpoints of troops. The environment itself is great, but the gameplay needed improvement. A pity Ubi didn't support modding for this game; modders could have greatly improved it. Farcry 1 had mod support though; there are various single player maps and campaigns available now.

      • You just reminded me.. One thing I really did like about FC2 game was the custom map maker for multiplayer..

        I think it was for PC only, but it was awesome!!!

        Do they have this in FC3? I had totally forgot about it and never looked for it =)

        Edit: just looked on Youtube and its in there.. Re-installing FC3 now haha

    • +1

      The first FarCry was more of a next-gen technology demonstrator back in the day (which is Crytek's only calling in life as far as I can see) and less of an actual, competent shooter. It doesn't really hold up today. The story is patently silly, the enemies have super-human awareness, the game is literally ruined when the Trigens show up (mutated humans that can jump football-field distances and kill you in one swipe) and despite being advertised as a nonlinear shooter with multiple ways of completing objectives, it's still linear as hell. You basically just get "wide corridors".

      The 2nd and 3rd were developed by Ubisoft Montreal, who actually know how to make games, though I know this will sound controversial but I prefer Far Cry 2 to Far Cry 3. Don't get me wrong, I liked Far Cry 3 too but it went a little too far in the direction of whimsical and immersion-breaking, which was compounded by a massive heaping of consolisation.

      I wrote a somewhat extensive review here, comparing FC3 to FC2, if anyone's interested (no real spoilers):…

      • Thanks for the in depth replies guys.

      • +1

        I like your reviews, I was also annoyed that Farcry 3 was a guide to go from California surfer to Rambo in 3 easy but unrealistic steps. Rub your tummy while patting your head, congratulations you can now stealth kill someone from below! Very over rated game, not bad, but not good either.

        • Lol, well put.

          It's good, most definitely, but game of the year? Revolutionary? Not even close.

          To me the Crysis series is basically Far Cry 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5, so when you take both franchises as an ensemble, it makes the games very tired and stale at this point.

          We've had six games now cut from the same cloth, rehashing the same tired formula: Stalk packs of enemies in largely open environments, mark objectives/threats with binoculars, travel from firefight to firefight in vehicles, undergo some radical plot twist towards the end of the game and admire the view.

          Also the story lines for the most part, while showing flashes of brilliance here and there, have been so B-grade and amateurish that it's embarrassing. The great cast of voice-actors in FC3 went completely to waste on a piss-poor story.

  • Damn Steam and there regional pricing. Especially FC2 which is twice the price here. Some games are/have been/will be again cheaper elsewhere but I want Steam copies. Excellent price on FC3 but I already have it. I might bite the bullet

  • Far Cry 3 was a brilliant game! So addictive just running around hunting and taking outposts. Plus, the story was actually decent and worth playing through!

    Strange (and stupid) thing though. The game will auto patch itself with the Steam/Uplay version but will not in the regular Uplay version (have to launch it).

  • +1

    As a side note, for those on consoles, Far Cry Classic was finally released last week:

    "Far Cry Classic is a high-definition remake and console port of the the original Far Cry for the PC"

    It's also available as part of the Far Cry: The Wild Expedition compilation (contains Far Cry, Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon):

    • Far Cry was weird. There was the original PC version, then the modified console version (which wasn't just a minor change or two) then if I remember correctly, a sequel to that console version.

      It's as if they weren't sure how best tell their story. (They were all good games though).

  • +1

    Here are some recommended 'Farcry(sis)' 3 mods:

    This site appears to have a lot of maps for Farcry games:

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