This was posted 11 years 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Elder Scrolls Online Beta Key


You'll need to create an account with Curse and then redeem the key.

Beta Period: From Friday, February 7th at 12:00PM EST (4AM AEDT Saturday, thanks Hayness) until Monday, February 10th at 11:59PM EST

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closed Comments

    • How do you dupe a forum post? This is technically a freebie deal

      • -4

        Well this should also be in the forums.
        This is not a bargain because open betas are always free.

        • -1

          A forum post by itself that is fine but it is worthy of being on deals page.

          This is not open beta, it is still partly closed beta but stress test thus the NDA rule still applies. They have never implied it to be open or closed but it is up to speculation. That being said, closed and open beta are both free so your point is invalid.

          Try searching for past deals about beta keys. You will find plenty of them as it is technically a deal and a freebie at that.

        • -3

          Technically this is nothing more than a demo, it'll never have a monetary value and so I don't see how it can be a bargain personally.

        • +1

          Even by your definition of demo.

          That was still classified as a deal under freebie. It is quite similar as to you need a code to actually enter the beta.

          If the game was free to download and play then yes it is not a bargain but when it restricts access and require code to play the game and this is the way to get the key similar to what Alienware Arena does to give out closed beta keys.

          I don't see how this cannot be a bargain since there is no way to access unless invited OR get the key from this website.

          If you search under freebie bargains. You get stuff for free when the item sometimes can not be obtained with money or can be obtained with money. It does not matter because it is a freebie.

          Same goes with this, it is a freebie, a beta key to gain beta access privilege which cannot be obtained anywhere else unless invited or purchase(illegally, yes under their t&c selling beta key is illegal). I don't see why this cannot be a deal.

        • +1

          Fairy nuff. I still don't consider it a bargain personally but that's just my opinion.

        • open betas are always free.
          Not true - Rust and Day Z were paid-for in Beta form. I reckon Minecraft might have been too actually.

        • -1

          You are still buying the full game though…

        • -3

          You have to pay to get into their Betas - that's all I know.

        • -1

          Then you don't know much…

          You pay for the full game, you get early access while you wait for the full game to come out…

        • -2

          Do you mean…you cannot play a beta without paying?

  • +7

    Thanks, I wouldn't have seen this in the forum. Downloading it now.

  • +9

    Christ, why are people so anal about whether this is a bargain or not? People seem appreciate it being posted and I know that in the past I would have missed out on a bunch of betas had they not been posted as a deal.

    • -7

      Christ? Seriously who's being anal? It's a comments page, don't bother scrolling down if you can't handle people posting a differing opinion. Nobody has negged your post after all.

        • -4

          I see no hypocrisy, could you point it out please?

        • -2

          You're saying people should be allowed to voice their opinions yet when I do it you say:

          don't bother scrolling down if you can't handle people posting a differing opinion

        • +2

          No, you misunderstand I think. I'm saying don't get offended by people offering their opinions in your post. You clearly are by the curse and offensiveness aimed at those who disagreed with your opinion.
          I'm not throwing around snide remarks at those who have another opinion, that would have been hypocrisy. Voice your opinion all you want.

        • Hah, curse and offensiveness? I think you're reading a little too much into this. I didn't imagine the word 'Christ' and anal was so offensive.

          Edit: I was merely trying to point out that it isn't going to cause the end of the world if this post were to stay up as a deal and people shouldn't be so nit-picky about it.

        • +2

          The way you used the words was obvious to at least (*looks up at your posts current neg count) 8 people other than myself. 'Why are people being so anal?'. I'm pretty sure you could have shared your opinion in a better fashion. Anyway, enjoy your beta.

        • -3

          You're digging yourself a hole with every comment.

    • Thanks to your post I have beta access now! A big deal for me.

  • Did anybody note the SIZE of this thing? What was it - 25GB+??

    • +1

      The other thread say's it is 22GB for the client + 8GB in other data. 30GB+ !

    • When people downloaded it, can you tell me whether that data is compressed or not?

      How to know: Simply find the largest non-video, non-audio files, and run Winrar. If the compression ratio is above 95% when compression the files, then it is already compressed, probably using Zip or ZLib. Previous games have most of the assets in bsa archives which can either be zip compressed or uncompressed. I suspect ~70% of the game's footprint is textures, unlike the Star Wars MMO which is apparently mostly audio files.

      I shall be doing real world stuff this weekend so no TES for me.

  • I'm silly.

    Is this for PS3 also?

    • +2

      No, PC.

    • +3

      Not for console peasants.

    • This Beta is PC only. But once the game comes out it will be PC, Xbox One and PS4. Previous generation consoles are too slow to run the game.

  • Wow, thanku

  • +1

    There was a new release of stress test invites on Tuesday for the beta, they are trying to invite as many people as possible.
    If you want to try going through the official site, you can skip the steps through Curse.

  • Don't you have to be a premium (ie. Paid) member of Curse to get a key?

    • +3

      Nope, as of this afternoon free members can claim one.

      • Sweet! People have thus been informed - much excited!

  • +1

    OzBargain guild anyone? Naturally, we should all play as Khajiit:…

    • +1

      All for an OzBargain guild :D

  • Morrowind.

  • Hmmm, digital Imperial Edition for $84 via GMG (with 20% off code)- seems better than EBGames standard ed. at $89.95!

  • +2

    Elder Scrolls fanboys might also be interested in this, a conversion of Morrowind for the Oblivion engine that is almost complete (Morrowblivion).

    They are also working on Oblivion in the Skyrim engine. No word on a 'Skywind' conversion though.

    • +1

      I would be very interested in both those projects.

      Especially Morrowind with a Skyrim engine!

    • Correction, apparently Skywind is in development as well. I am impressed by what people can create in their free time. If even 20% of the underemployed people of the world contributed to free projects (instead of, say, watching TV), the world would be much enriched.

      The download link for Morrowoblivion seems to have temporarily run out of bandwidth though:( hopefully it shall be available tomorrow.

      I can't wait till the world embraces 64 bit gaming and we don't have to worry about 32bit limkitations.

  • +2

    4 am Saturday AEDT we can begin to play.

    • +1

      Great after a drunken night out I can play skyrim when I'm home :)!

  • With the account you make for the beta, can it be used afterwards?

    • In 99.9% of games, they'll never allow you keep your beta character for the launch.

      Sometimes games do a prelaunch offer where they open the game up a day or two early for those that preordered the game though.

      • There is a comment on the forums (hidden behind a login for beta's only) that essential says - "all characters you've already made will be accessible, as will they be for any future betas" - and that was all … Good way to avoid the question! :P

  • anyone else downloaded the Mac client and then cannot find the app after "successful install"?

    • +1

      I'm sure you figured it out by now, but it's in Applications > ZeniMax Online

      • Been away so hadn't given this any further thought until now. So thanks for your reply!

  • Not sure if anyone knows this or not but the initial download is around 30GB, then from what i've read online (and I cannot verify this right now) there is an additional 25GB patch before you can play.

    Additionally, I recieved a beta invite from Bethesda themselves yesterday and started the download but cant seem to get more than 150kb/s from the downloader (yes, all other downloads are working at full speed on my connection, just not the ESO downloader) so I uninstalled it because there's no way that the download will be finished before the weekend stress test is over.

    • Must be your connection, I'm getting ~1.5MB/s.

      • and I hit 26 mB/s …

        • Mine hasn't gone over 500kB/s, averages around 200.. My net is faster than that, and I'm not the only one having issues. I guess some pipes just don't work good!

        • maybe it's the whole internode on net thing… just a guess.

      • I have no doubt it's my connection but it's purely my connection to Bethesda servers as I get full download speeds from steam and all my other regular sources.

    • I got ~13MB/s last night right after I received the email, but that was before it hit OzBargain (and other sites) — I suspect they're getting hammered right now. :)

  • +10

    If you are with iiNet/Internode etc you can get the download quota free :)

    • Oh awesome, thanks!
      I wasn't going to bother due to the huge download…. But free content, why not! :D

    • +2

      I am on unlimited TPG plan so it's also free.

    • Now THAT is useful info! Cheers!

    • Same with Adam Internet :)

      • Howso?

        Checked my usage graph and I definitely used 30-ish Gbs today, downloading this.

  • +1

    For anyone who want to know, the whole is on my computer currently sits at 29.4gbs.

    • Cheers.

  • +1

    I used to be a bargain hunter like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee

    • I'll admit it, I laughed… On then inside though.

  • Anyone else not receiving confirmation email from the TESO site after creating an account?

    • I haven't received the beta key after clicking the "Enter Now" button. Even though I've done it a few times.

      • +2

        Wouldn't work for me on Chrome, but worked fine on Internet Explorer - maybe try that?

        • That was exactly it. Was trying Firefox and nothing, tried IE and it worked first time. Thanks.

  • I feel dumb…keep getting the error message "d3dx11_43.dll" is missing - tried "repair", tried "check for updates" nothing changes.

    No way am I re-downloading 30GBs woth of files…any help appreciated :) <3<3<3

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