In case you missed out on the SMH offer, I Googled and found a $100 off code for Airbnb bookings.
Just used it successfully for a Thailand booking.
Not sure on the expiry as I grabbed it from Retailmenot.
In case you missed out on the SMH offer, I Googled and found a $100 off code for Airbnb bookings.
Just used it successfully for a Thailand booking.
Not sure on the expiry as I grabbed it from Retailmenot.
Referrers get ~$1068 . Referees get ~$59.
Thanks mate. Hope the host accepts. Booked for thailand too
The host isn't out of pocket for this, are they? Would this be US $?
What are people's experience of the ID verification process for Airbnb?
Horrendous - this was my experience from the last deal
Government ID photo upload of either drivers licence or passport - but I tried 4 x different images of my licence but it wouldn't accept
Online social media validation choice of Facebook, LinkedIn, Gmail
I tried my Facebook but it returned not enough activity
Then same message for my gmail and LinkedIn accounts- tho I access these social media access daily
My mobile number was validated with a SMS security code
Then I had to upload a profile photo to my airbnb account
Then I had to record a 30 second video message which the airbnb trust team would review
Now my trip is still pending while all this information is being validated
Pretty quick & easy for me - used FB (no profile photo) & Gmail accounts I've had for years, mobile SMS code, and uploaded Passport. Took about 10 minutes to sign up & get verified.
The host is still pending my request though had msged me. My verification has not asked for more details. Am i doing something wrong?!
I'd feel so uneasy with all that info on the net!
Got it accepted with minimal dets. Thanks op
us$100, so got $115 off Australian booking - THANKS ;-)
Is there a minimum booking etc?
Just tried it out, you can essentially get a night's stay almost free! Definitely better than the last code! Thanks a lot :)
I was able to use it for a single night booking, I'm assuming that AirBnB wears the costs not the house owner.
Nice find - there's plenty of AirBnB accom in Aus now.
$100us covers the AirBnB service fee approx.
Thanks. I'd made a booking today which hadn't been accepted yet so was able to cancel and rebook.
Where does the coupon code go?
payment page
there is no coupon code box to put.
I want to book for 2 nights in sydney. Can I make 2 separate transaction and save $200 in total ? Help
You'll have 2 lots of fees = $200
2 lots of fees ? what do you mean ?
night1 check in - then you'll technically "check out" in the morning, room "gets serviced", airbnb take their fee.
Night 2 check in again, check out in the morning - room gets serviced and ABnB take another service fee.
All bookings have a service fee which is listed for each property.
So if you make 2 bookings, you'll get charged 2 service fees.
You'll have to create 2 "new" accounts to get the $100 for each account. But 1 account can get the referral bonus for the 2nd account.
What do you understand "1st time user" to mean?
Yeah how about creating 2 account . One in my name and one on wifeyyy ?
Thanks Op. Hope my booking gets confirmed.
Just booked one night at Coogee near the beach for free! Awesome! Thanks OP
My booking just got confirmed! 3 nights in a studio in Kuala Lumpur for $21 after the discount!
Great deal/10
There are no coupon code box to put.
it's on the right hand side of payment page. Under the "subtotal"
ummm… will the host accept???
I hope so? Has anyone else confirmed this?
edit: oh nice, my accom confirmed. booked two nights in Singapore. $119 off my total booking. (didn't want to be mad stinge and re-use code using another account).
I was waiting for the host to confirm and double checked the rate. AirBnB didnt honour the promo code and the original price was back up for the reservation. I would double check that they still honoured it!
Waiting for a host to honour mine as well. Fingers crossed. Regardless if they do/don't, this is still a very, very good deal op, thank you.
Damn. My booking was declined. Host said the rates looked wrong :(
Booked two nights in Vancouver for $1!!
Thanks heaps OP
Wow. I got free one night stay in apartment for my cousin. That's really good deal.
All I get is……….
Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "/L/7504/136517/10m/" on this server.
Reference #18.56b107ca.1390791103.3088c9e2
Just registered an account in my wife's name and got a free night in an instant book apartment :)
Fantastic find, thanks OP!
My original booking when I posted was already taken, but found a new place and the code still works as of 27/02.
(Waits for the first OzBargain with no ethics to report that they set up 14 accounts to get free accommodation for a 2 week holiday, then turned up in disguise each day they check in.)
You're waiting for the first ozbargain user to do what you said and brag about it. You're waiting for the next Broden.
Thanks for the link. It's not really a broden though. Not a fan of the users who see a good deal and then try to milk it too much, even with larger businesses - that was my joke. Cheers
Made a booking for an overnight stay at Christchurch for free with the voucher. Waiting to hear from the hosts.
Partner and me made 5 bookings, so far only one approved and billed. Discount was honored. We`ve been planning a trip to SE Asia for months so this code came as a blessing. Hopefully all will accept cross fingers.
wow 5 bookings…
We would have made them anyway since we pass through a lot of places for shorter periods of time. We could have even booked 10 places easily, but thought 2.5 per head was enough.
Seems like they added a minimum trip condition of $150, can anyone confirm?
confirmed. dammit!
Yes, seems like it.
Is this minimum before or after discount?
I think its $150USD minimum (ie. 171 AUD at the moment) I couldn't make a booking for $168 AUD
Just put in my request to stay in Finland, used the code successfully. Just waiting for them to accept me now.
1st request refused :(
Just booked a joint in Paris. Thanks OP!
Two rejected reservations, so far one approved, two rejected. Two to go.
Got a rejected reservation last night - the code had deducted the $100 OK.
This morning I get "Code is no longer valid (expired)."
Looks like it expired "Code is no longer valid (expired)."
is it just me, I hate it when they can't get these things right…
" uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: , * , * , * (Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)"
Bottom line - 2 reservations accepted, 3 declined. 240 AUD saved. Not bad.
Thanks OP.
I don't understand why people gave minuses for trying to book more than one reservation per head. We have a genuine need for accommodation as we've been planning the trip since August last year and the deal showed up just in time. Whether it showed up or not we would have booked places to stay anyway.
probably sour grapes.
I successfully used the voucher, had to reschedule the booking to the following week. No problems but got charged an extra $2 for some reason. Queried this and was given an extra $20 off my booking! :)
Thanks….great find.just used to book in Vietnam.