• expired

Free First Aid Kit from MDA UK


Had too much icecream, then grab a free First Aid Kit

If you would like to order your free First Aid kit, you can do so here.

MDA UK First Aid kits have been sponsored by the late
Albert I Freedman.

Here is a link to a pic of the kit

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closed Comments

  • +1

    It says it's for the UK Jewish community

    Is McFlurry kosha ?

    • +3

      They only train the Jewish Community but the kit is International.

  • +6

    Is this for people who have been attacked by counter staff sick of being asked for the OzB special?

  • +1

    Unless it contains ipecac syrup, probably not likely to do much for an overindulgence in icecream.

    Probably only available in UK, as already mentioned.

  • It is an international freebie.

    • +41

      Can you really imagine them paying for international postage….

      • +2

        Yes I can seeing they ask you to pick your country in the order form.

  • Great deal, OP. Lets hope they can fulfil all orders from enthusiastic members of the ozbargain community.

  • +6

    The McFlurry brings out the best in the OzB people.

  • Thanks for sharing this. First aid kits are handy to have around especially when you have toddlers running a muck.

  • -3

    Kool thanks OP I got 2 of them :)

  • +9

    Like a true OzBargainer I ordered first… now to look at what I'm getting.

    I guess this will go well with the free BandAids I got https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/126550

  • Order number 53xx - I wonder how high the order numbers will go before they stop the deal.

    • Up to 54xx now

      • 55xx and counting :)

        • 584X

        • 65XX hehe

        • Order Num:234xx

        • Must have got in quick, 5182

  • Ordered…lets see if is arrives!

  • +3

    Can imagine brits packing it up thousands of orders and thinking that bloody aussies having too much free time on Australia Day Long Weekend

  • +2

    Order #59xx.
    Suppose that each costs them $10. That's at least $50,000 to send out all these. Can't imagine them honouring this deal but it would be a nice surprise to turn up.

  • +2

    It is a bit fishy.If you order 100,it still costs 0.

  • Quantity 10000000 still valid.Dont think they will send them at all.

  • Yea that's why I didn't provide real name or number.

  • I used a tv kids show character as the name. :)

    Some should order using other character names like Darth Vader, or Ronald McDonald lol

  • +12

    Not sure that just because a Jewish charity in the UK is offering something free doesn't mean we should all get it because it's 'free' for us. Perhaps they could provide twice as many kits to local residents if so many people weren't requiring international shipping…

    • +2

      Firstly, it says, sponsored by the late Albert I Freedman, so, this is most likely a bequest.
      Secondly, the most likely use of a First Aid Kit is to provide first aid and perhaps save a life, anyone's life by anyone - it's difficult for such a thing to be abused. No different to other charities and foundations that save lives.
      Hopefully, they'll send at least one per unique address.

      • +1

        I hope so. It's one thing to broden a bunch of PS3s but if someone abuses this… oy vey.

  • Bugger me, the Mossad just turned up on my doorstep.

    • Ziva David?

  • its all kosher to me

  • +2

    There are many Jewish organizations which do altruistic programs like this for humanitarian and cultural awareness. For example there is a "birthright trip organization", which basically provides a free way for Jewish youths under the age of 25 to visit Israel. There could also probably ask a donation once they have given you something for free, some people will feel more open to donate once they have already been given something for free (Reciprocation Theory).

  • ordered.. #77xx

  • +4

    I'm usually the first to indulge in free shit but something about this just seems… unseemly. They seem to be a non-profit, I doubt they'd foot the international shipping costs for god knows how many ozbargainers, freeloaders and lurkers.

    • +2

      I won't get it, either. No need in burdening the US taxpayer more so

  • Think Justin Bieber should order one.

  • Just ordered but I didn't check properly.. It somehow defaulted to a quantity of 4…..

  • +1

    For some weird reason there's a minimum amount of characters needed for your surname. I had to put in a fake surname for it to work

    • Ng? :)

      • +1

        Yep, minimum 3 letters, had to add an extra letter to my one to get it to work too

        • Ngg?

        • hhhnnnggg.jpg

  • -1

    (Edited to remove judgmental stuff and just leave information so people can make their own judgment)

    On this page the mda say they have aligned principles with the red Cross and red Crescent http://mdauk.org/humanitarian (including impartiality and neutrality) while the mission statement of the organisation is to enable the israeli state to focus its resources on security and defence. http://mdauk.org/mda-uk. Which is the state that blocked red cross and red Crescent access to the Gaza wounded.

  • +2

    here is the aussie version of their first aid kit cost $55

  • +1

    really ashamed by so many third reich reference comments…. quite sad actually

    • +3

      Agreed. This is no place insensitive / racist / sick comments. This is the Ozbargain COMMUNITY. Respect for all please. Shameful is the only word to describe a post where comments about Jews and trains get up-voted and comments expressing concern about that get down-voted. Mods - please take a look.

      • yeah, and it's self-propagating

      • +2

        great to see the Mods acting on this thumbsup

  • Another Australian version of these guys is Hatzolah.

    • MDA UK/Australia etc. is all about fund raising for MDA in Israel (not locally), while Hatzolah is all about Jewish people giving EMT community service locally (not in Israel). The first aid kit is a good way of giving back even this this is not their core mission.

  • -6

    I will like to see how many of you will dare to make similar fun of this post if that website mentioned 'They only train Muslims'. laughs sardonic laugh

    Making racist/hateful/insensitive comments is never acceptable.

    • +3

      Acceptable to whom?
      Mel Brookes (Blazing Saddles, Get Smart etc)is my all time favorite comedian. He's Jewish. Half his schick is Jew Jokes.
      Lighten up, no one is being hateful. You are taking precious-ness all the way to boring.

  • 500 Internal Server Error

    • order did go through - 28257

  • Wonder when it will finish up.

    About half an hour ago, 31439

  • Seems to have been removed now :)

  • +2

    Dear First Aid Kit Customer,

    Thank you for ordering a free First Aid Kit from Magen David Adom UK.

    We were completely overwhelmed (and somewhat surprised!) by the fact that our offer was picked up by Hot Deals UK. We never thought it would go ‘viral’. Unfortunately we have run out of stock and are unable to provide you with a free First Aid kit at this time.

    As someone who has probably never come across Magen David Adom or its work, I just wanted to take this opportunity to give you a bit of information about our organisation.

    Magen David Adom is Israel’s only national ambulance and medical emergency service. The organisation also collects and supplies 300,000 units of blood each year and is responsible for all Israel’s first aid and pre-hospital medical emergency training. As a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Magen David Adom works internationally to share its support and expertise with those in need around the world. Recenty this has included providing aid to those in the Philippines and Syrian refugees in Jordan.

    As the UK fundraising arm of Israel’s national Red Cross society, MDA UK is continually doing whatever it can to save lives across the world. This is irrespective of race or religion and free from any kind of discrimination. We receive minimal government funding and could not operate without the generosity of donors worldwide.

    Please do check back regularly on our website
    for First Aid kit stock updates. We would also like to invite you to find out more about our organisation and, if you can, please click here
    to make a donation. Thank you in advance for considering our cause.

    Yours sincerely

    Daniel Burger
    Chief Executive

    No mention of Ozbargain. :(

      • Got the same, you can't really blame them after the internet caught wind of it.

    • +2

      To be fair, the deal reached 2028 votes on Hot UK Deals compared to our shameful 179 votes. I concede that Hot UK Deals beat us this time, but next time there is an international deal we will triumph! And we have the ashes also.

      Overall, I think that MDA UK handled it fairly gracefully. It was a bequest so the budget is limited to how much they got from the donating estate.

      • Well said.
        We WILL triumph next time! ;-)

      • agree was a reasonable email. Free is free.

  • +1

    Never again!
    How can we be beaten by expert-whinging, unshowered, pasty faced Poms?
    We must crush the feeble Pommy Nancy-boy bargain hunters in the future!
    Perhaps we need to open an Academy of International Bargain Hunting in Canberra to get back on track? Worked for the cricket

    • +2

      We are too busy hunting bargains and making McFlurry to bother with voting.

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