Strictly Limited Stock!
Setting new standards for elegance and simplicity, the all-in-one iMac packs all its components - from processor to video camera - into an astoundingly thin, anodized aluminum frame. This Apple desktop has a built-in webcam that lets you communicate with your friends and family anywhere in the world. Sleek, slim and compact, the iMac all-in-one is sure to complement your interiors perfectly.
When trying to sell an ex-lease iMac the most important info has been left out of your description. We know what an iMac looks like. How old is it? What's the specs? What's been replaced when it was refurbished?
At bare minimum does it have a new HDD or has it just had a quick format and a ghost installed?
Although to a always liked the looks of the iMac I've never owned one because those specs (back when they were around) were woeful and overpriced. Now those specs are horrible, the thought of trying to get anything done with the bottleneck that would be 1gb of 667MHz DDR2 is enough to send shivers down my spine.
At the end of the day, this is still the price of a cheap system that would have specs that could run circles around it, in fact the more I think about it the new ipad may even be as powerful as this iMac…..