4 stars from 83 reviews in Amazon.
4.5 stars from 29 reviews in Google Play.
Product description from Amazon:
"ConZentrate helps to improve the focus of the mind. Conzentration app makes it a fun event by setting goals that you can achieve and at the same time allowing you improve your concentration. The result of every goal is to unlock a background or a ball or a background music.
The original name for this technique is called as Trataka in Sanskrit.
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras mentions this as "Ekatattva Abhayasa". It means the practise of One reality. Trataka is the fixing of one's gaze, either externally or internally, on a point of attention. Together with this process, a breathing exercise may have to be practiced to calm the disturbances in the mind.
More on Trataka Meditation can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trataka.
Benefits of Trataka or ConZentrate are
- Improves concentration, memory and mental power
- Some cases have shown to give spiritual powers
- Reduces stress and tension
- Improves motiviation power and foresight
The best way to use the app is
Focus on the moving ball and/or the sound of Om in the background.
Let your breath relax as you are doing the above step.
Once the mind is calmer then try focusing on the center Om or the dot".