This was posted 11 years 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Deck of Playing Cards Delivered When You Play Brew and False with Bundaberg Brewed Drinks


Got an email with an offer to play a quiz for a chance to win some money. I don't usually bother but Bundy's promotions are entertaining so I thought I would try. But they also have a game where they will send you a free deck of cards if you answer 10 simple trivia questions.

Not sure how long the promo is for but it says valid until stocks last. Time for solitaire!

Click on Play Brew or False for the cards. Another game also lets you enter to win drinks with a cocktail mix set.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    How do you even play solitare without a PC?

    • +2

      I never win with a PC, but with a deck of cards you always can cheat :P

  • +1

    wouldnt load on FF or chrome.

    • +5

      Loaded for me just fine on chrome.

    • Loaded for me just fine on chrome too

    • +1

      another for chrome compatability. (endless loading on FF though)

  • +5

    No need to google your answers for the cards like i did at the start

    Just keep answering questions til you get 10 out of 10 right.

    • +1

      I don't think you need to get 10/10 correct — I got one "wrong" and still received the cards at the end. :)

      (The one I got wrong was "Sarsparilla and Root Beer are the same thing". Their answer was true, but plenty of sources on the web beg to differ!)

      • Yeah got caught on the same one. They are very different.

        • +1

          To me they are the same taste (and god damn awful)

        • Bundaberg Ginger Beer has no equal non-alcoholic wise.

        • I prefer Saxby's, but have trouble getting the non-diet version of it anymore, so I'm developing a taste for Bundaberg.

      • +1

        I'll clarify

        You do need 10/10 to get the cards but theres no penalty for getting a wrong answer. You just get a new question,

        Keep on answering questions until you get 10 questions correct.

      • +3

        It keeps asking you questions until you get 10/10 correct, so you just keep responding BREW and you get 10/10 eventually.

        • +2

          As an alcoholic, I whole heartedly approve of your method.

    • I got one wrong about resetting the NBA shot clock for an jump ball, they said you couldn't, wikipedia says "any jump balls caused by the defense, and the offense keeps control of the ball, should the shot clock have less than 4.9 seconds of time remaining, the clock is reset to 5.0 seconds." So I'm right (well I cheated) and they are wrong !!! Still got my cards though, so 9/10 is OK.

  • all the answers to my 10 questions were True (aka Brew)

    • +2

      This is not the case for everyone..

    • +2

      Its aimed at the average Bundy drinker I suspect. You wouldnt want to make it too challenging.

  • +3

    I only got a question wrong about lung fish and I don't think their answer is correct. Where do I lodge a complaint?

    • You mean it didn't originate in Queensland???

  • +6

    You should probably put in the post that you need to click the "Play BREW or FALSE" button

  • Slow site?

  • +1

    Thanks for the post, OP

  • aced it first go! Cheers op..

  • +1

    Got five questions wrong :(

    But got to ten in the end :)

    Another day, another oz bargain freebie…..

  • +2

    I think it's getting hammered because I was able to play the first game, but nothing after that. I've tried reloading and retrying a few times - the page loads but the games can't be played.

  • -2

    Got 8 out of 10 and still got the cards :D

  • Some of the answers are actually wrong. Bundaberg need to do some research.

    Thanks for this though, kinda neat.

  • where is the "Play Brew or False for the cards" button?

    i cant find it on the page im on

  • Nice - thanks, OP!

  • +4

    current leader for the quickfire game is 26 correct.
    i cant even get more than 18 questions to load in 60secs, and thats spamming true without reading.

    • +1

      Tim Hewitt manage to get 32. Must have very good computer with fast internet.

      • The safest way is to hack the game is to capture the http-send request. Then sending out True very quickly that way you can answer without having to wait for the button to be enabled.

  • Won't load for me at all, just stays on the hourglass page…

    • had the same problem.
      changing browser fixed it

  • +2

    There are 4500 decks available for this promo.

    Rewards are strictly limited to the first 4,500 valid claims received. If stocks of rewards run out prior to the end of the Promotion Period, individuals will no longer be able to claim the reward on the Website.

    The full T&C's are here

    • +1

      This promotion will be over by midnight

      • Then a new one will start over the next 9 weeks.

  • +1

    Did some people figure out how to hack the system? I cannot even get get 20 questions to show up in that time span…

  • yeah i had to use chrome.. worked fine on my android tablet

  • Great find OP! OP!

  • Thanks OP. Got mine. Now to wait :)

  • +1

    OP, your only blunder was the spelling of Bundaberg.

    • +4


    • +1

      Wasnt the OP fault, easternculture added the BlunderBerg part.

      • +1

        Apologies OP for impugning your spelling.

        • lol no worries

  • That guy in that link looks so like Hugh jackman.

  • +3

    Congratulations! You have won a pack of Bundaberg Brewed Drinks playing cards. Your cards will be posted to the address supplied and may take up to 30 days to arrive.
    bloody hell I want em NOWWW

  • Brewed for 7 days wow, i'm not sure any drink has this much effort. I might re-try the drink range haha

  • After I got 10 questions correctly I didn't get a congratulations message ( I used my smartphone) think I'll still get it ?

    • No

      • I agree, after 10, you get congrats and have to fill out the form for your free cards.

        • I got an email for them saying "Congrats you've won the deck and will come in 30 days"

  • +1

    Tried IE10, IE10tpuch, Firefox, none working :/

    • I did the same - then Chrome! it works!

  • +4

    335 = Michael J. Owens invented bottle-making machinery in 1903. = True
    150 = The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel on the banks of the River Thames. = True
    214 = Actor Tommy Lee Jones was former U.S. Vice President Al Gore's roommate at Harvard. = True
    397 = The first motorist to be fined for speeding in the UK was in 1896. = True
    403 = Every Bundaberg Brewed Drink is brewed in the Bundaberg Brewery. = True
    383 = From 1838 until 1902 it was declared illegal to swim at public beaches in Australia. = True
    232 = Pepi II kept slaves covered in honey near him to attract flies and keep them away from himself. = True
    423 = Bundaberg Brewed Drinks used to produce a drink called 'Horehound'. = True
    4 = The Space Shuttle used Teflon on its outer surface. = True
    119 = Official FIBA basketball rules allow for a twenty-four second clock. = True

  • No lag issues with Safari on iPad.

  • -2

    not playing cards guys….

    they are trivia cards….

    • +2

      Someone's only playing with 51 cards….

      (Point 14 in the T&C).

  • The website is such a fail, not gonna waste time on it.

  • Worked fine for me on Chrome, around midnight. Thanks OP…gotta be in it, to win it :)

  • Chrome worked fine and got the cards.

  • Only Chrome worked. My IE and FF didn't work.

  • +1

    More hackers now. The highest count is now Adrian Gunawan at 38 lol.

  • +1

    I Had to use IE to use get the Site working…… I feel so dirty :( Save me Firefox :)

  • +3

    They've run out of playing cards :(.


  • +1

    More than cards. ..this quiz is crazy !!!

  • +2

    got my cards today

    Thank you Bundaberg

  • got mine today as well
    the quizzes are on the cards as well!!

  • Still waiting on these cards…

    • Same…

  • arriving soon!!!!!! i hope

  • +2

    Have not received either, got this email from them:

    You recently won a pack of Bundaberg Brewed Drinks playing cards after playing Brew or False. We hadn’t realised there were so many trivia fans in Australia, and the popularity of the game meant our cards ran out faster than expected.
    We’re currently reprinting them but there may be a short delay in your pack being delivered. If you haven’t received them by 20th March, please contact our customer service team at 1800 629 923 or by sending an email to [email protected]

  • My cards arrived (in a ratehr large envelope) at work today. Thanks OP.

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