$10 Myer gift card for 1 cent. Be quick. 1 cent charge is refundable if you can be bothered contacting the help centre.
*Your digital gift card will be emailed to you at the conclusion of the deal.
$10 Myer gift card for 1 cent. Be quick. 1 cent charge is refundable if you can be bothered contacting the help centre.
*Your digital gift card will be emailed to you at the conclusion of the deal.
Thanks OP.
Nice one. Cheers!
Grabbed one too. V.ME is really pushing to tackle Paypal lately
I'm glad. They can finally have some competition.
These V Me deals are great! Hope they continue for a while…
Got one thanks a lot OP
Brilliant. Thanks! These go fast.
I bought first and was THEN going to try and list this :D My bad!
Normally I spot these things too late to post. Very glad for the opportunity to "repay" everyone a little for the great deals they've posted that I've taken advantage of.
Thanks OP, got one too
Thanks OP! Just happened to check my email in time and was able to take advantage of deal.
This is the reason I have OzBargain on a 5 min refresh. Cheers OP!
Same here!
Here is a direct link to request the refund: https://helpcentre.scoopon.com.au/hc/en-us/requests/new (this is Ozbargain after all)
Thanks, I was going to ask if anyone could be bothered. But I have the iTunes one from a week ago, so I might request both of them. 2 cents back in my pocket!
Looks like you shouldn't be on this site.
how do you pay with v.me? it doesnt let you even after you 'buy it now'?
its the only payment option
Awesome, got one! They're really trying to get this V.me out there.
grabbed two on two accounts!
Thanks OP. Got one.
Thanks OP
I have got all these 1c Scoopon deals so far, iTunes gift card, Westfield Gift Card, Event Cinema ticket and now (pending approval) a Myer gift card… awesome deals!! Hope they keep them going :)
was there a .1 deal for westfield gift card? i got $20 card for $10 but didnt realise there was a deal for.1 as well
No you are right, it was $20 for $10… my bad :)
Same here, its been a great week for bargains! FOr the above cards it says they email them to you is that your understanding as well as when you look at it for available in my scoopons it lets you print a ticket but then says you need to wait for the email its a bit weird?
Yes I think the ticket in 'My Scoopons' is just the Scoopon reference, but that the actual voucher will come from the provider, be it Westfield or Myer etc.
Thanks…done deal.
Does the order in scoopon stay as "pending" until the end of the deal?
No, I think it just need a bit of time to process your order and then it will change to 'available in a few days'
"Available in a few days", not "Available" in a few days?
i think it's available in a "few" days
Limit of 1 Scoopon may be purchased for personal use; Scoopon gift purchases not permitted
They'll just cancel the other three, and maybe all four, just for revenge.
thanks OP got one
You made my day. Thanks
Thanks OP
After seeing it in pending status I get this:
"There is a problem with your Scoopon order – your payment was not successfully processed."
Anyone else in the same boat?
Yea, I received the same email and bought another one. Waiting to see what happens with the second purchase.
Same here
got one ! 1943 now.
How do I get my 1 cent back ;)???????
I clicked on link above but goes to help page?
1 cent processing fee applies per transaction, but it's fully refundable - contact our Help Centre for your 1c refund after transacting
Request is in!
Sign in first, then click link
what is v me ??
Visa's alternative to PayPal.
(Note, you don't need to use a Visa)
So happy that I'm finally getting some of these. I got the $20 Westfield card for $10 and now this one.
cheers mate, snagged one
I bet it will be sold out in 10 mins!
Got one, thanks OP!
How long does it take to "Process"
I'm seeing:
My orders:
You have not placed any orders!
What do!?
Yeah same here, after processing payment it says "Order Status: Your order has now been sent for processing. Please check your email" but I didn't get any email nor is there anything in my Scoopon order history. The V.me transaction history doesn't show any sign of a transaction either.
Exactly the same, I processed another order just in case.
There are going to be 2000+ unhappy people if we don't get these!
I processed another order and got a "Maximum Quantity Exceeded" email after 15 minutes.
So i'm guessing that means I got at least one.
Showing up in my Scoopons now as "Pending"
Thanks OP!!
anyone got multiple?
is there a limit on how many we can purchase?
Read the fine print:
"Limit of 1 Scoopon may be purchased for personal use; Scoopon gift purchases not permitted"
oops! was rushing to purchase without reading
Just out of curiosity, how do you find this deal? There's nothing on the Scoopon home page or their Facebook page where the last Westfield deal was announced.
Got an email and it's on the homepage, second row.
I got an email from Scoopon.
I got an email too, just after 4pm, but, I've been checking here and FB around 4pm each day too, (when I can), just in case!
Thanks. got one.
Mine still says status as pending and I haven't got any email yet
Did everyone get a confirmation email? Or is anything shown in your accounts? Nothing for me…
same. not showing up in my scoopons.
It takes like 10 mins to appear in your scoopons..
OK, now it shows as 'pending'. Weird, nothing for the first 10 min, guess their systems are somewhat challenged…
I got the confirmation email, and the electronic gift card is in My Scoopons already.
Yes, but the Scoopon says "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
So I guess it'll be emailed to us?
Oh yeah, you're right… I guess we'll wait and see.
what was your order no.(approx. number)
How long will it take to process?
10-13 mins.
Loving all these v.me deals!
anything free is awesome!
I thought my transaction didn't go through since it wasn't listed in my purchased items list so I went through the process again. Now I got an email saying that I have exceeded the number I'm allowed to purchase so I don't get any =(.
Sad times.
if you already process a transaction give it 10-15minute after the offer expire you should get an email confirmation saying it got processed.
it doesn't up instantly. just relax and you will see it soon :)
Yeah unfortunately I didn't realise that. Now I got an email which has rejected me and when I go to try and repurchase the item it tells me I am exceeding my maximum quantatity before I even do anything. =(
4k sold….
4923 sold
5000 - sold out
Sold out at 5k
sold out!!!
Sold out. Crap I saw 4992 and knew my luck is running low
just 40mins then sold out !! this is the strong purchasing power of ozbargainers!!!
darn, missed out again :-(
This is BS…. by the time I got the email it already sold out!! How do you find out about these earlier?
I thought thats why you visit ozbargain ;)
U mean hit refresh every 5sec on ozbargain
Add scoopon to your alerts and you'll get an email as soon as it hits OzBargain.
Edit: here's the link, just go there and click 'subscribe'.
Got one mate..Thanks