Holden will stop production in Australia from 2017:-
Ford has already bowed out. It will be all but impossible for Toyota to sustain local production on its own.
50,000 workers in the Automotive sector. Plus the knock-on effect for all the people who cut their hair and cook their burgers and chips.
Softening terms of trade, business and consumer confidence down, it certainly doesnt bode well for the near future.
Anyone got any views on where the economy is headed?
Edit (_Bruce_): Corrected statistics.
Poor argument, the top speed is a factor of power, which has a lot of use at lower speeds. Happy for you to argue for speed limiting on cars, but that isn't the same as power limiting. Also, it is what the market wants (for some markets).
1930s Germany is a great example of what we do NOT want. Consider yourself very lucky we do not have those problems.
One thing VW cars are not is simple. Reliable and affordable are subjective, they certainly aren't as affordable as Asian cars.
We've always been retarded. Death toll for driving has always been crazy high, we are trying to remove the humans, because they frankly are no good at driving (and never have been).
You seem to be suggesting we should be going back to removing safety and automation and have human labour for everything. Perhaps this is OK because we can just create labour camps and get all these 'boat people' to do the work for us? Hello Germany.
Can't have one without the other. Humans are unsafe.
Not cost effective. How useful is this anyway? It is also a safety issue (old WV cars are so VERY unsafe).
Sounds like just a random idea. Any reason you think this will work better? Ceramic doesn't magically make the heat go away.