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Apple iPhone 5C 16GB White $590, iPAD AIR 16GB Wi-Fi $489, iPAD AIR 64GB Wi-Fi CELLULAR 4G $774


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closed Comments

  • -6

    Iphone 5S 32GB for $500 delivered LOCAL STOCK

    • +1

      min order 2 and its USD

      • Yeah just noticed but still for Brand new i think its bargain

    • +4

      Brand-new or refurbished? It is too good to be true.

    • +1

      you my friend are a genius

    • +2

      why is it in USD when the item is in Australia ? also contact is outside of eBay

    • +7

      Looking through the review, Most of his item are gaming related

      The one item being a phone is a use one.

      Excellent besides the home page being porn
      Samsung GALAXY S4 16GB GT-i9505 13MP UNLOCKED (#181206323572)

      Best feed back i ever seen on ebay.

      Look to me that his account got hijack and I am confident that this is a scam.
      The description style of the phone deal does not match any of the style of description on his normal gaming product.
      Even the email for query is different as the normal query email is consolegamer@hotmail.com as oppose to

      • +1

        Too good to be true. iPhones do not fall from the sky.

        • +2

          Bit confused I bought 16Gb one do I pay him or wait ???????What if its SCAM

        • -3
        • +6

          I am 90% confident that this is a scam.
          Stuff like this happen all the time, Scammer look for Ebay account with relatively good feed back, hijack the account, change the payment gateway and post up a scam.

          If you want to try your luck you can pay with paypal. You ll be sure that you wont lose money if its a scam but might be out of pocket for a short while.

          @formal, no Mate, that deal was sponsor by ebay. This deal is not. Just read what i posted above.

        • Also bought one, should i pay him?

        • +3

          I think you better not.

        • +1

          I received a message from the seller.

          Sorry, our account was hacked, we do not sell or stock iPhone 5's, the listing was cancelled and the orders will also be cancelled.

  • they still has the 16gb model for 500$

    • Yeah even I missed 32Gb one now have to settle for 16GB :(

  • Damn it, missed all the 5s… Ended with purchasing the old mini for $278

  • +2

    The iPad Air 64Gb Cell + Wifi is cheaper than the 64Gb Wifi only, and over $200 less than Apple….

    I'll bite and hope

    • yes the 64gb is awesome, but I did purchased the office work for $10 cheaper than the ebay price, still waiting for confirmation…

      • wife PLUS cellular? Even if you don;t want the cell, it's better due to the gps

        • Yes $769 from office work air 64gb cell+wifi

        • When was that? I can't see it on their site. They have the iPad 4 64Gb Wifi+Cell for $878

        • ah, that was the staff only one, where staff numbers will be checked. Don;t reckon you'll get it

  • and looks like i just bit in time… all gone

    • +2
      • man, maybe I should grab one of them as well!

      • Sold out as well now

    • There were 25 available and 4-5 people bought multiple ipad, so I guess Ausluck will relist it soon again..

      d***w ( 4 ) <— This guy bought multiple ipad mini, multiple ipad air. I hope Ausluck dishonour him. Even though I do not need ipad..

  • Lots on gumtree now for $850…. that's a profit of about $70 each!

    But I don't do that….

    • -1

      sure you dont…

  • Trying to by the Iphone 5C for the wife with Paypal. Keeps saying:

    Unfortunately, we're unable to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please return to the merchant's website and try using a different payment method (if available).

    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Don't really want to use another payment method..

    • +2

      I think it's telling you that it is a bad idea buying a 5C.

    • It says he accepts Paypal, so try contact him.

    • Same here, getting the exact same error message.

      My PayPal account seemes to be fine — I think it might have been suspended for some reason, but I just trasnfered some money to my other PayPal account to test and it transferred fine. It looks like the problem is with the seller's account.

      • Keep trying. Mine just worked after about the 10th attempt.

        • Yup, just worked for me; must have been a temporary glitch. :)

  • +2

    Since when has the ipad mini had a RRP of $479? I'm sure some people were tricked in thinking this was the 2nd gen ipad mini based on RRP alone.

    • Lol, that was me. I was devastated when I clicked buy and it was sold out. Later realised it was just the first gen iPad mini, its usual selling is only about $40 more. Definitely not 48% off.

      Nice ploy ausluck, very sneaky.

      • Still the best price around right?

        • Maybe not the best, pretty sure some ozbargainers would've got their way to a lower price, but I reckon if you really wanted the iPad mini 1st gen, then it is a good price. Saving yourself around $40 to 60 I think.

    • Yeah, it is only 350 from apple store lol

  • +1

    Ausluck's in Rowville, Vic.
    Noticed that items are also available for pickup.
    Prices in the website are different.

    • It should be different since this runs by eBay. =D

    • Because this one is a "sale". It's better than their normal prices though, but not a huge discount.

      • -1

        An example.
        64GB WiFi Cellular: ebay price is $774 and website price is $1049.
        26% price difference.

        • What is your point?

        • Edit: Okay, that 64gb deal was a good price, but not the iPad minis.

        • 64Gb, not 16Gb

        • This is decent deal as it is nearly $200 cheaper than Apple store.

        • My point is prices are unbelievable.
          Compare the 16GB WIFI Cellular with the 64GB WIFI Cellular.
          The price difference is only $99!
          $849 against $948.

        • This deal was specially ran by eBay Australia.

        • +1

          My point is prices are unbelievable.

          We went over this ad nauseam when eBay offered the iPhone 5S for 50% off two weeks ago — that sale proved to be legitimate: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/124085

          The prices are cheap because they are being subsidised by eBay for promotional reasons. This sale was promoted directly by eBay on their FaceBook page, as well as the Sunday Deals section of their website: http://deals.ebay.com.au/FlashSale/Top-Gifts-Wrap-Up

  • Contact number on Ausluck's website is (+61)3 9755 5215. 9am to 7pm Mon to Fri.

  • I have bought an iPhone in the past with this guy and he was reliable……the only thing make sure he sends you a receipt for warranty purposes. He didn't send it with my purchase but emailed it when i asked again.

  • Wow spewing. Ipad buy would have done me for xmas

  • My white 16GB iPad Air arrived today after ordering it on Sunday night. Amazing deal for $489! So glad I took the plunge and grabbed it.

    • my one arrived too. wow…it was an awesome deal. BTW I have not got any tax invoice. can it be a problem for warranty? should I asked them to send me the Tax Invoice?

  • Thank you so much OP. :)

  • Received my 64GB ipad Air cellular a few days ago. It was interesting to note it had marked in red texta XA2229. That is the code Dick Smith uses for this ipad http://www.dicksmith.com.au/apple-ipad/ipad-air-wi-fi-cellul…

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