Just saw this on my FB Feed. Looks like a good deal for an iPhone 5S.
Brand new and Unlocked!
Just saw this on my FB Feed. Looks like a good deal for an iPhone 5S.
Brand new and Unlocked!
5S 16GB - $434.50
$869 from Apple… looks dodgy
This was an ebay promotion which went out on their emails tonight. Seems legit.
It was also advertised on their facebook feed.
In reply to all you folks, its 100% genuine sale and not price error or anything, its part of eBay huge Sunday sale ! so who ever got it be happy !
this was the first sale for huge Sunday sale: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380771…
and they had a space gray as well, and last one was this one that everyone missed !!
I am sorry for thoses ones who didnt get
Wow, exactly 50% of the Apple price…they don't even TRY to make it look legit any more…
What if… It's 50% off?
What's your point exactly? If it's 50% off, that means it becomes 50% of the Apple price. Spelling Nazi fail.
Purchased. Hopefully PayPal will save the day if its dodgy.
We shall all follow your story now. Let us know how it goes buddy!
Received today.
All good.
ol gil is getting nervous
haha this has to be dodgy…
Despite the sellers feedback
Someone's made a mistake, I can't see them honouring this price.
Looks crazy man, this is ridiculous.
+ve from me mainly for the price and seller feedback.
However, the price does seem very suspicious; I had the impression it was the 5C that would be going for cheap not the 5S, mainly due to lack of interest.
EDIT: It's expired…
express meltdown :D
DAMMIT… refreshed 60 seconds later and all gone. Snooze = I lose. Think i might have to subscribe to these eBay Daily Deals.
Well I'll let you know if I get one, I doubt it though. :)
iPhony 5S more like it…
Seems like just in time. Will keep you updated if they reneg
its most likely a mistake.
Oh Wow
Looks good. I love OzBargain!!!
Yeah but the email they sent out had it listed at $775 (hence why I didn't bother and missed out ): )
Yeah when I logged on before I saw the grey and silver were suddenly at $434.50 but both were already sold out so I didn't post it here.
The gold was still available at $775 at that time.
I saw the post on eBay's Facebook page that the gold was about to be dropped to half price too and managed to get one. I think they sold over 100 in a 5 minute span.
Just bought one and confirmed by seller its the real deal, I have also bought a Sony Xperia Z Ultra for $399 from the same seller and can confirm the phone is good as I am using it now. So this I will say its the real deal. I am not associated with this store by the way.
If it's not fake, it's stolen. ;)
Z ultra for $399 where?
damnit i missed out on that too! didn't even see it -_-
Well I'll be a skeptic until it arrives, but nothing really to lose here and everything to gain. :D
Haha, i missed out on getting one :(
It looks fairly legit and endorsed by eBay themselves.
Good luck guys!!
I got one even though I kinder think the gold iphone is a little tacky. I'll keep you all informed. PayPal don't fail us now…
Make sure it is brand new sealed in a box. What my cousin experience was he bought a Nokia 8810 back to ages ago was in fact a 8350 repacked with a 8810 shell and sold as 8810 at a premium price. Never know if this is an iPhone 5 you end up with a dispute.
It would be evident from the first time you try to use the fingerprint scanner.
Yeah, i heard they are packing iPhone 5 internals into a plastic case and calling it the 5c
I bought Galaxy gear from last week ebay deal and it was already opened by someone then fake seal was placed on the top of broken seal. It was from DWI not cc electronics, but they are same hong kong. So check out carefully whoever bought this..
Legit deal, officially endorsed by eBay Australia on their FaceBook page — I'm assuming they're paying the seller the price difference.
Okay everyone they're available again, wtf is going on??? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Apple-iPhone-5S-Silver-16GB-Unloc… and http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Apple-iPhone-5S-Grey-16GB-Unlock-…
perhaps listing again from the people that bought more than one? Eh, i bought one, hopefully won't have to resort to Paypal dispute, especially if it's a deal that's been promoted by eBay themselves
Yup, only lasted a few minutes, and the listings ended at 23/19 sold, so must have been the ones that had been double ordered. I coincidentally only saw the listing from checking new listings for iPhones. Lets see how this pans out.
Got 1. Thank you.
manage to get the second-last one! thanks heaps, Chickenleg!
have been holding back my wife for ages.. now a good xmas gift.
10/10 would not risk
Update: 11/10 would not risk
I just don't see this as being real..
They would be making a huge loss for this promotion.. unless Ebay is in partnership and covering the loss?
Lets say for arguments sake that the wholesale cost for an iPhone 5S from Apple is $700. This would be a loss of at least $266 per unit.
They sold 350 of them at this price (other colours were also sold for this price in other listings).
That is a total loss of at least $93,000! (without even including ebay fees, labor, expenses, shipping costs etc)
PS: I am an ebay seller myself so it made me tick the rep box..
They would be making a huge loss for this promotion.. unless Ebay is in partnership and covering the loss?
They almost certainly are covering the loss/price difference. eBay Australia are heavily promoting this iPhone sale on their FaceBook page as part of their new "Sunday Sales" — this is marketing. :)
Loss? You do realise the component cost is $200 + other factors which result in a vastly inflated rrp?
Obviously, Apple takes that profit… Apple would not let this go for any less than $700 wholesale. We are not buying direct from Apple here.
Retailers only make around 5-10% margin on apple products if they're lucky.
Is Apple selling it themselves at $434? No
Component and manufacturing costs are completely irrelevant in the context of my comment.
$434.50 is below the wholesale cost to the sellers, and they clearly aren't going to sell 150 of these phones at a significant loss — for promotional reasons, eBay Australia is likely picking up the difference between the sales price and the wholesale price (which the sellers bought these phones at).
They gonnneee
2 mins after you post, I check.. Ended.
Got one of those, thanks so much for posting! Prefer the silver over the gold too, so I'm pretty happy. :)
Silver one but its gone also.
would apple Australia Let You claim warranty on them?
But you trust Apple quality and reliability right?
Bought an iPhone 5 for friend in China and 6 month later it's broken and needs to be sent back to me to get it exchanged… apple quality… maybe… apple service? hopefully will be 5 star.
I had an Iphone before and apple warranty Is surprisingly really good. would not buy an apple product with out It. to many problems lol
beaten ^
they will cancel your order soon
hope they cancel both for being an ass :)
You guys would have done the same in his position ;)
If it all goes through I'd consider a swap gold for silver, I'm in Melbourne
Guys why the neg, its 1 unit per listing :-(
Because a lot of people missed out, while you got 2.
Because everyone wants that damn iPhone. It made by GOD.
PMed you, I live in Mel too.
refreshing the sellers items page at the moment LOL
Seller will receive massive NEG. unless ebay.com.au are going to protect them
And if they receive 150negs, thats the end of their business.
ebay will protect them for sure. IF eBay removed the listing, buyer can not neg at all!
Only until he waits 12 months. :D
According to the fb page they are cancelling people orders who have multiple orders and I assume relisting. Possibly why they keep coming up again at the reduced price.
Same seller is also selling some iPad Mini Retinas for more expensive than Apple Australia, if anyone's interested.
Yep, and iPad 4th Generation with Retina Display 16GB, Wi-Fi , 9.7in - White Tablet for $999!
Looks like they're taking a leaf out of the Catch Of The Day book.
What do you mean?
Member id t-dimension2 this seller also selling other phones. assuming ebay are taking the loss for reduced iphone price. May be seller has multiple ebay id to bid his own listing ? know what I mean ?
Jezus.. $250 for a broken iPhone 5. People are crazy.
$250 for a broken iPhone 5. Jezus, people are crazy.
got eBay buyer protection all good
Not price error for sure, my mate is vendor for tonight one of deal as well, ebay pay subsidy for every unit they sell. But the vendor simply not make anything out of each unit, just give them better exposure. But some buyer order more than one will be cancelled, that's why they relist again for smaller amount.
When do they go through the orders and list again? A week or so?
thanks OP can't wait to receive my iPhone 5S Gary 16G!
I can't wait to receive my iPhone 5S Silvia 16G too.
OMG, i missed out
The dilemma I'll have, if by some chance this actually is legit, should I keep it and replace my htc one or keep the htc one instead? Which is better?..
Dude, dangerous place to ask.
Get both and play with both and see what you like.
I reckon that question is on purpose ;)
When it looks too good to be true, it generally is.