Crucial M500 2.5-inch SSD 7mm (with 9.5mm adapter), seems pretty good deal & review to me, not sure when the deal finish though
Crucial M500 480GB SSD $269 USD + $8 Shipping to AU (~$304 AUD)

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Yeah, hopefully Amazon can keep it up and ship more variety of item to OZ
Failure rate of Crucial is a bit higher than others, but at this price, it's very hard to resist.
Actually, which brand is the most reliable? Would it be Intel and/or Samsung?…
According to statistics, it's Samsung(less than 0.1% failure rate), but I wouldn't be so worry about Crucial's 1% failure rate though. At least it's not OCZ(sandforce) which has a horrendous track record.
"Unfortunately, there is no other way to have more reliable statistics, and in the absence of perfect beings, they have the merit to exist…"
"although these numbers don’t paint the complete picture of world wide failure rates, but they are still an interesting sample to look at"
And do you have another source of the SSD failure rate? Although, it's only one source, it matches with what reviewers(Anandtech and etc) and user reviews have said for years. Samsung/Intel SSD are regarded as "more reliable" than other SSD.
I'd disregard the statistic because when it boils down to ranking, no one actually knows whether Samsuang SSD is more reliable than Intel SSD.
It could be because the returns are due to old drives from Intel SSDs which are still under warranty coverage (5 years V.S. 3 years Samsung).
Again you are completely wrong on warranty. Both Samsung and Intel offers 3 and 5 years warranty, depends on the model.
I don't understand why you blatantly claim the entire statistic is disregarded without providing any other other statistic? Everything you just said basically your "assumption".
Failure rate
- Samsung 0.05%
- Intel 0.37%Is what we have at the moment and that remains as a fact.
I respect your opinion. The link posted by me is to tell everyone where and how these figures came about.. In the end of the day, it's subjected to personal opinion
How can cold hard facts(statistic) be "my opinion"? Obviously you are just trying to downplay this cold hard facts(statistic) now. Even though it is from one source, regardless how hard you try to disregard the statistic, it will remain as a fact as long as you can not provide any other reliable statistics of SSD failure rates.
Failure rate
- Samsung 0.05%
- Intel 0.37%Will remain as a fact for now. I'm not saying Intel SSD are bad, but just saying that Samsung SSD has a better track record.
You can't go wrong with Intel, Sandisk, Samsung, or Crucial. Remember the accepted industry standard failure rate is 3%. They are all well below than percentage which means they are even more reliable than is expected of electronics.
Had issues with installing sata 3 drivers for my motherboard, BSOD even in safe mode, i chose not to install it lol
Might want to expire this offer. The price on the version shipped by Amazon itself is now $310 US :(
damnnn missed this one
Love that crucial ssd's started shipping to au again, remember about a year ago when there was a new crucial m4 ssd deal everyday