Wow actual decent bundle offer. $308 total for 32gb surface rt, type cover 2 and $25 store credit.
Microsoft Surface Type Cover 2 $85 @ JB, Save $65

Last edited 30/11/2013 - 16:09
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I'm not sure if he would have done it without the surface purchase though so I added it in just in case.
Sounds like it's a deal the employee did for you, which means other stores/staff (and even that staff member) have no obligation to do the same again. That is, it was up to the salesperson's discretion to make that deal whilst making a sale to you, and isn't something that JB is offering.
Definitely still helpful, and someone may be able to benefit from it, but it maybe belongs in the forums instead :)
Great deal, especially when you combine it with TRS, net price is $255. These were selling for almost double that before and are a great bit of kit.
GST 10% of the price…
So it works out to be 9.1% of the total
or you can divide the total price by 1.1 and you'll get after TRS…unless you want to count that $25 credit… but that's money at all =/
Your numbers are correct. However GST is 10% of the value - not price. Value*(1+GST)=Price.
As the $25 voucher is listed as $0 on the receipt you can ignore it. Vouchers/gift cards don't attract GST, as the GST is paid when you spend them. If it wasn't free and you had actually paid for it you would have to take that off the total prior to dividing by 1.1.
Alternatively, you can just go off the $28 GST amount that is listed on the receipt :)
My bad, I thought the $25 was store credit as in JB Hifi, not Microsoft. Still a great deal though.
I wonder if JB would ever match Microsoft's student offer? (10% off)
Yes they would, I bought my surface pro 2 by price matching.
I got the type 1 cover for $75 today
Just on a side note..when i clicked your harvey norman link the chat pop up window opened and see how they addressed me…
I am sure Hardly normal is keeping track of "professionals" !!
Sorry thats a touch 1 not a type 1
Did you buy it at JB? Are you able to upload a receipt please?
Yeah ill see what I can do
Cheers buddy~
Where is the $25 ms credit?
Wow….in the US black Friday, selling the Surface RT, cover and keyboard for $180
Such a price difference…if only we can get it sent here…
plus tax
As I said in the other post:
By the time you add Tax (it was selling in a physical store), and do the currency conversion it is about the same as we are paying here without the cover.
This was also a limited deal for one day only and was handed out, via a voucher, to people early on in the line, who had queued up for hours at a Black Friday sale. It wasn't readily available for quite a few days at stores where you could essentially just walk in and purchase.
So considering we can buy the cover for $66 in HN, we are paying $66 more - in my opinion not a bad deal considering how bad the "Australia Tax" can sometimes be.
(We do however get a 2 year warranty and 90 day technical support)thats what i thought.
just got one RT from jb Hi-Fi yesterday, try to call them back to see if I can have a type cover2 for $85 or similar price ,they say "no, we don't match other shop's price". :( The best they can do for me is $120. Anybody know where I can buy a type cover with a good price? thx
Strange I got offered the cover 2 for 90 bucks at munno para JB
I ended up getting the type 1 for $75 (didn't care abotu the backlight)They don't do deals over the phone.
Hard to say this is a deal if you have to buy a surface with it. Maybe OP should indicate it is a bundle.
Read the post mate
Title should reflect the post. Don't think it deserves a neg, but deserves a correction.
Not at HB Forest Hill, staff said "you can print fake receive online", Bloody…..
I have tried quite a few stores already (in Sydney CBD and surrounding suburbs) and they have refused to match either of the prices listed here…
If anyone finds a store that will match please post here :-)
Is this actually a bundle offer or is it just a deal that an employee did for you?