This was posted 11 years 4 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 4 [Amazon] $25 USD, 29th Friday 4 Hours Only (Starts 1:10 PM AEDT)

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

If you miss this window, the price returns to $35 for the rest of the day. However if you wait until 30/11, the price goes back down to $30. So be patient if you miss it. Currently the game is a bit buggy for online multiplayer but this is an good price for a very recently released AAA title.

Amazon Rep: We changed the BF4 $24.99 promotion. Here are the new details:

We’ll be at $24.99 for 4 hours 3:10PM (PST) – 7:10PM (PST) on 11/28
Prior to that we will be at $34.99 on 11/28
On 11/29 we’ll be at $29.99

This deal changed a bunch over the last couple of days, this should be the final iteration.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    No region locks i take it? EA can be pricks.

    • +2

      Yep this is on PC, so no region lock for this deal.

      • +1

        what does region lock mean? sorry im new. I was actually about to buy this game for 50 bux but if I can get it for $25 that would be great. Im only going to be playing multilayer online. Will this 'region lock' effect that ?? again sorry im such a noob.

        • +1

          Region Lock means that in some regions the game is locked in such a manner that it can only be played in that region. So if you purchase a Russian copy and its region locked, you can't play it in Australia. Only playable in Russia.

          The one thats being offered on Amazon will not be region locked.

        • +1


        • +2

          Thanks. Might have just confused him more :P

        • thanks for the reply. So does that mean its ok for me to buy it for australia? as this one will NOT be region locked. Nice answer thanks for that, appreciate it.

        • Yep. Its okay to buy it from Australia.

          No worries. Glad to help :)

        • just get a region key.

  • -4

    EA will be announcing a major name change for this game. It is going to be called Vehicle Warfare Field. :)

    • +2

      …all the other Battlefield games have been heavily vehicle based too.

      • -2

        Have you played BF4? If you have, you think the vehicles are balanced? Have you played BF:BC or BF:BC2? They had vehicles, and if you are running around with a foot soldier in the open against a vehicle, yes you will be destroyed, but if you were tactical or near bases, there were tons of options for the player to take on a vehicle before they go on rampaging.

        Even BF2 had tons of vehicles, including the jets. And again, there was a good balance to take those vehicles out.

        Check the scores of those who are camping around with the Little Bird vs the rest of the team in any map for example.

        • There are servers where there is no vehicles enabled.

        • Which is not the scope of the game. Vehicles should be enabled, vehicles make what Battlefield experience is all about. What I am pointing out is game balancing.

    • +1

      enjoy your 24/7 operation locker! no vehicles there

    • Dammit trying to manual convert and failed. Cheers for heads up. Reddit game deals subreddit is the best source for all game deals highly or reccomened to all ozbargainers.

      • +2

        I agree about the sub. There's also /r/apphookup for app discount and such.

        • ..and there is /r/go…….ooh!! sorry :|

        • +2

          ;) that is my favourite subreddit.Hmmmm… I wonder how many OzBargainers are redditors.

    • +2

      8.10AM to 11.10AM AWST

      Western Australia, West, Perth, WA, GMT+8, AWDT

    • I'm trying to buy it now but it is showing as $35? Are you sure it's not tomorrow?

  • Hmmm… really tempting but then I think about what they did to Battlefield 2 and 3 - they released like 4 different add-ons which you have to buy separate when you don't buy their premium edition. I love games as much as the next person but I'm an ozbargainer so naturally there's a limit to how much I will spend on them.

    None the less it is a great price considering how recent the game is… but I also can't help but think they had to make it this cheap on release due to all the difficulties the developers have had making this game "usable". I think I will give it a miss this time. Sorry EA, you already have enough of my money for the moment…

  • Davo, you got the timing wrong. Its 11:10AM on Friday here.

  • +1

    Sooooo many bad reviews :( Is it better to just buy now and wait till EA fixes things (if that ever happens)?

    • Nah get it now. By the time its all good, the price will be back to normal.

    • +5

      If you get it running stable (I had to use Windows 8 compatibility mode to stop a memory leak) and find a nice server, it is a lot of fun. I've been having a lot of fun with the game and about to jump in for a few rounds right now. I would say buy now and find a few good people to play with to make it much more fun.

      • how did you discover the memory leak? i patched and everything but still crashing in SP and MP with BSODs indicating memory issues

        • +1

          Sorry for the slow reply. I'm on Windows 8.1 and I never experienced a BSOD. The memory leak I experienced was the non paged pool memory never being released, resulting in 95-99% of memory being used. The game would come to a crawl, almost unable to move or do anything at all. Crashing out of the game wouldn't release the memory either, it required a restart. Putting the game into Windows 8 compatibility mode fixed my problem.

          Here is a thread on reddit with people discussing it, you may find a solution in the comments that relates to what you are experiencing. I've not had a BSOD in years.


    • Client side bugs have reduced a lot since release, but servers are still buggy. Just get it now, it's playable.

  • +1

    Any idea on whether this will be a digital or boxed copy?

    • +1

      Both options will be available. Boxed obviously will cost more because of added shipping costs.

      • -1

        Will they send you the CD key first by email?

  • +1

    I got this game and I love it. This is a great price too! Anyone know how much and what time the premium upgrade will be/will go on sale?

  • +1

    You can bet that a $60 investment for the game and premium will be a worth while investment - things will get better as time goes on as far as patches go.

    Do it.

    • I want to buy battlefield for 25 bux, but why would i also have to buy premium? are battle field 4 and premium two different things? Do I have to buy them together? i.e spend $60 as you said. Sorry im just a noob and don't really understand this stuff. I just wanna buy BF4 and play multiplier online. Spent a grand on my pc and only been playing LoL :p thanks in advance.

      • Dude. Its $30 now. Get it. Now.

        Now your question.

        Premium is basically all a single pack which gives you all the future BF4 DLCs. If you will be getting all the DLCs in the future, get premium instead because its cheaper this way.

        • Premium only comes with DLCs without the base game.

  • +7

    Hmm… Going by the reviews, it seems to be a joke of a game just like BF3. I've just about had it with EA's half baked releases of the battlefield series (especially the annoying as hell browser based server selection) and their money grabbing tactics. They threw away all that was great about BF2.

    • +1

      The browser based server selection is quite good, can browse for a server to change into while loading a map, select it and it will switch right to that server instead.

      • +6

        You cannot seriously be saying it is better than in game server selection. It is so buggy and cumbersome. You need to run and keep up to date three different applications; Origin, the game and the browser plugin just to play the game.

        • +1

          I've been playing BF3 and BF4 since release, I'd say the server browser is one of the less buggier aspects, I never seem to have a problem and it's always quick and right into the game and squad with mates.

          I think it also allows DICE to apply server updates with no client side downloads and only takes around 30mins, they are up to r12 or something already - but game is still full of bugs.

        • +1

          I'm not saying I support the need for Origin to be running, but battlelog is great. Yes, I am saying it is better than in-game server selection. Much better than BF2 in game server.

          It has been really useful in game while waiting for things to happen to check future unlocks, check for another server I'm more interested in, etc. I just alt-tab out quickly check something while waiting for the spawn counter to go down, and back in again. It was poorly done originally but they have steadily improved it and I think it is great now.

          We all have different preferences, obviously we don't agree here, and games can never satisfy everyone =)

        • -1

          So basically what you're saying is; you like being able to browse the web when you're waiting to re-spawn or for the map to load?… Well you can do that with any game. Just because your player stats are displayed in a browser doesn't make it necessary for browser selection to be done through the browser too.

          In BF2, server selection was pretty much flawless. You click a server and the map loads.

          With battlelog, all kinds of things go wrong. Sometimes it doesn't launch the game. Sometimes it becomes unresponsive. In Firefox, it would never remember my filter settings. The list goes on.

          And being in a webpage, it just isn't fast and snappy.

        • +1

          No, that is not what I'm saying.

          I like to be able to change my loadouts while maps are loading so I'm ready to go as soon as the game has loaded with that new attachment I unlocked.

          I like to be able to check what other servers are populated while I'm in a game, join a queue, which may be 6+ people in size, and wait for my chance to join that server… this is the important part… all while still playing in the server I'm currently in. There is no need to close BF4 at all. I remember having to wait 10 minutes or more in the past to get into some of the really good servers, I'd rather be playing during that time than sitting waiting.

          Having a browser is just much more convenient. I'm using Chrome and battlelog never forgets my server filter settings for BF4.

          As I said, we all like different things. For me the browser approach has been a great thing.

        • +1

          Don't worry man, despite the few issues it has, I love the browser based server-browser.

      • +1

        It's good when it works, which seems to be about 60% of the time for me (BF3). Quite often Origin has crashed in the background and the browser it wasting time trying to communicate with it to start the game.

      • +3

        yeah but steam it much much, much better in every way, why couldn't they just make something as good as steam or better yet just use steam?!..

    • Agreed 110% I even enjoyed BF:BC and BF:BC2… and they had fun SP as well…I couldn't make myself play BF3 :|

  • I have the Amazon version of BF4 and no region issues with origin at all. Will be getting the premium on Friday by the looks if it. Thanks OP!

  • I bought battlefield 3 at the last sale but haven't played it much.

    Is there much point in getting bf4? Huge diferences?

    • For this price I think it is worth it.

    • If you're not a hardcore BF fan, I wouldn't recommend buying the game at the moment. It's still very rife with bugs, server problems and balancing.

      Play BF3 first and see if you really enjoy it.

      • "balancing." "Play BF3 first and see if you really enjoy it."

        Surely joking? he will be spawn slaughtered by lv100 heli's over and over, he will have no AA and only the starter RPG. BF3 is a much bigger mess balance wise then BF4.
        Outside of the OP shotguns, BF4 would be a much better sandbox fps for any new BF player.

        • +2

          That really only ever happens on a single map. And I can say the very same thing about BF4 having finished several rounds without dying in the scout heli and attack jet.

          Besides, all the rank 100 heli campers have moved onto BF4 already.

  • There are more deals at the moment as well, but yeah all the really good discounts on newer games are later in the week

  • Is this a 'US only' Deal? As in, will I have to make a fake address or anything? I'm pretty much an Amazon noob.

    • Yep you will need to have a US billing address on your account that is all… Don't bother with fake address generators, I just use a big hotels address

      • so a fake us address…but an australian shipping address…pay by cc?

        • Yeah billing address (don't need a shipping for digital download orders), paying by Australian CC works fine

  • Crazy prize.

  • +1

    Sure bloody hope I can purchase this from work

  • As Trobed has asked, I would also like to know if I have to set a US Address to purchase this or not.

    • Any digital software purchases from Amazon require a US address. You don't have to use a VPN/Proxy or anything shady like that though, just zoom into a part of the US on google maps, right click a road and click "what's here" and it will give you a street address to use. I suggest somewhere in Delaware as there is no sales tax there.

  • +2

    Perhaps we could arrange a LAN party at the Las Vegas Hilton, I assume there will be a few of us staying there Friday?

    • +3

      Actually I'm staying at Caesar's Palace

  • make an alarm

  • Hey does the xbox and ps3 are region locked? If not in going to get both for my friend. I can't see it from Amazon mobile whether it's only shipped within the US or worldwide.

    • PS3 games are region free, but DLC is not. Buying a US copy of Battlefield 4 and later trying to add DLC from the Australian PSN Store won't work.

      With Xbox 360 it depends on the title. Some are region free, while others are not.

      Play Asia has a quite thorough compatibility list for 360.

      Edit: Play Asia - Xbox360 Regional Compatibility Guide

      NTSC-U/C Battlefield 4 shows as being PAL compatible.

      Also there is some good info on PS3 regional locking here

  • +2

    I've had so many problems with BF3 that I won't ever get BF4. Their PC support is beyond pathetic. For example, there was an issue affecting many users that couldn't connect to any servers, EA rep said he'll post when it's fixed. It's been 3 months since he said that.

  • Don't forget double xp from 28nov to 5dec! Great to level up!

  • +2

    OP thank you - great post

    I can't figure out this reddit thing so thank goodness for OzBargain!

  • Call me crazy, but I actually enjoy playing the single player mode on these games.

    BF3 - EXCELLENT story.
    BF4 - Early days but pretty lame so far…

    • I've heard the BF4 single player is awful and terribly buggy:

      • I had to restart a chapter due to a corrupted save file so that was redoing 30min of gameplay but not too bad at all!

    • I had no issues with bugs but I agree that the single player is horrible. Bad story line and no use of all the vehicles which are available in game. Then three endings which make no differenece to the story but have different unlocks, so essentially pointless.

      I usually enjoy single player as well, for example I usually buy the COD series when they're old and cheap just to play single player.

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