This was posted 11 years 3 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[UPDATED Amazon PCCDD] Black Friday Sale - Every Sonic game $14.99USD

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Updated with some new deals starting today at around 5PM AEST live now, Batman, Lego Marvel Heroes, Farcry 3 and Rayman are great prices considering how new they are. Also this is about as cheap as I have seen BF3 Premium service/Edition for.

BONUS UPDATE Looks like if you purchased something (can't remember what qualified) around this sale you got $5 credit towards Batman Arkham origins, this is still valid bringing the price down to $14.99 USD

Amazon are having an Countdown to black Friday sale at the moment, some great deals to be had now, and many more coming up over the next week or so, also see here for Battlefield 4 for $25USD

Some of the highlights are in the table below (let me know of any I have missed and I can add to the table), there is also a spreadsheet I have done up (with no affiliate/associate links) here that has the start and end dates and prices of all deals:

Careful when purchasing as in lots of cases a bundle is much cheaper then the standalone game, also sometimes there are multiple version of the game listed on Amazon with different DRM (i.e. Steam, DRM Free, Origin etc) so if that thing is a concern to you look under the title or in the system requirements as it should state what DRM is used.

Nothing of note today except the Sonic Complete pack

17 Game Downloads in This Bundle Price if Bought Individually
1. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine [Download] $4.99
2. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed [Download] $4.99
3. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed: Metal Sonic & Outrun DLC [Online Game Code] $1.49
4. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing [Download] $14.99
5. Sonic 3 & Knuckles [Download] $2.49
6. Sonic 3D Blast [Download] $2.49
7. Sonic Adventure 2 Battlemode DLC [Download] $1.02
8. Sonic Adventure 2 [Download] $3.39
9. Sonic Adventure DX [Download] $4.47
10. Sonic CD [Download] $2.49
11. Sonic Generations Casino Night DLC [Online Game Code] $0.79
12. Sonic Generations [Download] $14.99
13. Sonic Spinball [Download] $2.49
14. Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 [Download] $7.49
15. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [Download] $4.99
16. Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 [Download] $4.99
17. Sonic the Hedgehog [Download] $2.49

Starting at around 5PM AEST Today

Title DRM Price Link
Batman: Arkham Origins Steam $19.99USD Link
LEGO Marvel Heroes Steam $19.99USD Link
Rayman Legends DRM Free $19.99USD Link
Far Cry 3 Steam $7.49USD Link
Far Cry 3 Uplay $7.49USD Link
Battlefield 3: Premium Edition Origin $13.99USD Link
Battlefield 3: Premium Service Origin $11.49USD Link
Battlefield 3 Ultimate Shortcut Bundle Origin $9.49USD Link
Command & Conquer The Ultimate Collection [PC Instant Access] Origin $7.49USD Link
Command and Conquer The Ultimate Collection Origin $7.49USD Link
NiGHTS into Dreams Steam $3.39USD Link
Sonic Adventure 2 Steam $3.39USD Link
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Mode DLC Steam $1.02USD Link
Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed Steam $4.99USD Link
Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed 4-Pack UNKNOWN $14.99USD Link
Dead Island Game of the Year Edition Steam $4.99USD Link
Dead Island Riptide Steam $7.5USD Link
Dead Island Riptide: Fashion Victim DLC Steam $0.6USD Link
Dead Island Riptide: Survivor Pack DLC Steam $1.25USD Link
Dead Island Franchise Pack (GOTY, Riptide + DLCs) Steam $12.49USD Link
Street Fighter X Tekken Steam $7.49USD Link
Street Fighter X Tekken Complete Pack Steam $14.99USD Link
Sonic Generations Steam $7.49USD Link
Sonic Generations Casino Night DLC Steam $0.39USD Link
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 Steam $2.49USD Link
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 Steam $3.7475USD Link
Rocksmith Steam $7.49USD Link
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist Uplay $29.99USD Link

Title Price Link
BioShock Triple Pack $14.99USD Link
Borderlands 2 and Borderlands GOTY $11.99USD Link
Firaxis Pack (XCOM EU, Civ V Gold, Civ IV Complete) $19.99USD Link
Civilization V Gold + Civ V: Brave New World $19.99USD Link
LA NOIRE/MP3 $7.99USD Link
GTA IV/MP3 $7.99USD Link
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams $2.99USD Link
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara $7.49USD Link
Psychonauts $2.5USD Link
Costume Quest $3.75USD Link
Stacking $3.75USD Link
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 $6.49USD Link
FTL: Faster Than Light $5USD Link
DEAD SPACE 2 $4.99USD Link
Paradox Boat Bundle $5USD Link Thanks Thaal Sinestro
Unity of Command $5USD Link Thanks Thaal Sinestro

As always you will need a valid US address on your account to purchase digital games from Amazon, personally I choose to stay at the LVH when I buy games. It has been noted that you should pick an address in a state where Amazon do not charge Sales Tax list here

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Darn,got excited about the Xcom pack but it doesn't include the Enemy Within DLC/Exp. Nice price though.

    Edit: I'd suggest editing the title to 'Xcom Collection' vs 'Xcom complete'

    • yeah as I said in the OP have a look to see if it is cheaper in a bundle

  • +9

    Good deal for BioShock games. I don't recall infinite ever being this cheap.

    • And Bioshock 2 recently got proper controller support and GFWL removed. Minerva's Den is at least as good as the main game (but much shorter). And the Protector Trials is actually fun.

      So two serious best-game-of-all-time candidates and a worthy sequel for $15.

  • Hi. I've never really bought through Amazon so I need some help. If I buy this with an amazon account (by this I mean the Bioshock bundle), and I register the amazon address as US, will I be able to redeem it to my Steam account even though my Steam address is AUS? Would love any help please.

    • +3

      Yes claim on steam no problem. Just make sure for any of game you buy it says steam for DRM.

      • Thank you for your help! Much appreciated :)

    • I keep it on a separate steam account, just in case, but there's no evidence this is necessary.

      It's nice to have another steam account so both kids can play different games in different rooms without fighting, etc.

    • +1

      Sale hasn't started yet

      • +1

        Yeah some of the prices have started flipping but not all yet

        edit: Yeah maybe give it a hour or so to catch up… triple pack is listed as $19.99 at the moment so looks like Amazon are having some troubles

        • +2

          It's listed at $14.99 now

  • +2

    Awesome deal on the Bioshock series, if you don't have them yet this is the deal for you!

  • Xcom collection link busted?

    • Yeah looks like they are still applying all the pricing, some of the prices have flipped and some haven't

      • +1

        Xcom collection back up for sale.

  • Sorry to keep clogging this thread with questions, but if I use an AUS credit card will I be fine? I know the OP said to use a valid US address but at what point am I meant to specify that? Do I do it in my Amazon account settings or during checkout?

    • +2

      If I recall correctly you add the address to your address book, then when you go to check out with your game it will either default to this address or give you the option to change.

      Works fine with my AUS credit card

  • +3

    People just seeing this and wanting Civ V, there was a deal on GMG for $10 if you haven't seen it. Just a heads up is all.

  • What's the duration of the sale?

    I'm wondering if it's better to buy them now or wait until the black friday sales.

    • +1

      I'm guessing none of these will go cheaper before the steam/amazon "holiday" sales (end of december).

  • Is the Bioshock pack three separate keys or is activation bundled under the one key?

    • +2

      Just purchased it then. Looks like it's three separate keys.

  • +1

    Same games. Again. Amazon (and everyone else) should give us something new!

  • +2

    Grabbed the Bioshock 3 Pack. Used my address and paid with my CC fine. Got Keys instantly and added to steam successfully straight away. Works well, cheers.

    • +2

      Yeah $14.99USD is great value, I was happy enough when the triple pack was $19.99

  • I am hoping to see Amazon's Black Friday sale discount Battlefield 4 (PC download) to $30, matching other US retailers. Anyone else? =D

    • +2

      You will be happy on the 29th

  • +4

    Common conundrum: The Bioshock set is only a good deal if you don't already own them. The thing is, if you don't already own them then you probably aren't interested in playing them.

    Same for any popular game that ever goes on sale.

  • How can I get this to work? Trying to get Bioshock pack, changed my address to an American one and got "there has been an error processing"

    • Not sure… I haven't seen it before, maybe try a different address (I use the Las Vegas Hiltons address and it seems to work)

      • I think it was briefly down I went back and it said not available, refreshed and it worked. I saw LVH so googled that, ended up using the Las Vegas Hotel. Now downloading on steam.

  • Are we able to redeem Manhunt and the like on Steam seeing as they are banned in Australia?

    • Not sure, Syndicate worked fine on Origin, they should work though not really tried, anyone had any success?

    • That's a good question and I'm wondering it myself. I have a feeling that if you buy the key from Amazon then it will activate fine on Steam.

      It would be great if someone could confirm the Manhunt games would activate on Steam.

      • +3

        Manhunt activates on Steam.

  • +1

    Don't forget that Amazon UK has also started their Black Friday head start sale for all your Blu Ray needs :)…

    • Great thanks

  • +1

    Thanks for the post, spiritek. I bought Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite mainly to play the Bioshock 1 on PC and finally I was able to get Infinite at a cheaper price.

    By the way, I want to buy this bundle:…

    But the DRM for Manhunt 2 is "SecuROM", I don't think I have ever used "SecuROM" before. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    • +2

      Securom had some bugs when it first came out (Bioshock 1, I think) but hasn't caused any problems since, as far as I know. In fact, it might still be part of Bioshock 1.

      You don't have to install anything new or do anything special, like with Uplay, Origin, or GFWL.

    • +1

      Yeah SecuROM can be buggy depending on the implementation in the game, and may also have things like limited activations etc. I remember having way more problems with disk based implementations, but can't recall anything with digital (except Crysis 1… but that may be other things as well)

    • Thanks, mgowen and spiritek.

      I will get it and hopefully there's no issue with Manhunt 2 :)

  • Checkout slickdeals for a full list of the specials and the upcoming ones…

  • If that link get removed check the OP for a spreadsheet with no affiliate links

  • I would so buy bioshock infinite but I would prefer to play it on the PS3 on the 55".. Im torn what to do..

    • +1

      PC have HDMI? Can't plug your PC into your TV?

      • +1

        SteamOS my friend. Wait and save

  • great price for Xcom

  • Can i still get the civ v bundle even though there is no listing for mac?

    • I think so, as it is steamplay it has the mac and windows version with the one key

      edit: as long as it is the steam version

  • +1

    Here is another one to add:

    Paradox Boat Bundle - $5 US
    * East India Company
    * Leviathan: Warships
    * Naval War: Arctic Circle…

    Also Unity of Command is 75% off now, and sells for $5…

    • Have always been tempted by East India Company…

  • +1

    For GTA Trilogy you probably want to link this one:…

    The one you have linked is for the Mac version

    • Thanks fixed it up, is hard to tell from the sheet sometimes

  • +1

    There is also Max Payne 3 + Season Pass [Online Game Code] for 6.99USD…

    I'm not sure if it is a deal or not.. Should I?

    • Sure is a deal, finished it about a month ago was great fun.

      Already on the second list on the page

      • Cheers!

  • +1

    The Civilization 5 Gold + BNW link is broken. Here is the real one:…

    • Thanks dude, updated now

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