This was posted 11 years 3 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Box of Contact Lenses. One Pack. Your Pick. All Major Brands. Only Pay for $10 Shipping

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FREE Box of Contact Lenses. One Pack. Your Pick. All Major Brands. Only Pay for $10 Shipping.

All major contact lens brands are available with shipping Australia wide.
Visit :

You can claim contact lenses from your Health Fund, even when you buy online!

All the best

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closed Comments

  • Can you offer pickup instead ? Rather than $10 shipping.

    I know you aren't making any money on shipping (I hope not), so why not make it even better of a deal!

    (You had to get this question on OzB :P)

    Still a bargain though. + from me

    • Hi geek,
      Afraid not, and I totally appreciate the candour from an OzBargainer…
      All the best
      Jack Hawks

    • +2

      I'm assuming they don't want people taking more than 1 so they limit by address. Whenever I see "just pay shipping" my brain automatically corrects it to "pay $x for y with free shipping".

  • you need to offer this at least once or twice a month :P

    • +2

      We believe that our service should be tried out. You can buy contact lenses online at web pricing, but also come into our stores for contact lens aftercare when required. Best of both worlds, Bricks n Clicks working together… hence offering up a free box (plus shipping) to give us a go.
      All the best
      Jack Hawks

  • +1

    any specific reason why we cant amend/cancel order?

    I made a mistake in ordering earlier today, didnt fully read your comments in the previous deal.
    So ends up making 2 orders and paid $20 shipping in total.

    • +7

      "didnt fully read your comments in the previous deal"
      …. should have gone to Spec Savers…

  • How much would it cost to get your eyes tested for contact lenses? I don't have health insurance… only medicare and a concession.

    • that should be all you need
      at least i never ever paid anything

    • +1

      free, covered by medicare

      • Lenses testing is not covered by Medicare. Glasses testing is.

    • -1

      its free at specsavers, other optometrist will probably charge u

    • OPSM was charging $100 for lens fitting when I got mine done a few years ago. That wasn't with an eye test either.

    • I've never paid anything at Specsavers to have my eyes tested.

  • -2

    About $75 in Sydney iirc.

  • +3

    I don't think you can claim shipping fees from your health fund….

  • Good deal, but be prepared to to wait. I ordered last week and have yet to receive a shipping notification email

  • +8

    if i see anyone squinting with one eye i'll know they are ozbargainers..

    • Am I the only true Ozbargainer with the same prescription in both eyes?

      • I have the same for both eyes for my contacts, but my glasses prescription varies by 0.25…go figure.

  • "You must select a card from your wallet to use."


    • If you have a previous account I believe that you have to add a card to your account before you can purchase again.

  • Hi. Can the same person claim multiple times ? thanks

    • I would say yes as not everyone has the same prescription for both eyes. Also, from experience you can order in two packets and just pay the $10 x 2 delivery fees.

      It should also be noted that although the statement in the top says:
      "You can claim contact lenses from your Health Fund, even when you buy online!"

      In the context of this deal, you cannot claim the delivery fees of $10 (or whatever) on your health care provider and as it costs you $0 for the lenses, there is nothing for you to claim.

      For some providers who opt to pay 100% of your contact lenses, it is better for you to go direct and pick them up yourself.

      Other providers only cover a certain percentage (eg. 60%) and so you have to make the call yourself on which is cheaper.

      Please note that you might be interested in the free shipping offers at SpecSavers instead and then claim the contacts from your provider.


  • +1

    Good deal and thanks!

    It would be great if you could pack those contact lenses in a box with some bubble wrap.

  • Op, last time I ordered this, the Health Fund code was 853 and I got rejected from Medibank. What contacts can I order that have the code 852? I can claim using this code. Thanks! Also, thanks for posting!

    • For disposable toric lenses you can only claim either an 853 (single) or an 854 (pair). 851/852 is only for sphere lenses, but should be treated the same by your health fund.

      If you ordered a large amount, some health funds will not allow you to claim multiple 853s instead of an 854. The best thing to do is get in contact with Medibank and get specific information as to why they had rejected the claim.

  • -1

    I use Toric lenses and can't choose Cylinder higher than -2.25 nor can i change the BC.


  • Hi, Im new to this, where does one find the 'code'?

    and like the poster above, Im limited to one lens that seems to fit the prescription.

    • During checkout, type in the promo code: WELCOME

      • Cheers mate, but that I much I worked out. What I cant work out is where the code is? I cant enter a code I have not seen yet. :P

        • in your cart ( there's a green box on the left that says "Promotion code - If you have a promotion code, please enter it here"

        • +1

          Once again one of us is missing something, and Im no longer certain it isnt me. Im aware of the input field on the specsaver site (I saw that when I went there), but I could not find the code to enter in that field.

          zee goggles, zey do nussing.

          Wait: is the promo code 'WELCOME'?? Like exactly as the above poster told me? LOL. I thought he was welcoming a newbie.

          Edit: Yay, it is WELCOME. And its always in the title of the offer??? Next to the cart?

  • Checking out throws the following error "Address line 1 must only contain characters 0-9, hyphen, apostrophe and A-Z with no punctuation"

    How do I put address with Unit number, for instance "Unit 1, 100 Charles St"? or "Unit 1/100 Charles St"?

    • Found a workaround using hyphen…. "unit 1 - 100 Charles St"…. let's hope Aus Post understand this…

      • The site has provision for 3 address lines so you could have:

        Unit no in address line 1
        Block no in line 2 with street

        Unit 1
        100 Charles St

  • I am after purevision 2 which was on your site list last week but not there now??? Any chance of getting that for this deal?

  • "Aftercare" meaning if there is a problem I come in to your store or what is it primarily you are referring to?

  • Hi.

    I have an expired prescription from a different optometrist. Can I go to my local specsavers and have my eyes tested for contact lenses and will this be free with Medicare? Thanks.

  • AFAIK, the eye test is free at specsavers (medicare). Unless youve had one in the last ??2?? years. You get one free on medicare every 2 yrs I believe. But there is some limit re contacts. But specsavers does the contacts assessment anyway for free, or as part of the eye test.

    The above is just my recollection when my son got contacts maybe 2 yrs ago.

    • Ok thanks a lot.

  • I would like to order one but not sure what is the best for me, right now I am using ASCEND fortnightly lenses I want o change to monthly able to sleep with it
    my right eye BC 8.5 DIA14.2 PWR-2.50
    my left eye BC 8.5 DIA14.2 PWR-2.00

    any help ? as feel lost between the brands

    • "Ascend" is a private label brand for Coopervision's Avaira lenses. If you like fortnightly lenses then J&J Oasys Acuvue is approved for 6 nights extended wear (although it isn't traditionally marketed over here as an extended wear lens).

      Ciba's Air Optix Night & Day is one of the best extended wear lenses out at the moment and is approved for up to 30 day extended wear. Other products include Biofinity, Purevision and Air Optix Aqua.

      However, you MUST go to an Optometrist and be fitted for these lenses before you consider purchasing them. A good optometrist will not charge you for a test/trial and will give you some for free (2 week/1 month supply).

  • Thanks Jack, Specsavers and ozbargain! Box of 3 toric lenses for $10! Now that's a bargain!

  • Just double check.
    I know it is a good deal if you only need 1 box.

    But I thought if I bought the whole one year supply for example or 2 x 4 boxes with free 2 boxes normally.
    After claim health fund you only pay probably $50 if not full cover. Don't you think it is the same?

  • +1

    Please bring back the 50% + free delivery deal. I still need some and have $100+ to claim from my health fund. Current promotion is only 30% off ($50 off $149) So instead of giving it away for free, Specsavers can earn some money.

  • -6

    It's times like this I really regret having 20/20 vision.

    • what a rubbish comment!

  • Has anyone received their order yet?

    I ordered on 26/11 and yet to receive anything, not even a despatch email.

    • Yes, they arrived in under a week. Hopefully you have got yours by now.

  • Thank you, this saved me $50 with the code "50SPRING".

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