This was posted 11 years 3 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

New Super Luigi U Wii U, Pokemon White/BLACK Version 2 DS $10 ea + Other $10 Games @ TGG


Bargain of the morning is here for the gamers (I am not the gamer…hahaha).
I cannot believe it they are so cheap for very good games. delivery is only $2.
Many good quality games to choose from PS3/Xbox/3DS/DS/PS VITA
other bargain games $10 ea

Some highlights include:


Black Ops 2
Medal of Honor
NFS Shift Unleased 2
Batman Arkham City
LA Noire
Halo Reach
Battlefield 3 or the limited edition
Prototype 2
Halo 4
Max Payne 3


Batman Arkham City
Portal 2
Battlefield 3
Black Ops 2
LA Noire
God of War 3
Max Payne 3




Credit: skooter

Edit: Since Lugi U has already sold out, replaced the link to the main promo page.

Related Stores

The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • +5

    I've been really patient and glass-half-full-attitude towards TGG up until today. I ordered 3 games and received 1 of them (Halo 4). Carla recommended that I email [email protected] to notify them that I would be happy if all I received was Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Xbox 360). I did that, but they told me, "Stock has been exhausted across Australia, and no more stock can be sourced from the suppliers." If this was true, then I would be happy to accept a refund and accept that the situation was a huge mess, but an accident at that.

    Anyway, I walked into my local store today and they had in stock the remaining 2 games that TGG refunded me… Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Xbox 360) and Guitar Hero: Metallica (Xbox 360). I explained the situation to an employee, who thought I was nuts when I politely asked if he could sell me the games for $10.

    I buy all my white goods through TGG, plus other products. If they charge $22 to my credit card and ship me these games from my local store, then I'll happily buy from them again. If not, I'll be more than happy to boycott them.

    I trusted TGG when they said that they exhausted stock. Not only were my games available, but there were heaps of stock that other people have been waiting for… all the Uncharted's, Modnation Racers, Halo 4, lots of Nintendo games. My local store never has games, but for the first time ever, they were loaded. I took photos encase TGG want proof.

    I can live without a video game (if it's really not in stock), my life doesn't revolve around them, but I would simply like to receive what I fairly paid for.

    • Did you try speaking to a manager at the store? There really is no reason they shouldn't honour it…

      • I spoke to two people (not managers admittedly) and both of them were nice, but weren't interested in honoring it (one of them didn't believe me that Black Ops 2 was $10). I'll go through Customer Service, as they are more aware of the situation.

        • +1

          I'd have shown the manager the confirmation email from the order showing you bought them for $10 each… then the email saying they couldn't supply them. Surely they would have to honour it then? It's blatant misrepresentation otherwise…

          If my local store had the games I missed out on, I wouldn't leave until they sold them to me for the $10 price… unfortunately they don't because I've checked -_-

    • If you can e-mail me the pics that would be great.I could pass them on to my mate for his tribunal hearing.That will definitely break their necks at it exposes them as liars. My e-mail is my name at

      Hopefully the pics have a date on them.Please also include the name of the store.

      • Sure, I'll email them tonight.

    • +3

      I got black ops, but it was impulse.. Do you want it?

      • That's very generous of you. I'll contact Customer Service on Monday and see how easy it is to convince them to part with the copy at my local store (well its easy if I pay them the $90 they requested).

        • +1

          Alright, otherwise $10 plus whatever shipping ends up as, probs $5.
          I got Pokemon and Lego. Definitely keeping Lego, but thinking Pokemon might end up getting rid of after playing the demo.

          I won't realllly be tracking this comment (just the thread), so if you do end up wanting blops, maybe message me.

  • +1

    Used my voucher on a 3DS and there was no drama. Just a regular voucher. Don't expect anyone to have any issues using it on anything you want :)

  • Got 2 gift cards and no games yet.

    • did you use 2 email account?

      • Nope, I just had decided to order something else around 1 hour after the first.
        So 2 cancelled orders = 2 gift cards.

        • good on ya mate…lucky hehh..:)

  • Hmmmm so Many things under $60 at goodguys making things a little tricky to decide what I want lol

  • +2

    Used my 2x $40 voucher for Ipod touch 16gb for $100 delivered. cheers

    • did you use 2 email accounts?

      • yes

  • +1

    Has anyone received their copy of Pokemon White/Black 2 that was BackOrdered? My status on the website still says BackOrdered and I'm not sure if I should call them, since I haven't received a phone call confirming my order.

    • Did you get a refund for them, if not, maybe you will get them, also did you get any emails?

  • +1

    Can anyone confirm how they managed to get 2 x $ 40 gift cards. Was it bec of using multiple email address? I placed total of $140 odd in 3 orders but only received $40 gift card

    • +6

      I got two $40 gift vouchers, same email address, different orders… I ordered about 8:30am and received nothing. I did get all the emails and the phone calls and today i came home to two full refunds, 2 vouchers and 2 letters saying im getting nothing… I only ordered 3 vita games and 5 DS games, soul silver and heart gold i can understand… but nothing else while people who ordered in the middle of the afternoon got 80% of their orders…

      I work for a company that does fit outs of new/demo houses and we used to get all or stuff from TGG… my boss got burned in this sale and he was going about $10k a month with them… he rang the manager today and told him to tell head office to go f#@k themselves and that he is taking his business elsewhere :D

    • +2

      I got 2 x $40 vouchers too, same email address over 2 orders.
      1st order i got about 30% of my games, the 2nd order i got 0%

      • Did you use the same email or different names

  • Broden hunt:…

    Edit: This guy is definitely a broden, they are selling games from the clearance. And because of them some people on here aren't getting theirs.

    • +1

      I know you guys want to believe that everyone selling games on ebay that were the same as games from TTG's clearance are Brodens, but this guy doesnt look to be one, he infact looks like a pokemon resaler, he has alot of collectables.

      So dont attack him because you believe he may have screwed you over. There is no proof, and it just makes us legit ozbargainers look bad. Im sure Scotty would agree.

      • +1

        After looking into it, it seems he probably did broden (multiple items were listed the day of the sale, and he didnt sell games prior), still dont attack people, yes he is scum for taking deals from other people and making a profit, but dont stoop to his level.

        • -1

          I'm sorry but I don't get what you mean by an "attack". I don't see where I said bad things to the seller hence "stooping to his level". The only attack I can see is from you calling him a "scum". I'm not here to argue with you, I'm just trying to state my point and if it is deemed wrong, I am happy to retract my statements.

      • This seller is selling 3 of the main games TGG have sourced specifically and sent out to be received by people around this period of time. They are all newly listed and there are no other nds sold by him/her other than those. It's hard to not say he didn't screw us over and I was not attacking him/her, only using him/her as an example. Are you trying to say I'm not a legit ozbargainer? What's your criteria I'm sorry? I'm happy for mods to remove my comment if it is deemed inappropriate. But these type of people who broden deals seriously are not cool.

        edit: Also, I meant purely to state these people ruined chances for others who ordered the games as well. That was simply it.

        • +4

          I don't really care if people ordered 1 unit and sold it because that will be like if I bought a game, didn't like it and I sold it. But when there is a quantity of 5 being sold (for each game) that's just sad as some people on this forum have received a quantity of 0.

        • I totally Agree, Next time their is a sale, I feel like grabbing multiple copies, and once the Brodens are gone, I send out the extra copies to people who missed out :P

        • +1

          I do have 2 dupes ps vita games (modnation racer & asphault injection crappy ones) from this clearance sale. Did not expect to get any so went to buy in store. Thinking to sell it here for $10 each then how do i know whoever buys from me won't resell them for profit and makes me look like an idiot?

        • thats the unfortunate problem…

        • Asphalt looks ok I have some of the series on older handhelds ^^

        • Then why are you selling them for a low price? Just sell it at the price that benefits you the most.

  • +1

    Got one gift card email but still no refund or gift card on my second(which is actually my first order) order so maybe I will actually receive Luigi U. Guess I'll have to call them tomorrow to see whats happening since they can't be bothered to send me an email telling me whats happening with my order.

    • +1

      Good luck i just spent 40 mins on the phone with them to get no information i didn't already know,how ever the guy i spoke to did confirm that they are giving a gift card for each order placed.

    • +7

      Can I coin the phrase Scaregdearimasu for the next broden? ;)…

      • LOL i saw that as well, but it's only 1 unit, don't think that's technically "brodening" :L

      • Haha was hoping that wouldn't get noticed. I try not to do to much of this and never buy more than one rare item. I also like to leave items for a few days before I try and purchase them. Not that any of those make brodening excusable. Hmm can I use broden as a verb guess I will. Ack accidentally repd myself.

        • +3

          Nothing escapes the watchful eyes of an ozbargainer ;)

        • masued?

        • +7

          But seriously I dislike people posting on this thread complaining about wait times just so when they receive their bulk order they can list the games on ebay.

        • I get the masu from my name now that you bolded it but don't get why you'd turn it into a verb.

      • +1

        I think you may be right as this person also has an LG Optimus L3 listed for $64 + $14.80 postage. This is the same phone (Telstra locked) that is marked down from $69 to $29 every 3 months at Big W and Woolworths.

        eBay history for dearimasu shows 9 sales for this phone as well as 10 unlock code purchases from the very seller that Scaregdearimasu recommended the last time this phone deal was posted here on ozBargain.

        Coincidence or broden?

        • Guess it depends what you call a broden besides I all but confirmed I'm the same seller on ebay in previous comments. Yes I do buy the phone then unlock it and then flip it. It would be considered brodening to go to a store and purchase bulk quantities from that store or buying all available stock, and that would be a dick move. Luckily I have 3-4 woolies I'm regularly near and they usually have 1 left near the end of the sale period which is when I pick them up. I give people who truly want them at the super low price a few days to grab things before I pick any up. Impressive sleuth work though!

        • Don't worry, I'm sure you're not alone and at least you are up front about it.

          I've always been curious though… Assuming this is something you do on the side? Is it because your day job isn't enough or is it for kicks? And Is your day job in a related field?

        • IT repair technician, currently unemployed. So this is my pocket money. I also enjoy subverting Telstra and woolies as I hate the ridiculous monopoly hold they have over Australia.
          It makes a decent amount of cash per the hour it takes to set up. Setting up the listing took me awhile but once you set that up and sell the same item re listing is easy. I'll almost certainly stop selling items that I have to buy (retail) once I get secure employment.

  • +5

    I ended up receiving my gift voucher at around 4:45pm, thought I would head straight to my local store (Nunawading) to pick up a game before they would be scooped up in the gift card promotion. Ended up walking out with Super Mario 3D World for $28 (after price matching at Big W and using the gift card), which I guess I'm happy with since I did prefer getting SM3D World for an extra $18 rather than Luigi U (the game that never arrived).

    I talked with one of the workers at the counter about the games sale, it honestly reminds me that there are people on the other end of this issue rather than "the company", she seemed pretty stressed out about organising the whole situation out. Apparently she was in the midst of dealing with an order of ~500 games… I think there is someone out there who is now dubbed "Beyond Broden".

    • I remember asking my boss about something like this back when I used to work at EB, I said what if someone wanted to buy everything in the store, and oddly enough they have a plan for something like that. They cannot do a normal sale, the area manager would be called in an then the sale needs to be verified and needs to make sure nothing funny is going on, and if everything is on the up an up then the sale is made, then the store is closed, until everything can be restocked. I assume something like that would be in place for an order like that. At some point someone will notice that there is 500 games on an order and they would contact the Buyer.

      • The store is closed, store manager receives whopping Christmas bonus, quits and retires.

        • +1

          …and the poor ol' original shop assistant gets written up for not offering the scratch-warranty on all of the items. :-p

  • I only ordered two games and fortunately both are the games they have available, no game cancelled and wasnt expecting the giftcard but got one today! Good on TGG for fixing this! I think in general they handled this very well - compare to some retailers that just cancelled your order and dont offer anything in return not even an apology a $40 gift card with no minimum spend is very very generous indeed. We all know sometimes it takes ages to just get your entitled refunds.

    edit: Ok, right after I post a very happy comment about TGG I found that the giftcard number they gave me is invalid when I buy online…. ^&%*^%&^

    • +2

      It works fine. You are trying to put it in the promo field. You have to put it in the gift card section @ checkout when selecting payment. There is a small disclaimer explaining this

  • Has anyone been able to use their giftcard online? Just spoke to someone on the helpline and was told that I can only use it instore…

    • sorted!! Just realised you have to put it in at check out. Damn customer rep doesnt know what his talking about. Happy camper!

  • +9

    Tweed Heads South TGG photos from Thursday (all stock in these photos was the same today)

    Heres some photos of what they had on stock at TGG on Thursday a day or two after I got my refund (everything in these photos is still there today except I purchased the last copy or Uncharted 3 and they still have one more copy or Killzone 3 left). Lots of games in stock on the shelves that were on sale in the $10 sale.

    The same game I ordered is sitting on the shelf (uncharted 3). Went there today and purchased it says $19 on the shelf and scans for something like $58 they honored the shelf price without even looking but don't know why it scanned up as more. Killzone 3 also scanned as more then shelf price but they didn't argue on that one either. Also picked up Killzone 3 ugh Platinum edition. (gonna have to sell this and then use the money from selling it to buy a used copy of the non platinum edition).

    The lady scanned the bar code off my tablet (didn't know they could do that). So you might need the bar code or they could just type the number in manually?

    Still lots of Cods sitting on the shelf and a few others I think were on sale too.
    All those POkemon X and Y's that people bought that were slightly discounted they have them too.

    • This is really not ok. I had the same problem yesterday, when I went into my store to see 2/3 games that were refunded. The employee thought it was amusing when I explained the situation and politely asked if he could sell them to me at $10 each.

      This morning I called The Good Guys customer service and they weren't interested in the slightest. The guy said to me, "Your local store probably didn't want to put their stock into the barrel of available games," and "Those games that you saw might have arrived in store yesterday." Yeah, with their faded cases, and in despite of TGG not being able to source these games from your supplies.

      The call centre said, "If your local store doesn't want to fulfill your order, then there's nothing we will do about that." He indicated that I should be grateful for the $40 voucher. When I said I only wanted my games, and mentioned the ACCC and that you need to fulfill an order if you have the stock, he cut me off and transferred my phone call to my local store.

      Now I'll wait and see what the manager of my local store says, when he calls me back.

      • Yeah it's a Shitty situation for sure. I'm just lucky the game that got cancelled is less than the $40 gift card I received. complete bull plop that many stores are holding stock.

      • +3
        • +3

          So much for clearance…

        • +1

          Man If I were you I'd be writing everyone (local newspapers, Accc, Fair trading, hit their twitter and facebook and repeatedly post until you get a solution because thats bullshit. It's unfortunate that we as consumers have to go to social media if we want a problem solved but if you start making a fuss they will eventually honor it as they should have.

        • Yeah, I think it's misleading for them to have it labeled as "Clearance" when it's all still full price. The two controllers I wanted were still $65 and $27 (they took like a dollar something off each since I paid with EFTPOS), and if not for the gift card I wouldn't have bothered buying anything from there at all.

      • -3

        Just to be clear, the whole c*ck up was the fault of online/HQ team, and the individual franchisees shouldn't be held accountable or be blamed for it - so don't give the local store guy a hard time.

        Imagine this: you wake up and go to work, only to find a friggin' mountain of online orders to fulfil and a mess to clean up through no fault of your own.

        Plus, you're being asked to reliquish stock from your inventory, which you could conceivably sell for profit to other customers visiting the shop, and unaware of the whole OzBargain shenanigans.

        On top of that, you and your staff have been getting hate calls/mails from OzBaraginers for what seems like weeks.

        Yeah, give 'em hell </sarcasm>.

        • +2

          I'm aware of this and agree that no employee should be given a hard time. Nevertheless, online orders were fulfilled by individual stores, and individual stores were asked to remove all gaming stock from their floor. As part of a franchise, individual stores would need to abide by the decisions of the head company.

          Furthermore, my local store was selling Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for $90, which is why it's collecting dust.

        • +1

          Only if there is a downturn in business and it shows on the bottom line TGG will change its behaviour.So, if you buy less than the franchisees will complain, too. Also, TGG owns about 40% of most stores directly so not buying will help change this outrageous behaviour.

    • Did you see a pokemon 3dsxl bundle?

      • I'm sorry I don't remember seeing that one and It's not in the photos as far as I can see. I assume this would be a console bundle and quite large would they even put that on display or would that be behind counter in back stock room?

        • +1

          I hope they do have them, I want to spend the vouchers on it. Thanks for the look out :)

        • No problem best of luck to you!

    • I don't get what the big deal with these pics though. Can't say for the other systems but of those 3ds games I don't remember them being a part of the sale. If they had of been I would have ordered them for sure!

      My experience is much the same as everyone else. only getting white 2 out of my 5 games. Went in today to use my gift card. Got NSMB2 price beaten to big w for $40, so effectively free.

      I personally think all things considered this has been handled pretty well.

      • +1

        I didn't say they were all part of the sale only some. Mostly the CODs, There were a few people who ordered X and Y which said they sold out, they were only discounted though. Other Games like my Uncharted 3 were at $10 and so where some God of wars too if I remember right. But the point is they're purposely withholding and lying about being out of stock.

  • +1

    So what's the odds of a Saturday Delivery ?

    • +1

      I'm wondering this too.

  • Maybe this whole sale was a test of which games actually sell so they restock them based on the order counts idk

    • +3

      they probably needed 600k quick smart to pay someone off

  • +2

    called my store to confim my delivery has been sent as the email stated, not only did she say it wasnt sent yet, but it might take them a week to send it <_<

    • +2

      Ha what miscommunication how can they fail so badly.

  • -3

    Just called them up since I Hadn't received a cancellation/refund/gift card on my first order of 1 copy of Luigi U they actually got a copy in for me just yesterday and are going to be shipping it out to me soon. Wonder if they read about the stink I was gonna make for them if they didn't get me a copy on here either that or I ordered early enough who knows.

    • +5

      Ah good for you - all the more for you to resell on ebay right?…

      Kind of crap to see this level of complaining considering you are just reselling the games for profit… so many of us on here actually wanted to play the games but missed out.


      • Actually Luigi U and uncharted 3 are all for me along with others I purchased online. Killzone was a bonus I do want kill zone 3 just not the platinum edition. Platinum/greatest hits editions are just ugly. So to get the non platinum I'll need to sell it then buy a used non platinum some where.

        • +2

          OK that's alright then. :) Platinum/greatest editions are ugly. I don't understand why they have to ugly up the cases when a simple sticker will do the trick.

        • Agreed but when they do make them not only do the make they case ugly they make the disc ugly too. And they remove the flip cover case art. Completely removing any option for it to not look like crap.

          I mean resistance 3's flip cover is a work of art you could display that case. It's a shame more games don't do this.

  • +5

    Got my $40 gift card email yesterday, went in and got the 3 for 2 $20 iTunes cards deal.
    So.. turned it into $60 credit.

    I really don't get people that are complaining so much. Usually when something is this cheap and the sites get overloaded, the store usually just states that it's a pricing error and refunds everyone. Also, for the price, I would not be expecting great customer service or response times, they are not making any money from this.

    The way I look at this deal.. it's more or less a lucky dip if you get anything at this awesome price. At least we received the gift vouchers.

  • +10

    Hi everybody, as promised here is the link to the QCAT application against the Good Guys as filed yesterday.

    I have also made a table for Excel to collect info on games still on the shelves after TGG claimed they were taken off. It would be great if those of you that have seen games on shelves fill in the table and then e-mail them to me. E-mail is my name at

    If anybody knows a free upload site where people can work together on the document, please feel free to upload it there for people to fill in.Otherwise I do it the old fashioned way.

    • +2

      Use Google Documents!

  • +6

    Hi everybody, as promised here is the link to the QCAT application against the Good Guys as filed yesterday.

    I have also made a table for Excel to collect info on games still on the shelves after TGG claimed they were taken off. It would be great if those of you that have seen games on shelves fill in the table and then e-mail them to me. E-mail is my name at

    If anybody knows a free upload site where people can work together on the document, please feel free to upload it there for people to fill in.Otherwise I do it the old fashioned way.

    • +7

      Holy crap, you mean business. It's gonna cost them way more than what you are claiming just to have their legal eagles deal with it. I'd never take it that far, I just whinge on forums and then silent protest by never stepping foot in their stores again. Well, only to spend my $40 voucher. Then it's bah-bye!

    • Isnt this is too far? those who wait have seen results Fair enough for the ones who missed out or got damaged / lost games but I don't see the point as I've got my refund ,giftcard and I'm happy enough to wait for my games to arrive why I decide what I'll use the giftcard for

      • The Refund gift card will really only make you happy if A you actually normally buy things from them or B the game you want is still on the shelf at the store at a price lower then the giftcard. For most people here I don't think either of those will apply. Yes you got a $40 gift card but you also lost your consumer rights in the process. Also He won't be getting any of those games. He's not waiting they're flat out cancelled.

        • Not sure about you but I am certainly using that giftcard towards something I actually need and want :P

        • +3

          No don't get me wrong you should use the giftcard it was a gift after all. But you should also stand up for your rights.

    • Those legal documents are beautiful.
      Here have some more wood to through on the Fire pile.
      It's my Order confirmation, Order Allocation, Automated Paypal Refund which I didn't want, and the Receipt for when I purchased the game that was refunded since they "didn't have stock". I'm not sure why there are different Model no.s on the Order emails vs the model no on the Receipt from today but I hope this helps you.
      Also the link for the Images I took just before I got the redund showing all these games they apparantly "didn't have stock" for.
      Anyway hope your tribunal hearing goes well.

      • +3

        Thanks. This will certainly be helpful for my mate.


        If no one ever does anything, this behaviour will not stop. Also, I give you an example:
        You order 10 games: $100
        Because TGG refuses to get stock you have to buy those games elsewhere: 400
        Difference: $300

        That is what Australian LAW states TGG has to pay you (in cash, not software) in addition to your refund.

        Instead they pay you $40 as a giftcard and make it sound as if it is a grand gesture.

        You accept that and hence lose your right to the $300 damages. If you ask me, I would rather have the $300 than a virtually useless giftcard.

        It is brilliant on their part as they save heaps of money and get you to spend more in store - all due to people`s lack of knowledge of their rights and the law.

        And I am not even mentioning the interest-free three week loan to improve their cash flows.

        If they lose and it is made public no company will dare try it again in the future, so you better hope my mate wins and gets an official judgment.

        • Exactly. You got it all covered. Tell your mate good on him for standing up!

        • Yes but I only used $21 on too of the gift card I bet they weren't expecting such a low number

        • That may be the case but that is still an extra $21 out of your pocket rather than say $40 per game ordered in your pocket. Plus you will spend money on products you would not have bought or bought elsewhere at lower prices. But because you have the giftcard you go to TGG and pay higher prices.
          I certainly won`t be buying there anymore.

        • I'm not that concerned I am happy that I used the giftcard towards stuff I will use and no complaints from me over a $10 blender and a $10 3ds circle pro lol

  • +3

    I just used my $40 voucher on Super Mario 3D World. I priced-matched the game from Big W and it became $28. It's strange that they don't display any games; I had to ask for it and I didn't expect that they would have a new release.

  • +8

    To hell with it, imma go to nunawading and see if there are any games from my refunded order still on the shelves, I ordered 7 old Wii games. There will be blood if I see any lol.

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