Bargain of the morning is here for the gamers (I am not the gamer…hahaha).
I cannot believe it they are so cheap for very good games. delivery is only $2.
Many good quality games to choose from PS3/Xbox/3DS/DS/PS VITA
other bargain games $10 ea
Some highlights include:
Black Ops 2
Medal of Honor
NFS Shift Unleased 2
Batman Arkham City
LA Noire
Halo Reach
Battlefield 3 or the limited edition
Prototype 2
Halo 4
Max Payne 3
Batman Arkham City
Portal 2
Battlefield 3
Black Ops 2
LA Noire
God of War 3
Max Payne 3
Credit: skooter
Edit: Since Lugi U has already sold out, replaced the link to the main promo page.
Will we be getting our gift vouchers by Christmas? hmm