This was posted 11 years 3 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

New Super Luigi U Wii U, Pokemon White/BLACK Version 2 DS $10 ea + Other $10 Games @ TGG


Bargain of the morning is here for the gamers (I am not the gamer…hahaha).
I cannot believe it they are so cheap for very good games. delivery is only $2.
Many good quality games to choose from PS3/Xbox/3DS/DS/PS VITA
other bargain games $10 ea

Some highlights include:


Black Ops 2
Medal of Honor
NFS Shift Unleased 2
Batman Arkham City
LA Noire
Halo Reach
Battlefield 3 or the limited edition
Prototype 2
Halo 4
Max Payne 3


Batman Arkham City
Portal 2
Battlefield 3
Black Ops 2
LA Noire
God of War 3
Max Payne 3




Credit: skooter

Edit: Since Lugi U has already sold out, replaced the link to the main promo page.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • Will we be getting our gift vouchers by Christmas? hmm

    • +3

      It took them 2.5 weeks so sort all this out, so another 2.5 weeks to sort out the gift vouchers would mean it's cutting it awful close!!:-p

      • +3

        I thought the emails said the vouchers and refunds would be sent out by the end of this week? (meaning today lol)

        • +2

          They have said alot of things…

        • True

  • Well I spent my $12 refund towards a incomplete boxed with pokewalker soul silver for $20 posted but it's missing the game oh well I'm bound to find a loose soul silver cart someday I guess lol

    • You got just the pokewalker?
      That's a kick in the head.

      • Yeah, the Pokewalker is useless without SS/HG

      • No I got the whole thing cardboard box ,case ,manuals pokewalker just no game I'm sure I'll come across soul silver cheap somewhere along the line I can use it with the $15 second hand heart gold that I brought lol

  • +2

    Spoke to TGG on 1300 466 348 about where my refund is; apparently I can expect it 'some time next week' (sound familiar?) and they only started processing refunds yesterday. No word on the gift voucher.

    • +2

      Lol they sure are dragging this out

  • Got my partial refund, does that mean they have sent the games?

    • Yup (hopefully)

  • So I got an email saying I'm getting a refund, check my Paypal, says i got refunded $22, but Paypal Balance is still $0 and no change in my bank account…

    • +1

      It should sit in your Paypal account. Paypal won't send funds back to your bank account unless you do a withdrawal request.

      • +1

        Paypal Balance is $0 lol

        EDIT: It also said "The refund will go to the card you paid with"

        • Edit: Ah - mine was sucked from bank acct directly.

        • Sorry about that.

          Also mine says completed:

          Date: 6 Dec 2013
          Time: 10:50:21 AEDT
          Status: Completed

    • +3

      If you paid by credit card, the refund goes directly back onto your card rather than sitting in your paypal balance. If you bank with a bank account through there it will go back as a paypal balance.

      If you look at the details of the transaction it should say it's credited back to your credit card if that's the way you paid…

      • It also takes a while until it shows on your card, paypal lags a lot.

        • Okay, I'll give it 24hrs then I'll contact them.

  • for those who received the $10 or $25 Chrissie Credit promotion.. don't forget that it expires on the 22nd of December.

    I haven't seen any sign of the $40 credit as yet, but I'd expect that to have an expiry date too.

    edit: I've already received my credit back on paypal. As well as 8 of the 15 games I ordered (no Wii U titles and only the 1 pokemon game - the infinity dungeon which was promised to be delivered to everyone who ordered it). I did buy 2 games on clearance at $10 each from a store on the Sunday after the initial promotion.. as they were still sitting on the shelves marked as clearance.. the 3DS titles I was after were also on the shelves, but back at normal price).

  • +2

    Ok guys. I got my $40 credit.

    It is a standard TGG gift card useable for anything online and in store. Comes with an expiry time of 12 months from issue.

    • Posted or emailed?

      • Actually I just got mine, emailed.

        • I just got mine emailed too

        • I received one via email too.

    • In the post.

      • huh said they'd email them to us.

        • Not sure about that. Seems to be lots of misinformation floating around.

          When I was told I was getting a gift card, they said they would be shipping it to me and they did.

          Perhaps some of you might get it in email.

    • With your games or separately ?

    • Can you use it online?, my closest store is 30 mins drive from me.

      • Update: Yes you can

  • I got my 2nd refund today another $12 looks like they are posting the games at there own cost I can't imagine how much money this sale has cost them to sort out lol

    • +2

      And the worse bit is, it has generated some bad publicity for them as well. The whole point of honoring the sales was to minimize bad publicity at the expense of revenue. Seems like they are forking out money and losing goodwill too.

      Refer to the ozb rep, delays, missed calls, etc etc.

      • True I just recieved my dispatch notice
        However 1 of the games I was refunded for seems to be listed as backordered whatever that means

  • +2

    Just wanted to let everyone know - my friend had enough of this farce and filed a claim with the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal against The Muir Electrical Company today. There will be a hearing in the new year and if he wins everyone in Queensland can probably claim damages against The Good Guys, certainly those people who did mot accept refund and do mot use the mysterious voucher should it ever materialise.
    If I have time next week I will scan in the receipt and maybe the claim to post up here if he allows it.

    Have a good weekend everybody.

  • I just received a refund for my 5 ps3 games and the shipping costs. I guess all there is left is that voucher we are supposed to get.

  • +1

    Was watching the cricket and suddenly there was a knock on my door. I ran to it and looked out the peep hole and no one was there (thinking someone was pranking me). During the cricket lunch break I went to take the rubbish outside and stubbled on a mysterious package. There it was, my ds games, my parcels are never safe where I live, people like to steal. I was very lucky.

    • +2

      Damn… glad you got them! Was everything there that was supposed to be there?

      • Only pokemon Black and black version 2, they said they couldn't get my wii game even though it was supposedly already dispatched. But thanks to that my order was not complete hence I get $40 voucher for it. I didn't mind that :)

    • jeez they should really be requiring sig of delivery for any kind of purchase sheesh.

      • Signatures cost extra XD

      • I had to sign for mine via startrack express so I guess it depends which way they send it out :/

  • +1

    Just got my voucher, looks good!
    15th December expiry date.

  • Received a full refund, 6 Free DS/PS3 games and a $40 + $25 store credit voucher.

    Pretty happy about that. Has anyone else received the same thing.

    • Free Games?? that doesnt seem right, what were they.

      • Pokemon, call of duty, and prototype.

        Having said that I did order 10 games where only 4 were unable to be fulfilled.

        • Sounds like you made out well. Btw, what was the $25 voucher for?

        • "Chrissy Store Credit"

  • Just got my gift card by email

  • I just received my $40 voucher in an email?!

  • Just got my gift card via email. Expiry date is 15/12/14. Doesn't say anything about limitations (ie. things I can't spend it on) so that's a good sign.

  • Does goodguys still stock games instore ? Would they have the new Zelda 3Ds game ?

    • My local one (SE Melbourne) had two or three copies just now.

  • +1

    Looks like I'm getting a 3DS XL for $199 :)

  • +1

    Just got my email too.

    Anyone know if they still stock pokemon x/y?

    • It's on the website why don't you check store stock?

      • Looks like only Y available and it $54 lol.

        Anyone knows if Good Guys Price Match?

        • +2

          I wouldnt push your luck….

        • +3

          Technically it's $14. ;-)

        • But I could price match Target, and get it for $9..

        • I haven't receive my games or my refund, pretty sure my luck all gone =p

        • Don't be a stinge ! $14 with a voucher is nothing to complain about

        • Touché. :-p

        • +6

          I come to this site because I'm stingy….You might be in the wrong place.

        • -2

          Lol yet you complaining over a $5 saving :P

        • +2

          Why wouldn't I be complaining? You can do alot with $5.

        • +1

          Here have 5 packs of cheezels :P

        • Yes they price match.

  • +1

    Well got partial refund + $40 giftcard 15/11/2013 expiry

    but no Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 :S

    I dont evne know if i should look out for a postie/courier ???!!!?!?

    Apparently my games are at Casula … so if anyone got game from there how where they delivered?

    • give the store a call

    • Mine came from Auburn but the TGG customer service said it came from casula* (edit).

    • I live near casula but that hasn't meant much in regards to delivery times lol ! I have my $24 refund and $40 voucher but no games yet

      • is there any game left in casula?

        • Not sure it's a fair walk from mine and no bus goes there it's like a 5-10 drive from mine but I don't drive :/

  • I also got a gift card via email

  • So I just got the $40 voucher emailed to me, but there's no games to purchase online?

  • Just got a voucher emailed to me for $40,i had 2 orders but received 1 game,did anyone get 2 gift cards or just the 1?

    • Like I said earlier, if you used the same email for your orders, then they were listed all together on their system as one order, so you get 1 card.

      • I used the same email and got 2 gift cards. It's each card for each order made that was not completed.

        • I only got the one,did anyone else get more than 1?

        • It might be a volume thing aswell, how many games did you order in your orders, respectively

    • I got the one voucher for 2 orders

  • +1

    Got refund and gift card. no games yet

  • Just got a partial refund today and 2 giftcards.
    I guess they did not get enough of those 3DS games they said in that email.
    I wish on the refund/receipt they would say what games instead of just DS or 3DS

  • Has anyone try the gift card code to purchase use online? I got "The promotion code you have entered is invalid. Please verify the code and try again". What is this???

    • Which item were you trying to purchase?

      • uniden cordless phone on the featured page.

        • You must use it after the checkout page not in your cart. There is a disclaimer that says that first section is just for promo codes.

  • How long after a dispatch email did you recieve games ? ^^

    • emailed me on 3rd Dec for 1 game, status despatch but still no game till now.

      • +1

        Ugh I hope they deliver tomorrow as 3 weeks is a longtime for a order to arrive from our own country lol

    • Got email last Saturday, received games on Tuesday.

      • 3 days not bad I expect them on monday or Tuesday ^^

  • Ordered 3 DS games for total of $34. They refunded $12 for Pokemon Soulsilver, and I received my other 2 games today. Also, they gave me 2 separate $40 gift cards lol. Havent checked to see if they both work though

  • +1

    I got all my games except one (portal 2), for that they gave me a $40 gift card.
    Wished other retailer's had your approach.
    Well done Good Guys!!

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