This was posted 11 years 3 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare $5 USD PC&MAC (Steam)

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Probably the cheapest this game has ever been…

It's a steamplay game so it works on both PC & Macs..

Not much more to say other than stacksocial is a legit site that sells a lot of OSX offers..

I just got retrenched so clicking my referral link would really help out…

Referral Links

Referral: random (91)

$10 credit for the referrer and referee.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Never heard of StackSocial before, but can't pass up this deal. I just bought a copy and was given a key straight away. +1 deal + 1 legit

  • Thanks! I've been trying for ages to get a cheap copy of COD4 on Steam! Just in time for

  • Quality game.

  • +1

    Soap what kind of a name is Soap?

    • You know what they say… don't drop the ____… guess he dropped it =P

      Anyway, nice find OP! Will be getting it.

  • +5

    I'm amazed that there's still a number of ozbargainers up at this hour.. then again, most of my best work has been after midnight too..

  • Thanks OP. Been looking for a cheap copy of COD4 (the best of the recent ones) for a while. Activated. Downloads. Steamplay :)

  • I don't think this is steam activated is it? I thought it runs through punkbustr and the activision servers, and has no social element with steam. correct me if i'm wrong though

    • +2

      I bought it and it most definitely is steam activated.

    • -5

      what the hell is peoples obsession with steam activated

      no drm is the best

      plus you can add any exe to steam for it to launch anyway

      • +3

        Personally I have 400+ games on Steam, managing all of those individually would be a huge pain in the ass. Steam is pure convenience.

      • +2

        Ideally its brilliant and when I can or other drm free methods is fantastic, but given the constant sales on steam, amazon and other retailers; how could you not put up with steam to get games at such a good price?

  • +7

    I honestly think Cod4 was the best of series in terms of multiplayer.

    • Agreed..apart from the stacking killstreaks being a bit easy to chain

    • +5

      T'was the last COD i ever played…, but once a BF man always a BF man ! :P

      • The true BF men stopped after BC2 when they found out BF3 was actually BC2.5

        I'm still waiting for a real successor to BF2, but we will never see that happen with EA at the helm.

        • I still play BF2 for the flying, I'm a baws !:P

    • Still rocks online multiplayer on the 360

    • +12

      damn dude you got ripped off there

      • lol what's with the negs? just saying

        • mw3 is terrible, whereas COD4 is good

    • +1

      CVonV does have a point.
      MW3 2011 cf COD4 2007 and 4 yrs is a long time in gaming term. But you'd be lucky to find MW3 at that price, especially in retail box.

      • +4

        I've seen games 20 years old sold for $10 (Atari, Nintendo etc). $5 is a bargain for any game.

      • yeah it was a retail box too..

        anyways i wasn't questioning the playability of cod4 vs mw3 at all.. in fact the whole point of my post was to consider getting it judging by the comments of some of the members.. although i dunno if there will be any servers still around

        anyways, it's ozbargain.. people are a bit too quick to judge as usual

  • How legit is this site?

    • +1

      I was wondering this also

    • +3

      Very. Been using them for years. They are kind of like the humble bundle for mac software

  • +2

    cheers just bought it didnt need it though

    • +2

      You have made us proud.

  • awesome, thanks

  • Does this game still have active multiplayers?
    I've completed the single campaigns.

    • im interested in knowing this as well. the steam forums say theres still quite a lot of players, but how many are actually Australians to play with…

      • +1

        Join the Ozbargain group on steam, i'm sure theres some of us online lol

        • Didn't even know the group existed. Thanks for the note!

    • Does this game still have active multiplayers?

      Apparently still very active:…

      On another note, for those who care, there is no controller support…you will have to use xpadder etc.

      • Why would you use a controller on a PC FPS?

        • I'm talking about single player mainly, although I personally used to hold my own on BF3 multiplayer on the PC with the 360 controller ;)

          I am a lounge PC gamer, so play all of my games with a controller…hopefully the Steam controller will make life a bit nicer when playing RTS games etc

    • There will be a whole heap of active OzB multiplayers as a result of this deal

  • I'm addicted to OzB.

    Bought another thing that I'll never use.

    Bought, and you get the KEY instantly at confirmation page.

    Now installing, see you all online………….

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I used your referral link :) Was waiting to buy this one for long time.

  • +1

    Basically Ghosts minus the dog and intelligent fish.. but a lot cheaper.

    Good deal!

  • welp, it only took almost 7 years but this is finally at a price I'm willing to pay.

    I was just whinging about just how expensive CoD was just yesterday… moral of the story is whinge more often.

  • would I be better off with MW2 for online play? or COD4 already lost a lot of players?
    Battlelfield 4 is new so I'm sure they have bigger online community.

  • Thanks OP, I too used your referral link and forwarded it to a couple of mates who will purchase as well.

    Great deal.

  • +1

    Thanks, this is great! However I am having trouble installing it in steam. i followed the instructions on stacksocial and activated the key, which steam accepted, but the game isn't showing in my library. help?

    edit: derp, it is there after i restarted steam

  • +2

    Servers may be alive and full of players in US and other countries but not so much in Aus :/…

    • +2

      At $5, there will be now…

  • +3

    Nice one. Beats the ridiculous $50 price tag on Steam.

    Best CoD game for sure. A series that needs to be put to bed…

  • +1

    What are the 18 SteamAppXXXX crap that it's trying to install at the same time? Anyone having the same?

    • I'm getting this too, it activated the game but there are about 100 other items in my Steam list now called SteamAppXXXX (with various numbers), what the hell?

      EDIT: A little research suggests that this is a Steam problem, it's not just happening with this game but iwith others too. Restarting Steam did not fix it, my games list is forever polluted with these apps, oh well.

      • No fix or way to remove them? :(

        • Not that I can see, same way you can't remove normal games in your library..if it bothers me I'll contact nobody else having this problem?

        • Yep I got this issue too; pretty annoying. For the moment I've created a 'Junk' category and shifted them into there, and minimised the category. Not exactly a fix, but it gets them out of my face.

        • Something that is bundled with CoD:MW. Can't say what because it has been deleted as of 6 hours ago.

          See here.

        • How can we see if it's been deleted? Your link is dead

        • Wow that is really odd. I guess then link system is internal to ozbargain only.


        • i didn't get these steam apps in my library.. only "Call of Duty 4" Modern Warfare"

  • Would you Ausbargainers play on a Search & Destroy server if I bought one? I used to live for that game mode and have turned away from all CoD games since.

    • Look for the Games.On.Net servers which host SnD. #3 and #13 are SnD with the latter being hardcore. Not sure if people still populate them much, but last year they were often full.

      • Awesome. I hope that because of this deal, we'll get some people back on these servers.

  • +1

    This is the price that I like to pay :)

  • +3

    If anyone is interested in buying this:

    -Great multiplayer. Servers are little bit lacking since it's 6 years old now. Internode still have 10 servers up which are popular. I regular Sabotage #09 with about 10 others.

    -Good singleplayer. Should keep you busy for a good 5+ hours depending on your speed. I still haven't completed the game on the hardest difficulty.

    -Good community. The only annoying thing about multiplayer is when people start tubing or spawn camping. But that happens in every game.

    For $5 this is a steal. Highly recommended from someone who has over 500 hours invested.

    • +1

      "For $5 this is a steal."

      For a 2007 digital download? No, no it's not.

      I would say that it's a fair everyday price.

      • +2

        I agree that for a 2007 digital download $5 should be a everyday price but as the publishers of this game have stubbornly refused to drop the price of this game and as it still retails at $50 on steam $5 is a pretty good price.

        • +2

          If you go into any retailer it is never below $20. I've seen this and Modern Warfare 2 for the same price numerous times.

          What ruined call of duty was the DLC.

          CoD4 actually had 3 maps put in for free. Killhouse, Chinatown and Creek.
          In MW2 they released DLC for $10-20 for 3-4 maps from CoD4 for a quick buck. Can't remember what maps, but I know Crash was one.

        • +1

          Don't forget Broadcast!

  • -3

    Unfortunately, while this was an excellent game when it came out, I'm dismayed that $5 can still be considered a bargain.

  • Funny, I was just talking to a friend yesterday about never having played a CoD since 2 -I have a fondness for WWII games, so I've never felt the need to get all these newer ones- but at 5 bucks, the price is right!

    Used your referral link and all, thanks for pointing this out. Downloading now.

  • Been on the edge about getting this game, but for $5 I didnt even think twice. Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP. Bought three copies using your referral link for my friends.
    COD 4 LAN coming right up!

  • Cheers just bought it! anyone up for a game tonight?

    • now that NBN has stopped, you could be downloading for a while before you play

      • I'm not on the NBN and it only took 13 minutes to download.

  • Thank you OP! Paid with PayPal and the conversion worked out to AU$5.47. Pretty good considering Steam is still selling it for US$49.99. Had no problems activating it :)

  • Awesome! Nice website and cheap. Thanks OP

  • thx OP, used your referral link too

    PS I was in the same spot (retrenched) 12 and 48 months ago and it sucked, but hang in there! karma will catch with those scumbags sooner or later

    • I'm not too worried. I think it's more that I was there for a number of years and with long service leave approaching in about 2 years, i think they justed decided it was easier to get rid of me (and a few others) than to pay out..

      The referral link didn't work either, says that they're all 'invalid'.. ahh well.. lol

  • Thanks op, got one! Good deal, downloading via steam now.

  • Got 2 people to buy it with your link. Thanks!

  • Yep. Bought one with the referral link. $5 for a mac game… YaY!

  • Checked servers and people are actually playing now… Must be all the $5 players haha
    Used referral link. Thanks!

  • So the other day my GF mentioned that she really liked sniper portions of games. I asked whether she had played "All Ghillied Up" from MW1. That was enough for me to buy this. Thanks!

  • Gday mate how do I get rid of the communication failure error every time I join a game?

  • Purchased yesterday, codes and installation all went well.
    And it looks like this offer is still available on this link if someone wants to update the thread:

    Note: First time poster, please go easy on me :)

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