Seems OzBargain is forever updating stuff to make it more popular, like a faster search bla bla? Guess that'll get better SEO or whatever to be honest. Old search was 3.5secs new search 0.35 seconds, I hardly use it enough to complain about how slow it is., Users have silly features. What is "User Rating". No one even uses it… Why not implement something that people will use, it's great and all that the staff and reps are getting new badges and stuff. Still, no improvement for everyday users… We look at the exact same plain features minute in minute out. Even our "dots" cough, 'badges' are pretty crap and even all badges don't fit on someones popup profile because they don't fit in the box.
The features that are implemented, hardly users know about because it's not publish like being able to quote a comment by link.
Lots of criticism there but none of it constructive. What do you want, exactly?