Eight disc box set containing the four Alien feature films - Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection - and Prometheus. Plus lots and lots of extras. Cheapest price it's ever been on Amazon!
Prometheus to Alien (5 Films + Extras) on 8 Blu-Rays - $31 Delivered @ Amazon UK

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Does this have all the extras as the previous releases?
Yep. It's all 6 discs from the Alien Anthology plus the 2-disc Promethus.
bad ass, as a big Alien fan id totally get this if hadn't had all films separately
thanx op :)
nice~nice~ =D
Ordered.Unfortunately they are going to have many more Prometheus movies, would be the ultimate box if the movie ended, but with so many remakes etc lol.
Ridley Scott Says ‘Prometheus 2’ Is Still Happening
But I guess you gotta start somewhere? What about Rocky, Rambo, StarWars…and so many other Box sets?
If you always wait for the final movie you are better of never buying any box set
Bit different with LOTR and the Hobbit where you know you have to wait three years for the complete BOX.
But even there they screw you over with enhanced version, extra content versions 9.1 audio versions and all other kind of crap being released later on to tempt people into buying what they already own..
Must resist….
Actually though I found Prometheus to be an excellent movie, I just couldn't absorb it into the Alien storyline. Alien versus Predator even did better in that regard.
As long as you don't use your brain when watching it.
Amazon product details says "Region B/2" which contradicts product description of each movie that says "Region free". Worth the risk if you have a region free player.
Australia is also Bluray region B - there is no risk.
On that topic anyone can recommend a region free blu ray player?
Not for this movie but I bought a couple overseas and realized they can't be played :/.PS3 :P
Every single uk blurays have purchased from Zavvi, the Hut, and amazon works flawlessly on my bluray Australian jbhifi, china made players.
Hello all,
This deal tickled my fancy, but I already have Prometheus on Blu Ray. I did see a link for just the 4 Alien films without Prometheus for GBP10 (incl VAT?), which I think is a good deal. Might not have all the special features of the box set listed above. Caveat emptor etc.
Items: GBP 8.33
Postage & Packing: GBP 3.58
Total before VAT: GBP 11.91
VAT: GBP 0.00(Order Total: GBP 11.91)
Payment Total: AUD 20.84Or get the 6-disc set for a little bit more:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003AQBYUG/ref=oh_details…The 2 extra discs are quite worth it with heaps of special features.
Awesome, at this price i can't resist, on the Amazon.com site in the U.S it states these as Region free, so maybe they are? either way i'm in.
I would be right into this but I already have the 4 Alien blurays in a box set from Amazon UK. As been said already, the UK bluray zone is the same as OZ but I would be wary about buying from the US. The zones are not the same and if not actually region free then you got a set of Frisbees.
so goooood i have the original 4 box set but this is awesome!
Bought a copy for myself and another copy as a gift to a mate in the UK - free shipping woo!
Came to just over $32 AUD with their currency conversion. Good deal.
delivered but badly damaged :(
Contact Amazon and they will fix it for you. I had a delivery go astray. It ended up arriving but probably via both the north and south poles. Anyhow, they sent me a new order of the same products within 24 hours and no hassle at all. Three weeks after the re-order arrived, along came the originals. They did not want them back. I love Amazon.
edit: Actually the delivery that went astray was my previous order of the Aliens 4 disk bluray. I ended up with two of them. Made a great gift.
Will do- thanks dude :)
Why am I not getting a price of $31?
Items: GBP 17.08
Postage & Packing: GBP 3.58
Total before VAT: GBP 20.66
VAT: GBP 0.00
Order Total: GBP 20.66
Payment Total: AUD 36.80Probably because the price or exchange rate changed since the deal was posted. Amazons prices fluctuate really frequently, kinda like buying petrol.
this deal has expired. look at the camel3 image.
The price is now back in case you still want to get it, though unfortunatly amazon uk's exchange rate has also dropped from .57 to .53 since then.
good work! thanks for that and I used your link