Affiliate Links / Referral Links Rule Update (Oct 2013)

This is an old thread and doesn't reflect the current policies. Please see our deal posting guidelines: referral & affiliate links for the latest information

With an update this morning in our backend, we have changed our rules slightly on posting referral and affiliate links in deals, forums and comments. The most notable change is the distinguishing between referral links and affiliate links. Please see this wiki page for more details. One major change is:

  • Affiliate links are no longer allowed in deal or forum posts. We have a system working out whether a link is an affiliate link, and will flag the post & report to moderators if affiliate links are detected.

These stay the same:

  • Referral links are still allowed in deal or forum posts. They still need to be declared, need to be placed at the end of the post content, and referral post limitation will be applied (similar to store rep post limitation).
  • Referral links and affiliate links are not allowed in comments.

The biggest implication is — Amazon Associates links are no longer allowed to be posted on OzBargain. These are identified as affiliate links where Amazon paying commission to their affiliates. Not to mention OzBargain is not "your site" in all the Participants requirement and Operating agreements that associates have to agree to.

Hopefully that's clear.


  • I think you've made it pretty clear re distinction between referral/affiliate links in that wiki page and I think it is an appropriate change, particularily in respect to Amazon Associates links (had no idea people posting them here were actually in breach of Amazon associates agreements).

  • Will OzBargain get any affiliate benefit like it does for non-logged in users?

    • No. We still send all our users directly to the merchant.

      • +3

        Why not clip the affiliate ticket on the way for more site revenue?
        I am neutral on whether users should get an affiliate benefit, as I see it might motivate more posts, but could also jeopardise post quality, but I don't see any reason OzB shouldn't take a cut if it is banned for users.
        Or is it to not conflict with cashback programmes that you don't want to do it?

        • If he/she found the deal but can't post he/she affiliate link but the site gets the commission seems unfair don't you think?

          So both parties not getting anything is probably fair.

        • +2

          It's more than "who gets the commission".

          With affiliate programs the requirement for affiliates is different and more strict, comparing to merchant's referral program. For example as an Amazon Associate I don't think you should leave links on properties that you don't have control of. Just signing up to Amazon Associate program requires you to submit your website and how you are going to do marketing for them. In the past we have people who submitted OzBargain as "their website" to get onto the Amazon Associate program, which I think is just inappropriate.

  • Well thats a shame.

  • Thanks for clearing this up. The previous help/FAQ was very ambiguous.

  • +2

    Disappointing. I don't see what was wrong with the previous system where affiliate links were NOT in the title link (ie. were optional), were allowed only for established members, and were fully disclosed.


    Well I just put together a response for you and the system automatically deleted it because it contained OPs referral code. Seriously f%^&$%d up.

    If the mods are reading this. How about implementing a bloody warning?

    Clearly the system is able to determine if referral code is present in the comment so why not give a warning instead so I could simply remove it instead of losing my entire response?

    I hope this suggestion will be considered. Not only for referral codes, but for any other situation it may apply in. Since the auto-moderator is able to pick up on certain things, why not have it give a warning instead saying that the comment can't be posted and the reason so the use may EDIT instead of losing all work.

    When this happened I heard Nelson in my head saying HAHA!

    • Commenting guidelines:

      Affiliate/Referral Links

      Affiliate links, referral links or referral codes should not be posted in comments. You should not link to your own deals where you are a referrer (e.g. deals marked with a tag) or if you are in the OzBargain referral system (Vitacost, GreenmanGaming). Do not comment asking for people to private message (PM) you for a referral/affiliate link.

      However, you can simply contact a mod via hitting the report link and we can fix your comment. I've fixed your comment.

  • Hi Scotty

    Are we allowed to put up links to our spreadsheets with our Amazon affiliate links like this one here

    • No. It's been removed.

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