This was posted 11 years 4 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 4 Preorder with CHINA RISING DLC + PREMIUM Approx $39.99 + $31.90 Origin Mexico VPN


OK so after ordering BF4+premium and still not seeing any good deals being posted by the cd key sites, not even for the russian keys. Thought i might post this in case people have missed it

Basically you can buy the base game + china rising DLC from the Origin mexico website for only 499MXN PESOS
and the Premium pack for only 399MXN PESOS

This is roughly $74 AUD for something that would normally cost $69.99 + $59.99
so effectively saving you almost $60 bucks

the key trick is essentially to CONNECT TO A MEXICAN VPN/proxy FIRST
* use chrome so it translates the page for you
* add the items to your cart
* go to checkout
* disconnect from proxy
* log into your origin account (works best if you add your CC details first into your profile)
* and pay =)

wam bam thank you Seniore Sam, done in about 10 minutes

Remember to use 28degrees mastercard for better exchange rate
IMPORTANT!!!! ENTER YOUR REAL ADDRESS DETAILS, NOT FAKE MEXICAN DETAILS otherwise you may have issues with your credit card being accepted as the addresses wont match for antifraud verification

verified working……

Note that if you dont want premium, this base game can be bought separately and is still cheaper than any pre order price or online cd key site price AND you get China DLC

And the game will come in English for the mexican version. EA has verified it

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closed Comments

  • You may find your credit card isn't accepted.

    I got it to work once in about 200 tries.

    It will not work every time due to the credit card verification processes used by EA's card company…

    • I just bought standard BF4 and took me only go. Did you put a mexican post code? I did.

      • Not sure - I'll certainly try that next time. It was bloody frustrating.

        My Origin account has about 20 pages of "Payment failed" purchases in the purchase history…

        • sorry forgot to mention


          this is probably why your cc is failing because of fraud flags (since your address isnt matching up)

        • 1:42AM Edit The problem was solved. The issue which plagued me for 5 days was the simple fact that I had incorrectly input my address to reflect that of a Mexican's living in Mexico.

          Use your real address, guys. It's meant to be instantaneous.

        • Did you ever get yours to work? I'm getting errors everytime.

  • What is the premium pack? Is it necessary?

    • All future DLC +. Optional.

    • If you want to play online, it is pretty much necessary once a couple of DLC have been released.

      As each DLC pack comes out, less servers stick to just the original game maps - and if you dont have the DLC maps you can't play on the servers using DLC maps…

      If you are buying from Mexico you get the main game and all DLC for the standard AUD cost of just the main game, so I'd definitely buy both…

      • +1

        Yeah I wouldn't be so sure about that.

        BF3's most popular maps were always the vanilla 64P Conquest maps like Caspian, Kharg, Firestorm and… Metro.

        The only DLC that came close to achieving that same level of popularity as the base game was Armoured Kill (and even then it was too late in the life span of BF3 to attract the same player base), but by and large the rest of them (especially Close Quarters) fizzled out after a few months. Most players only ended up getting Premium for the major advantages the newer weapons offered.

        Also, the Premium pack for BF4 will undoubtedly see a price drop fairly shortly after launch just like BF3's did; at this stage getting Premium makes little sense as future DLCs are months down the road (and at that time they will be much, much cheaper).

        • +1

          Dice has said that they will be added Gulf of Oman, Operation Metro, Caspian Border, and Operation Firestorm as DLC, called Second Assault

        • What. Is. Your. Point?

        • Yeah, especially after the humble bundle, the base game got even more popular.

  • +1

    There are reports on Whirlpool that if you use the Mexican VPN path your account will be locked to Mexico and you can't use the Australian store again

    • I got sim city this way and I still access the Australian store, stores are done off the IP address.

      • Region locks for buying from other stores happens on PSN. PC is more versatile.

        • +2

          even the government told us to do it :-)

    • this is not true

      • +1

        Just mentioning it as there are numerous posts in the whirlpool thread the OP linked from around here… that mention potential penalties.

        No one has any confirmation, but it is still worth pointing out.

        • What if the purchased key came as a "gift" from a mexican friend?

        • no that guy is just speculating
          my origin account has russian, us, AU and mexican keys

          but its still a normal functioning australian account

          btw you can change your region in your registry settings too

  • purchadsed

  • Can I use paypal?

    • i think so but the exchange rate is SHITE

  • -1

    Also I'm not sure if people are forgetting but ALL PRE-ORDERS OF BF4 WILL HAVE ACCESS TO CHINA RISING: (Scroll to the bottom of the page)

    The next DLC after that, "Second Assault" is scheduled to launch early on November 22 for Xbox One; which makes the PC launch date weeks or even months after that at the earliest.

    There's no real rush to grab all the DLC/Premium right now; the price will drop after launch and the DLCs may not even become that popular (just as most of BF3's flopped badly).

    • -1

      no…Premium prices dont drop

      premium is exactly the name suggests, a virtual arbitary product with an arbitary value

      DICE/EA dont discount the premium pack until all DLC have been released.

      you wont see it on discount until at least 1-2 years

      and where did you read that PC will have months of delay wtf

      I played mostly DLC maps so i have no idea what you're on about

      as long as there is 1 sever of about 64 people who cares what other servers around. How many servers can you simultaneously play in? so does it matter how popular it is?

      my favourite was Close quarters

      • -2

        Lol, your favourite BF3 DLC was Close Quarters, a.k.a Call of Duty 5.

        'Nuff said.

        as long as there is 1 sever of about 64 people who cares what other servers around. How many servers can you simultaneously play in? so does it matter how popular it is?


        1. Lag. Different players will have different latencies for different servers; and by the same token, some servers may attract a lot of high-ping players (especially foreign players) who can negatively impact everyone else's experience.

        2. Map or game mode rotation. Most admins are content to run the same maps and game modes for weeks at a time. People who want variety (i.e. everyone except you) will switch to other servers after they get bored.

        3. The quality of competition. Some servers become clan-dominated or team-stacked making them very unfair, some servers don't automatically balance teams, some servers became havens for hackers, some servers are run by admins who arbitrarily kick people for made up rules they enforce, some servers are just plain, old shit on some nights, etc.

        4. You can have a quick look on BF3Stats for yourself:
          The most popular servers are and are always were vanilla servers. I played BF3 since launch. Only ever got Premium 8 months afterwards, by which time most of the DLC servers were pretty much dead (had Back to Karkand because I pre-ordered).

        DICE/EA dont discount the premium pack until all DLC have been released.

        They do.……

        ^ That was before Close Quarters, Armored Kill or Aftermath launched.

        Go peddle misinformation some where else console kiddie.

        and where did you read that PC will have months of delay wtf

        It will be late December 2013, at the earliest.

        If you remember anything of BF3's troubled launch and all of the failed promises and launch issues that took months to resolve; you shouldn't hold your breath for any EA release, period.

        • i dont remember any troubled launch
          and i dont remember any call of duty having destructable environments, bullet drop, gun master mode or bf3's classes when playing it.

          But then again, anybody who doesnt enjoy running for 15 minutes across ridiculously huge maps only to get shot by a tank/jet/chopper in seconds, must be an inferior BF player right? because we all have to adhere to everyone else's tastes and play styles right?

          its a game, i tend not to think too deeply about it, which is why i try to pay the most lowest price possible at a certain time that i wish to play something

          (price to wait ratio)

          thats all i care about

  • I confirmed I purchase both for $73 AUD using this method, see you guys there!

  • Took the risk, wish I had more time to play but I'm always a sucker for bf games :P

    Thanks for the tip!

  • keep getting:

    We're unable to process your payment right now. Use a different payment method or try again later. [ref. #10048]

    • Try leaving the 'country' in the checkout screen as Mexico - other details should be your actual address. Worked for me.

      • tried many times but not working.

  • +1

    Can confirm origin mexico method still working. Just purchased 2 copies of the base game + premium via credit card. Downloading now :)

  • Second Narz comment - had BF4 purchase & purchased premium NP.

  • Thanks for this, worked like a charm! Finished my last exam and first thing I did was look on Ozbargain for the cheapest place to get BF4 :)

  • I am willing to pay someone who can purchase this for me.

    • How are you paying for the game? Credit card or PayPal? If the former, try paying through PayPal instead. That's how I did it and worked the first time.

      • Both method used but no luck.

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