Popular ice cream on OzBargain, hasn't been this price since February. Image is from page 15 of upcoming catalogue.
Popular ice cream on OzBargain, hasn't been this price since February. Image is from page 15 of upcoming catalogue.
I did that last Wed. Might get a $5 one from Woolies too though.
Only 1? At this price you should be getting 1 a day
I'd love to, but I have to watch my weight :)
You can watch it go up as your bank balance goes down.
Said it last time, too, but best cookies'n'cream ever. Can't stop eating.
(Fellow ice-cream junkies, also check out the "Prestige" brand at Woolies. The Raspberries and Cream was disappointing, but the Chocolate is excellent, a bit like a mix between premium choc ice cream and frozen chocolate mousse. It's 2L, so it's much better value than all the 1L - or less - premium ice creams).
You sir, are quite the Coinnaseur
Lol it's in the title and picture and still you couldn't spell it properly :P
Possibly a play on the word with "coin" (being ozb and all)?
…or i could just be looking too much into it and they can't spell for $#!t :)
LOL the first one…we have a Weiner !
LOL the first one…we have a Weiner !
I "ah haw'd" out aloud at that one!
Thats rubbish! Cookies and cream is the worst ever! So you people reading please don't buy them.
(so there will be some stock left for me…)
I find Connoisseur Cookies & Cream to be a more "matured" variant, ie. the cookies whilst still in medium chuncks, have been infused into the cream, whereas other brands either over or under do it".
It's possible to 'overdo' the amount of cookies in ice cream??
I constantly piss my GF off by burrowing holes in it trying to get the chunks out!
Marge, we need more vanilla strawberry and chocolate ice cream!
Thanks for the tip, can't stop eating the Cookies & cream!
Pretty good price. I might get some tomorrow.
For something that's cheap at it's usual price, I've found Aldi's Monarc range to be particularly good as well. I think it was something like $4.79 the last time I got some.
@ Woolies from Wed 23
Cheers. Missed that bit.
haha, we are buying Aldi's cookies and cream and it' really good! But when offer comes out periodically, we switch the the Connoisseur for a couple of weeks (depends how long last a couple of tubs) and then back to Aldi's ))
and here I was thinking you were giving a critique on the Australian economy Hedgehog Girl
I haven't looked for a while, but why doesn't Australia sell more imaginative flavours.
Look in the freezer aisle in the US and you can get the best mix of ice cream creations. Given that I've seen a huge line of people queueing up to pay $8 to create a pathetically small magnum, surely there's a market here for that.
Every time I go to the states we go nuts buying different ice cream flavour tubs, there's so many to choose from!
but why doesn't Australia sell more imaginative flavours.
Big supermarket corporations don't believe in variety. They remove variety and introduce bland home brand crap.
Well Ben & Jerry's is about to be relaunched in Aus (believe only sold in IGA at the moment), even then its pretty poor value for money.
sold almost everywhere in syd
well yeah, having a population of 20mil compared to 350mil doesn't make a diff…
After a quick google,
Sydney Pop : 4.576 million (2010)
Melbourne Pop: 4.077 million (2010)
LA Pop : 3.858 million (2012)
New York Pop : 8.337 million (2012)
There is a large enough market in the cities for this.
ummm I'm pretty sure the big companies sell interstate as well as local… and the one's who dont' have to follow.
Its the same reason all mens pants length are based on one leg length rather than multiples(yes I am grumpy about that)
LOL! … You are comparing Sydney & Melbourne greater metropolitan areas to the cities of LA and NY which is a very unfair and bias comparison.
If you want a fair comparison then compare the metropolitan area populations of all regions:
or compare the cities:
hey, thanks for correcting me!
I just copied down what google told me following a search,
"population of …"
I guess its weird it wouldn't standardise it.
Always check sources and cross reference!
Always check sources and cross reference!
A cup of common sense goes along way when looking at results ;)
Thus spoke Malthus! - leading to what will later be coined as The Malthusian Icecream Catastrophe (TMIC)
You haven't noticed it's not just ice-cream?
Everything is available in more flavours and varieties and types in the US (not to mention much cheaper).
US us 10 times the population of AU. Bigger economy, more vendors, more supermarket brands, all adds up to more variety.
I've only been to California, but I'm pretty sure peanut butter is a food group there too…
I buy US soft drink varieties often like
- Fanta:
- Sunkist
- Welchs
- Mug Root beer
- Coke
Dark/Wild Cherry
-Mountain Dew Voltage
-A&W Root beer
-Dr Pepper
and many more flavours….. Cons: 330ml against 375ml :P
A neg eh? Well no Pineapple fanta for you!
The main con is Corn Syrup rather than Cane Sugar.
US us 10 times the population of AU. Bigger economy, more vendors, more supermarket brands, all adds up to more variety.
…and more bigger obesity stats
We have less flavours, true, but we have the significant advantage of not having high fructose corn syrup in pretty much everything compared to the USA.
I miss some of the more unusual flavours I've encountered on my travels, such as green tea flavoured products in Japan. Solution? I make green tea flavoured yogurt myself in my Easiyo container.
I was wondering about that in regards to chip packet flavours! Look at the variety of Japanese/Korean chips
(drool) for squid chips XD
I find this and most of the other so called premium ice creams seriously lacking.
Kinda like most Gourmet sausages that contains less meat, but heaps of salt
make your own bloody ice-cream brand then captain gourmet.
I think he had a point, these "gourmet" icecreams are just rebrands of streets/nestle/whatever. Hard to actually find gourmet icecream which isn't Gelato.
Cool find me the cheaper branded cookies & cream that tastes the same…
personally think Bulla cookies and cream is just as good…
No way! I did a back to back comparison and Bulla was a very distant second…..even my kids ignore Bulla when Connoisseur is in the fridge….hence I have to hide it!
Bulla? Not even close.
Some are good, some are not. Some of the Sara Lee gourmet ice cream flavours are pretty average IMO, definitely not worth the extra cash. But the cadburys actually have better ingredients (look and the nutrition info, less sugar, less fat) and, as I said, some of the connoisseur flavours, e.g.: Cookies and Cream, are definitely superior.
I don't think I've ever found a Sara Lee or Connoisseur flavour that I would call "pretty average". I think the only flavour I haven't tried is vanilla, which I would never buy, as it's just so boring. I find all the other flavours worth it (when they're on special, of course).
Not even close. I've tried cookies and cream from newrly every company but Conoisseur is by far the best. The vanilla in it has a much sweeter, creamier taste than all the other brands BUT I hardly eat it because they are way to expensive
Cool find me the cheaper branded cookies & cream that tastes the same…
They might not taste the exact same but the differences between 'gourmet' ice creams and cheaper ice creams is not much when you compare the differences between gourmet and regular icecreams in other countries.
The premium packaging and brand names are the only real differences with most 'gourmet' Australian products.
Connoiseur is not even really 'gourmet' it is still light and very airy. gourmet ice cream is dense and has a much better flavour and higher quality
Agree - Bulla is a serious contender given it's 2x the size (2L) for less!
It's not as dense, but still well worth trying.
i miss bulla premium classics with belgian chocolate and vanilla bean ice cream :(
@ace which is irrelevant, since this post is about this brand's icecream going for $5 and you can't get any other decent tasting icecream like this one's at the same price.
a whinge (like the ones above yours) about whether the brand/product name is gourmet or not should really belong to the forums.
there's 'natural' brand of chips and 'organic' brands as well and commonsense tells you that there's nothing natural about chips or organic of something.
some people should really build a bridge though… a deal is a deal is a deal.
otherwise, feel free to point me and other fellow bargain hunters to a real gourmet place selling real gourmet ice cream/gelato at $5 for 2+ pints.
Love the Sarah Lee French Vanilla flavour… Favourite vanilla flavoured ice cream. Few scoops with some strawberries… mmmm
Captain Gourmet's Own Bloody Icecream has a good ring to it!
Gourmet sausages isn't something you find too much of in the US for those lamenting Aust variety…
+1 awesome….will get some for sure or the wife won't be happy for weeks :D
2 gym membership ads almost directly after this one.. Lol. 1L = how many hours in the gym to work it off?
Looks like 1L is 2700 calories. So about 8 hours on a treadmill
That sucks, only takes me about 18 minutes to eat a tub.
Good deal
Nice! Been checking out the ice-cream section lately, glancing longingly at the Connoisseur but refusing to pay so much (so I got the $4 drumsticks instead).
Definitely going there next Wednesday.
For anyone wanting to look at this the catalogue online.
Thanks tori
Shapes $1.25 save $1.60 is half price apparently :/ Seems like whoever made the catalogue needs one of these
Raw milk kefir.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
When does everyone get their catalogues in the mail?
We usually get it on Thu/Fri after the sale starts.
Considering writing a letter to the council.
nothing to do with council - try contacting salmat or visit http://weeklyspecials.woolworths.com.au/activemagazine/getBo… instead (change date in url each week) :)
Awww, I liked your embarrassing idea of getting a councillor onto nasty Woolworths for not delivering your catalogues.
I also need the council to make the Sunday mail delivery dudes throw it to my side of the driveway instead of the neighbours side….. Usually its in neutral territory in the middle :P
Sunday mail?
They're doing you a favour keeping that Murdoch trash away from you!
Thanks for sharing I'm going to grab dinner to stock up
This is OzBargain. If you want us to try Häagen-Dazs, tell us where it's selling for less than $10 a litre.
Tell us where it is selling? So hard to find one in Melbourne
Connoisseur is better than Hagen days.. But I miss the run and raisins of Hagen dazs
Honey Macadamia. Oh god.
I don't know if you guys have tried Messina or not, but its the best I have ever tasted. Of course, it comes at 20$ a litre so not something for everyday indulgence. This one (Connoisseur) at 5$ a litre is definitely a must-stock item :)
I want to try their Dr. Evil Mushroom ice cream cake. Damn that cross-section looks delicious
Messina and that mushroom cake are one of the first things I want to try when they open up in Melbourne (unless they already have…?)
at $85 per cake (small) it sure is not worthy for ozbargainers
http://www.birthdaycakeshop.com.au :)
like for discount - https://www.facebook.com/lickmeicecream/posts/61041700233798…
How good is this connisour ice cream?
A very noticeable difference from standard 'cheap' ice cream.
yeah nah
We're still eating the remaining from the good 14 tubs I got for my girlfriend back in feb from coles. I think I might never eat ice cream again after these…
I am down to the last tub from the Coles $5 sale.
is this nationwide?
good bargain but wished they could be more adventerous with their flavours like ben n jerry or haagen daaz sigh. come on australia.
Where's that OzBargain special on freezers?
Calm down and don't eat so much at once! Brain-freeze hurts like a b*tch right???!!! :)
I scream for ice cream.
Anyone know where you can get black sesame or green tea flavoured ice cream by tub??
Pretty much any asian grocer with a fridge.
damn, just got it from coles last night for 7$. Great deal!