This was posted recently when it was on Special at Big W for $20 and currently sells for $30 at Officeworks
Casio Scientific FX82AU Plus Calculator - Black $3.50 at Kmart [Clearance]

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which kmart?
Now,This is A real Bargain
Thanks OPYeah, but keep in mind this is a clearance and stock will be limited.
holy crap $3.50 !! Mind telling us which kmart?
This was spotted at Kmart Southland earlier this morning. There were 2 left on the shelf after I grabbed one. Sorry the picture isn't very clear. The product number is 4971850182122
pity it isn't solar powered
I bought mine about 5 years ago and recently changed the AAA carbon zinc battery. Not because it ran out, but because I was wary of the battery leaking. I've installed a lithium battery so would expect not to change it until next decade. No need for solar.
i've had one for….5+ years and i've never replaced the battery.
I bet you have a solar powered watch as well….
I've never needed to replace the batteries. A good smack would normally fix any issues.
… "That's what she said"
What happened to the usual appreciation for smut that is OzBargain… I'm disappointed in everyone involved for negging this comment…
I didn't see it as smut. To me it seemed like a poorly executed joke about domestic violence, therefore unpopular.
I have this calculator. It's a little odd as by default all results are shown as a fraction, with the need to press a button to show decimal output.
it's scientific!
Ah drats….doesn't do correlation coefficient.
thats what she said
I think you cannot bring smartphone into an exam.
yes - but you cant take a mobile phone or tablet into an exam at high school or uni to use the calculator app - this you can!!!
Or mobile the exam nor este app thus I can
There are 8 at Kmart Eastland (Melb) if any one is down that way.
Just a heads up, they're clearing stock because Casio are about to roll out the fx-82AU PLUS II.
"Approved by the Board of Studies" I think the new one is a little too overpowered for school students… sure you memorise the key locations. These are notorious for rubbing off.
A real bargain that I've being waiting for almost 20 years since year 10.
If only they had the FX-100AU on sale. Good Casio calculators seem to be the only technology that actually appreciates in value over time. I have no idea why.
A new ClassPad!
Unbelievable.(and about time!)
:)Damn. I do feel old. Feels like only yesterday we were wowed by typing words in and saving them to memory.
I think you mean 55378008
- It's 55378008, not 80087355
- 5318008 are better than 80087355 any day
- 5318008.378806 is better again
- Beware of 5304.35380
I just had to turn my laptop screen upside down
Auto-rotate is a pain on phone/tablet
Anyone been able to get Officeworks to pricematch?
None in southport. :(
Nothing but K-Mart's house-brand in Hobart.
can confirm that there is none in fairfield NSW 2165
Just picked up 4 at my local k-Mart and there were 5 left I might be able to grab them and post out if anyone is having trouble getting one.
How can you possibly use more than two at once? Do you calculate with your feet?
Haha no they are for my kids:)
How much would shipping be?
Might buy one off you if I can't get to Kmart today.
Yea please, how much for shipping?
I know people that bring 2. One for calculations in degrees and the other in radians.
I will go back tomorrow and see if there are any left.
Thanks. I am happy to pay you upfront if its available.
That's actually pretty clever. I remember people announcing to the 3unit kids for the HSC to convert their calculators to degrees because 2unit doesn't need radians.
991ES is way better than 82ES but still a huge bargain
Don't forget 991ES is not approved for use in school (HSC) & uni exams.
Great calculator… used this during my HSC days. And uni days too.
No stock at Kmart blacktown and officewotks won't price match clearance price.
no stock moonee ponds vic. i did buy one a few months ago when they were in the clearance bin at $6.50. That probably explains it.
5318008 - Ah, the joy of youth ;-)
No Casio at all at Hornsby and Chatswood.
cheers for letting us know. was just gonna check
Damn, I live in Hornsby :(, anyway my kid has got one already. :)
None at parramatta
sad sad
None at burwood, brandon park nor eastland
Someone must have brodened Eastland because I called them after I had posted this deal and the girl counted 8 in stock. Most of the stock in Vic is now only available at the regional stores.
Nothing at North Rocks (2151)
Apparently they never even sold this model there in the first place…none at merrylands
come to think of it i've never seen them sell calculators other than the OfficeOne brand
Damn. Trying to get a back-up for HSC
If you can get one, they're a good calculator. I have one and the one good point is the screen has pixels and isn't a seven segment type.
none at Bankstown
Another impossible to get "clearance".
Let's be honest here, how many of these are actually on the shelves in Kmart from the beginning when he posted this.
I'd say less than 200 in Australia.
Is there really a point to post this, where like 2% of viewers are actually able to get it?
Good find OP, but a waste of time for me and for many…I think your comment is fair, although at least some people still managed to get them (judging by the comments). And thanks to some other ozbargainers, people were able to save time having already being notified no stock at their local stores.
In the end (personally) I would've preferred if OP posted the deal, if there was a chance that a deal relevant to me was around - it's nice to know at the very least.
none at indooroopilly…
None at Waratah (Newcastle).
None at Chadstone (VIC)
At any store?