• expired

Power Nutrients WPI 1kg $20, 2.5kg - $48, WPC 1kg - $15, 2.5kg - $36 Just $12 Same Day Shipping!


Power Nutrients whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate at below cost price.
1kg - $20
2.5kg- $48

1kg- $15
2.5kg - $36

Top quality and amazing tasting product, all with 11-12 months expiry, end of line product….this product is now discontinued and we are clearing the last of it. Limited amounts and flavours. Until stocks last only!!!
No coupon codes required, buy as many as you like….!

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Lol at the one review of the WPI:

    Dis stuff good. Power Nutrients gonna make bank.

    • Lol what a gangstah

  • No discounts on bigger bags? Given the cost of shipping is $12, I might as well buy from venom protein

    • I think the price speaks for itself mate.

  • +1

    WPC makes you fart :P

    • +1

      everything makes you fart. what's your point

      • +2

        WPI is better if you're lactose intolerant..

      • Ok, I should reiterate. It makes you fart, alot :P

  • +1

    For 100% NZ WPI this is incredibly good value

  • +4

    you really should tell us why they are discontinued… Makes me worry.

    Are they poisonous and a village died is that why they ban / discontinue or did they make many people impotent ??

    • Loving the drama. Tell me another beautiful morbid story please?

    • +2

      the label is discontinued as we have decided to drop the retail market and concentrate on manufacturing and wholesale….our largest market. Noone died or got sick…. there is no issue at all with this product.

      • hey sorry that was just me being dramatic / joking haha, maybe i should have made it more obvious lol.

        I made a $50 purchase ;)

  • Good price but shipping sort of kills it.

    • u can pickup for free or pay flat $12 for shipping even if u get 500 KG

      I'm having more trouble trying to work out what Jaffa Flavour vs Choc Cherry is lol

      • I'm having more trouble trying to work out what Jaffa Flavour vs Choc Cherry is lol

        They both must be pretty bad if they're the only two that aren't moving sales lol

        • there is no issue with the product or flavour….just getting rid of our retail part of business.

    • Actually, shipping transports it.

  • +1

    How about you offer free shipping for large (5KG+) orders? That will help :)

  • Any reviews by people have used this?
    This is even cheaper than PN, when buying 5kgs.

    • Spent some time trying to find info, not much success. Some guy complaining about the taste of the Choc-cherry…

  • +1

    I was going to buy 2.5kg x1 of each flavour but I think because of shipping I'll just get 2 x 1 kg in case I dont like the flavour.

    Would be good if they let you get a free sample of other flavours for every 1kg you buy or something.

    Theres Choc Cherry and Jaffa for 2.5kg but then there is Choc Strawberry or Jaffa for 1kg.

    I'll test out jaff and choc strawberry 1kg each.

    Anyone know if this stuff is healthy? I'm new to all this and this will be my first purchase as I wanna get big muscle. So i eat this then sit in bed all day and Pow! Any instructions

    also no idea what WHPI is vs WPC ill do some research later but I assume the WPI is better. Hmm WPC is more expensive than WPI on other sites..whereas for this site its the opposite - very confused

    • +2

      Long story short…

      If you are not fat: exercise 4+ times per week, gulp a protein shake (WPI) when done

      If you are fat: burn most of it first, then focus on building muscles

      I'm not an expert (seriously), use google to find more info. Good luck :)

      • ah thanks I found this for others unfamiliar:

        What is the difference between Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) and Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)? It's simple WPI is a more 'pure' form of whey protein with a protein percentage of 90-94%. WPC on the other hand has a protein ratio of around 70-85% and contains more lactose.

      • thanks im 60kg so trying to put on weight not lose weight :) hehe thanks buddy

        • +2

          Go with the WPC in this case then. The only issues with WPC are from those with dairy/lactose issues or who have extra low carbohydrate limits. If you are trying to gain then the cheaper WPC will be great.

        • WPC has more lactose and carbs than WPI. WPI is pretty much all protein.

          I'm not an expert either, but since you are looking to put on weight, WPC might be fine for you.

        • +2

          If you get the WPC then perhaps use the stairs and don't stand in any elevators or other confined spaces with other people around, if you get my drift.

  • If this is the infamous whey and not WPI or WPC there will be hell to pay.

    • lol home test kit needed

      • +2

        I will be testing it.

        • Post results fpr us :)

        • No problems. Will do.

    • +1

      want a free home 'test kit' just ask in comments, it will be supplied free of charge. we also have a purity guarantee.

  • +1

    I cannot wait to break stuff once I get super buff!

    You guys better post some before and after photos. I can probably only chop through one piece of wood at the moment with my hands…

    After I eat 2.5 kg of this stuff im hoping ill be closer to super man POW POW !

  • these guys' protein repetitively failed BN kit testing all over ausbb - buyer beware.

    • +4

      Link please?

  • Some decent reviews on Aussiegymjunkies though… but idk if they're recent

  • I am pretty new with these sorts of stuffs so i did a research on the ingredients listed. One alarming notice is the E955 (artificial sweeteners) that did more hard than good. Here is the link to the article i found http://healthyalternatives.co.nz/2011/09/05/getting-to-know-…

    Sorry i am not sure how to hyper-linked this =X.

    • thanks for sharing. I'm a bit of a health nut my self so have avoided all muscle gain products previously.

      Going to test a few out and see how I go.

      If you're a health nut like me always go for unflavoured and chuck in a smoothie or juice as they would have less or no sweetners etc.

      • +3

        I'm a bit of a health nut my self so have avoided all muscle gain products previously.

        Make your own weight-gain shake.
        1 cup of Protein + Desired cups of Oats powder.

        To make Oats powder, simply buy oats from somewhere (I get mine from Costco, Quakers brand), put small amounts (otherwise only the bottom will be fine) into a blender and blend until the oats become dust-like. The more fine you blend, the better it will mix with water/milk

        With regards to protein, always make sure you drink plenty of water to help your kidneys flush out toxins and you'll be fine.
        P.s. Supplements don't make you gain muscle quickly.. consistent exercise does.

        • good as a breakfast shake as well!

          basically an up and go

        • -1

          thanks for the advice friend.

          What do you mean by 1 cup of protein though? I eat spirulina (the green thing) as its high protein and fish and stuff.

          You mean I can buy protein by itself?

        • WPC makes my urine strong bright yellow and farts stink.
          I just chuck a heap of the crap over my breakfast cereal(musli/wheetbix,etc) and mix it all in. I couldn't possibly use it every day, the stuff is much too potent and smelly.

        • WPC makes my urine strong bright yellow and farts stink.

          Urine bright yellow?
          Are you sure that's from the protein and not from something else?
          WPI makes my urine murky yellow.
          Multivitamins like Opti-men will make my next Number 1 bright highlighter yellow, happens too when I use Berocca.

        • +1

          Yes, It looks like a multi-vitamin leak :P

    • +1

      E955 is the safest artificial sweetener available, we started with stevis….its crap. the only other 'real' alternative is sugar…. dont believe everything you read about E955 mate…. its in everything.

  • Damn! We just bought 3kg from you the other day but at full price… oh well, just going to have to send hubby over again :D Thanks OP

  • This protein is a scam as I've noted before -


    • +2

      Jason, its idiots like you who allow companies like BN to gain monopolies and destroy a market…. dont believe everything you read mate, always check who the person is makiong the claims, if its a competitor, its likely BS… we happily send 'benedicts' test kit to anyone who asks, free of charge…. if our product was a 'sham' we wouldnt be where we are today. BN took his claims to the ACCC who 'truely' independently tested our product and ruled that our product was exactly as stated on the label and website. msg me for a copy mate.

      • Are you a representative of any company in particular gary?

        • +1

          i am signed in as rep for this company mate.

        • Ahh sorry, I didn't see that.

  • Gary I'm gonna try my luck here, you don't have any Natural available do you? (WPI/WPC)

    • we do mate, just add it into comments

      • Bummer, I wanted some of that.

      • Bummer, well I can't add anything to the cart since everything in 2.5kg WPI is gone…

        I was going to select Jaffa then put in comments that I wanted Natural.

        Unless you guys do us a deal and give 5 x 1kg WPI for the price of 2 x 2.5 kg WPI :D

  • Guys, we have the last and final quantity of WPI and WPC in Vanilla, Chocolate, Choc-Honeycomb and Natural…. the last bags, final clearance of discontinued label…. till stocks last they are selling quick!!

  • I think its too late for me to ask for a test kit? I already ordered

    • and ps im a newbie to all this so ill let the others do it haha

  • +1

    To those wondering I said I would test it and I have. My impulse buying trigger finger went off and I bought a big order.

    I didn't have enough testing kits to test all the flavours I ordered but I can say that the choc-honeycomb and mango flavours of WPC I received are fine according to a test kit supplied by a competitor.

    • define fine lol what %? give us the goss

      • Fine as in High Protein Content (not cut in with skim milk powder)
        Crude testing kits can only show up a colour change.
        If you want % accuracy, you need to pay for a lab test.

      • Testing using Benedict's reagent which does not give an accurate protein percentage.
        Testing results similar to well known protein supplier with no indication of high carbohydrate content that has been seen in the past from a range of brands.

  • ah thanks buddy well we appreciate it and love you for it. Much treats to you for halloween

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