• expired

30-40% off Sunglass Hut (Excludes Chanel, Maui Jim and Tiffany & Co)


Sunglass Hut Family and Friends Discount

30% off 1 pair of sunnies
40% off 2 or more pairs or sunnies

(Excludes Chanel, Maui Jim and Tiffany & Co)

Expires 1 December 2013.

Simply print off the voucher to use in store or use the code "FFJ" for online purchases at www.sunglasshut.com.au


  1. Voucher is redeemable for 30% off single pair or 40% off multiple pair purchases of full priced sunglasses at www.sunglasshut.com.au and any Sunglass Hut store (excluding Myer concessions and discount outlet stores) within Australia.

  2. Voucher is redeemable for 40% off only when a person purchases two or more pairs of sunglasses in a single transaction or if two or more people purchase one or more pairs each at the same time.

  3. Voucher is not redeemable on Chanel, Maui Jim and Tiffany & Co. sunglasses or sunglasses purchased on lay-by.

  4. Voucher is not redeemable on accessories, gift cards or any product other than sunglasses.

  5. Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount from any other source.

  6. Voucher can be used by up to two people at the same time, with a maximum of one transaction per person

  7. Original voucher must be surrendered at the time of purchase. 8. Original voucher must be surrendered at the time of purchase if the purchase is made in a Sunglass Hut store. Discount code: FFJ.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4)

Referrer and referee get $10 off.

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Sunglass Hut
Sunglass Hut

closed Comments

  • Aw man, I just bought 2 sunnies from Sunglass Hut Myer Concession store the other day.


    • +1

      find it at a sunglass hut store, refund, re-buy haha hope you kept your receipts!

      • +1

        Yep 30 day refund guarantee (at least thats whats stated on the website)

        Its good this 30% as it brings the price inline roughly with sets from the UK/US but have australian warranty.

        • +1

          Great to know guys! Bought 2 pairs on Saturday at 20% off so will return them. My savings have now doubled! Wonder if they can just give me the difference instead. :P

        • Haha, I've been through the refund process with these jokers before. Let's just say 've found some trips to the dentist to be a more pleasant experience and it was almost not worth the time wasted. Lucky I'm one of these "***holes" that tries to hold businesses to their claims I guess.

        • What happened? I'm going to refund my ray bans that I bought 2 days ago.. There are few hair line scratches on them though. Will they refund it?

  • HI guys , looking for a rayban sunnie , wondering do these guys sell authentic one?

    • +6

      They are definitely genuine.

    • +1

      yea no question. 100% genuine.

    • +6

      I'm pretty sure they are owned by the same company. Luxottica.

      • +1

        Correct. Along with over 80% of all other branded sunglasses (they use Chanel, Prada etc. names under license) according to wikipedos.

      • My blood boils at their temerity. What a giant monopoly they have become. And worse yet, there is no real competition in sight.

        One reason I'm my next are from Maui Jim.

      • ye OPSM and Sunglass Hut are both owned by Luxottica, so i would imagine 100% of the brands sold through those shops are owned by Luxottica. but i could be wrong.

        • My understanding is they don't only sell Luxottica owned brands, but mainly so. Luxottica also own Oakley, so it is a truly huge company, and very hard for us independent (whingeing!) optometrists to compete with when it comes to the brand names!

          /end whinge

  • +3

    these vouchers are great, the sunglasses are the same or cheaper than buying online with this. if there is another person buying a pair you can get the 40% off and ask for two receipts.

    • oh really? should just camp at a store and wait for someone to make a purchase hahaha

  • +1

    Great find thanks for the voucher!

    • no worries =)

  • Sounds good but any chance to get prescribed sunglasses? :S

    • I don't think they do prescribed glasses, although from what I know some frames can have custom prescription lenses made? guess you could always buy the glasses then take it to your optometrist and see?

      • +1

        thanks,but i feel guilty to waste a pair of good sunglass lens, as they usually come with UV protection and some may polarised. XD

    • They definitely don't do it. :( Really sucks seeing as how expensive getting lenses made are!

      • being healthy = save money!

        • Healthy and saving money is even better.

      • … when you buy overpriced optometrists? Then there are the online sites that seem to be heaps cheaper such as Zenni optical etc.

    • +1

      Can't you claim them as part of private health insurance?

      • i've got OSHC (oversea student health care) only!
        but thanks!

        • ahhh I see

  • Anyone wanna go Sunglasses shopping with me so we cna both get 40% OFF? :)
    I am looking at getting this one

    • +1

      Just before you buy it, here is the price on Amazon $84.63


      • +1

        If you read the reviews, apparently they're bad

        • That means they are twice as bad from SH because of the price :)

        • No, they are made in China as opposed to Italy.

        • +2

          Since a switch over in the last year they are ALL made in china now.

          Luxotica doesn't discriminate between retailers and provide some with an inferior product… What sort of business model would that be?

          Any made in Italy Ray Bans that you find now will just be old stock save for perhaps some of the wayfarer models which were made in Italy up until more recently.

          I have a set of wayfarers that were made in Italy that were bought over a year ago and a set of Club-Masters purchased more recently that are made in china.

          Both are of similar build quality.

        • +6

          I dunno … there's exceptions sure but I think the days of Made in China meaning a lower quality product to something made in the traditional high quality manufactuering areas (USA, IT, DE) are getting less and less.

      • +1

        Thanks guys for the info. I probabbly should do more research before buying any. These days just don't feel like spending too much time on the internet.

    • +1

      Just be a bit careful with Sunglass hut. Their RRP is astronomical. I wanted to get 2x Raybans which costed a grand total of ~$530 from Sunglass hut. On a hunch we decided to check Amazon first… which was very fortunate as we saved a bucketload.

      Both glasses (exactly the same model#s) + freight forwarder + Fedex express post to WA = $350

      So you can see how Sunglass Hut prices are an absolute rip-off. 40% off is possibly the actual prices of those glasses. :)

  • +2

    Thanks heaps OP. The timing of this couldn't be any better. My brother and sister-in-law are coming here next month and I wanted to gift them a pair of sunnies. Wow, you just made my day. Thanks.

    • great to hear :)

  • +1

    Thanks OP, will look to get 2 pairs after i lost my prescription pair :)

  • Anyone in adelaide looking to get one? I'll pay for my share! to get the 40% off. Just looking for some raybans after mine got lost.

  • +1

    Thanks OP!

  • +4

    Sunglass Hut are a nightmare when it comes to warranties (personal experience). They will do anything possible to put the blame on you and not warrant them. They have to be one of my most despised companies.

    • Also been my experience - would not recommend using them with any expectation of warranties being honoured. They'll try and do things like send you off elsewhere for repairs etc.

      I hold them in similarly low regard.

  • Never Tiffany lol.

  • +6

    Its kinda funny that we get so excited (me included) at 30-40% off sunnies that are so exorbitantly over priced by Luxottica's monopoly.

    BUT what can ya do - thanks for the share op :)

    • +1

      Haha what can you do when you live in Australia. Great country to live in but we do pay a premium on most things. I guess at least these discounts bring us somewhat back in line with the world.

  • +1

    All Luxottica sunnies are a scam.

  • Anyone in Sydney looking to buy sunglasses who would like to pair up so we can get 40% off?

    • Come sunglass hut eastgardens will do the deal there

      • I'm unable to PM you, could you please PM me?

        • +4

          Couldn't you just stand around for a bit - wait for someone serious to come along and chat em up about the deal?

    • I just bought two pairs - not sure about the second pair so may end up returning those - assume they won't remove the xtra 10% discount off the first pair but we'll see…

  • For those that are wanting prescription sunnies - take a look at OPSM's deal - friends and family discount also:

    Hope this helps someone out :)

    • Owned by Luxotica too

    • thanks man.

  • Any frames from Lux (including Rayban) which are made in Italy will have "Made in Italy" engraving on the frames. Those are without are def made in China and elsewhere.

    Also, most of the fitting job are now from Thailand. Lux closed their main lab in Sydney not too long ago!

  • Cant seem to get the voucher upload. Anyone else having same issue?

    • working fine for me, maybe try on another computer?

  • +3

    worst thing about sunglass hut is they sell you the sunglasses off the display shelf, and often they do not give you the box or paperwork as they throw them away due to "space reasons"

  • Double check your invoice shows the correct product and cost if you order online.

    My invoice shows my total cost as $40 more expensive than the glasses would have been without the discount! And my frame color is wrong according to the description, yet it shows a picture of the right glasses..

    I checked my bank account and appear to have been charged correctly but I've emailed them for clarification and an updated invoice. Worth double checking though.

    Also… guess next day delivery didn't happen. Haven't even got the shipping email yet. Has anyone else?

    • im exactly the same, my total was 180ish.. invoice said total amount paid over $400.. no email for me either

      • Got a reply today. Apparently the invoice system screwed up the totals. You should have been charged correctly though and will receive a fixed up invoice when it ships

        • okay cool, thanks for that update. but yeah so much for next day delivery

        • +1

          My guess is they got Ozbargained. They probably had a million orders and its most likely one or two guys in a warehouse doing dispatch.

        • My Ray Ban Justin's arrived on Friday morning.
          Very well packaged. Can't really complain about a thing. Got the made in italy ones too, not the China ones

  • +1

    These are ridiculous prices. Two days ago I purchased two pairs of raybans, 1 club master and 1 wayfarer for $150 delivered off amazon. Subscribe to their shoe newsletter email and you get a 20% off discount


  • Anyone near the S.E suburbs (Victoria) want to take advantage of this offer?

    • What about Melb CBD ? I can do it there if Sunglass Hut has Avaiators I am after :)

      • Hey i P.M'd you. Message me if you're still interested!

        • Hey Jesho , I have PM d you back.

  • You also get a $20 Westfield Gift card if you spend more than $150.

    • Really? I didn't and spent $300…

      • Burwood Westfield had the promo. Maybe not at other Westfields.

  • +2

    We recently bought some new Ray Bans from Sunglass Hut. Before people go running back to return recently bought glasses, make sure that the online site has the EXACT same pair that you're after. The pair we purchased in store ARE NOT able to be purchased online. Sure, it's a discount but sometimes I'd rather get exactly what I want rather than something close but cheaper…

    • The best way to ensure that u get the same pair is to get a SKU code for the one you are after , search on their site and order it….ta da ..

      • +2

        Exactly. Sunglass Hut carry a range of Ray Ban Tech's (as an example) which are not sold through their website (prices are $300+). I'm sure it won't bother some people, but I find sunglasses to be a very personal thing.

  • Has anyone heard of pretavoir.co.uk ? Do they sell genuine Raybans ? I can get pair I am after from them for cheaper than SH discounts..

    • +1

      Read a fair bit about people buying from them. Haven't used them myself, but seems like there is plenty of happy customers. YMMV

      • Cheers ! Thanks man.

  • Anyone want to get a pair in Melbourne CBD to get the 40% offer??

    • I am interested, can you PM me which stores you would like to go?

  • +2

    Guys , Have a look at following deal , I m sure you will save more than what you will save here with SH discounts.


    And they are legit and authorised sellers of at least Raybans as per Rayban UK web site.


    • Thanks mate!!!

  • Awesome, picked up some wayfarers for under $100

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