This was posted 11 years 5 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2 Hour Shooting Session with .38 Revolver & Lever Action Rifle $129 Condell Park NSW (save $130)


Take your best shot on the 25 metre range with a 9mm pistol, .38 Revolver Desert Eagle and Lever Action Rifle. Includes pre-training, 100 Rounds of ammo, full insurance and range fee. Plus get a $20 voucher for your next visit. Awesome idea for birthdays, Buck’s days or a day out with your mates! Open 6 days a week. upgrade to bring friends.

Valid from 1 November 2013 to 30 April 2014. Not valid from 23 December 2013 to 5 January 2014 and Public Holidays. Session times are 10am, 2pm and 4pm, Monday to Saturday. Must arrive 30 minutes before booking - late arrivals will not be accepted. Valid for persons 12 and over. Participants under 18 must have adult supervision.

People with criminal records are not allowed. No pregnant women allowed due to health and safety reasons. Images are for illustration purposes only. Guns are tethered for safety reasons. Maximum of 1 Scoopon redeemable per booking. Scoopons available in your account and bookings taken immediately after purchase for use from 1 November 2013 onwards. Subject to availability. Scoopons for this offer are limited. Not valid with any other offer. No booking changes/cancellations allowed once booking is confirmed or the Scoopon is voided.

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closed Comments

  • If it's 100 rounds for EACH of the 9mm Pistol, .38 Revolver Desert Eagle and Lever Action Rifle, it's good.

    But if it's 100 rounds split between them, it aint gonna last 2 hours.

    • -1

      i reckon you'd get bored before the 100 rounds are up

      with the training and each indivdual weapon and all that i can definetly see your 2 hours there

      • +14

        if u get bored with that, then shooting isnt for you.
        did 500+ rounds 1 day, great time

        • +42

          You must be from our affiliate site

        • lol, I loves my guns.

        • +6

          Agree, went shooting a couple of times. It's almost meditative in a way, controlled breathing and all. Would love to take it up as a hobby in the future.

        • -2

          no, not affiliated with anyone. used personal rifles and own rounds

        • +1

          It's almost meditative in a way, controlled breathing and all.

          i found it not so much the controlled breathing but the mental images that helped…. tho i wasnt aloud back again…

          pro tip, screaming "DIE YOU SCUM" while shooting large calibre semi auto hand guns might be frowned upon in some circles…

        • +4

          no, not affiliated with anyone. used personal rifles and own rounds

          I don't get why this was neg'd

        • +6

          Because he missed the joke…

        • -5

          hmm. I didn't see the funny side either.
          But I don't think it strange or "American" to shoot 500+ rounds in a day.

        • If you get bored, please don't shoot the person next to you.

        • Me either thats why I pos-ed him

    • It won't be 100 rounds of each. With the training and a few people doing the session, it probably will take a couple of hours.

      • +1

        my guess would be mostly rounds for the .22 "lever action" caus they are dirt cheap to buy rounds for. the bigger calibres you might only get a couple of shots with.

  • I wonder how much you'd spend on extra ammunition in two hours.

  • +12

    "Includes pre-training"
    Well thank f*** for that, every other gun club trains you after using the weapons.

  • +7

    I don't think the "Desert Eagle" is a revolver but anyway. Sounds like a good deal and actually cheaper than paint ball. Haha

    • they missed a comma

    • definitely a revolver. b 1 4 …

      • +3

        I thought it was blowback, not a revolving action. Its pretty much a w***er's gun anyway, what you would call a range queen.


        Too bad its not the "Hand cannon" .50 version though. Although I reckon that will injure about 90% of the people using it. haha

        • Actually the 50 action express is illegal in Australia so no no chance lol, the largest most powerful legal caliber in aus is the 357 magnum, now that is something, I have shot it once and it feels great

        • the largest most powerful legal caliber in aus is the 357 magnum

          you might want to check your facts on that…. talking to a mate who owns his own gun business (making/modifying/selling guns etc) and the biggest legal production handgun currently is the .500 S&W

          pic of the difference in size. the 357 is only a "baby"…

          also a 454 Casull for sale in ACT
          much larger than 357…

        • -1

          You might want to open your eyes and read properly next time, i said largest legal caliber (as in bullet) in aus (AUSTRALIA) ur talking about the s&w 500 which is the most powerful "production gun" in the world, ( production gun , means there are more powerful calibers such as the 600. Nitro express)

        • State: ACT

          if its illegal in AUStralia…… why is there one for sale in the ACT? pretty sure last map i looked at, ACT was in australia?

          also a 454 Casull for sale in ACT

          whos the one that needs to learn to read?

        • Well that would be you, who cares what their selling on some website, those guns are probably left overs of the buy back scheme after the The Port Arthur massacre in 1996, thats an empty gun we are talking about calibers here god i feel like im talking to a blind man!!

        • -1

          lol neg me caus you cant deal with admitting your wrong and just walking away? good work champ….

          and we are talking about your incorrect statement

          the largest most powerful legal caliber in aus is the 357 magnum

          i have made it blindingly clear that it is NOT the largest legal calibre in australia, there are other much larger guns/rounds available 100% legally

          or are you really trying to claim that (from my link above)

          Transfering dealer: Fyshwick Firearms ACT

          fyshwick firearms are dealing in illegal firearms on an open gun selling website (which is monitored by the feds by the way)? if a 454 Casull pistol is legal in aus, which is is, then the 357 is NOT the bigest legal pistol in aus….. making your original statement incorrect… simples?

          moronic to think/comment otherwise…..

        • At my last pistol club open day i shot another members 45 70 revolver and it is a much larger pistol then the 357. I dont think he would be bringing it out if its illegal and i did see a few for sale on
          Edit Also i think some of the black powder shooters pistols are .50 cal but thats different again

        • -2

          Btw i didnt neg u, i was just stating that u have trouble reading when ur first reply to my post was
          "you might want to check your facts on that…. talking to a mate who owns his own gun business (making/modifying/selling guns etc) and the biggest legal production handgun currently is the .500 S&W"
          So basically u cant admit that you made a mistake reading my post by thinking i was talking about the most powerful gun in the world which i wasent,
          But you keep on posting replies to cover up ur mistake..
          Again the link you provided doesn't mean squat, ur providing a link to a website that sells a gun, only a gun, if u actually visit the link u provided it says the gun comes with 100 rounds of empty shells, again ur only buying a gun not the bullets!
          I was talking about bullets not the gun, u can buy the gun but not the bullets, but i guess ur too thick to understand, moronic indeed..

        • -2

          So basically u cant admit that you made a mistake reading my post by thinking i was talking about the most powerful gun in the world which i wasent,

          no, i am talking about the most powerful gun legal in australia, just like you are…. which you claimed was the 357, which is isnt the largest legal calibre in australia, the .500 is hte largest legal cal in aus… so i stand by my claims, you need to check your facts of what you claim is the largest legal cal in aus…

          u can buy the gun but not the bullets,

          again, your wrong…. or gun shops which are HEAVILY regulated are advertising and sell illegal ammunition…. which i can assure you they are not.
          taken from

          454 CASULL $31 (20)

          how many would you like to purchase here locally in australia?

          again, check your facts, specially when "arguing" with someone who obviously knows a lot more than you about the subject…. caus in the end….. you just make yourself look dumb…

          the reason i said

          biggest legal production handgun currently is the .500 S&W

          is because i believe, with the correct licensing etc…. you can make your own gun (barrel etc) for larger than this…. but im not certain on that myself so im not claiming i know, just that i am led to believe you can…

          care to go another round and look even more stupid?

        • +2

          You're actually both somewhat right and wrong. The largest legal handgun caliber you can own without a separate application for a "high powered pistol" permit is a .38 cal, but it's not overly hard to get this approval which will cover you for up to a .45 - note I'm working off NSW laws, but most states seem similar for handguns.

          If you're including rifles in your comparison, the .357 is a baby! .308 is quite a common rifle caliber and is massive (size and power wise) compared to a .357, and it's not even one of the "big" caliber rifles.

        • -3

          oh i was well aware of that actually, but its still not "illegal" in aus to have/own/shoot/buy with the correct licensing (same with any gun, without the proper licence you cant even have a slug gun or high powered paint ball gun, they need to be under xxx feet per second to be "legal" blah blah)…..

        • +1

          In regards to the shells sold with the pistol comment, they sometimes sell empty used or new cases because pistol shooters generally reuse their shells in reloading. The owner of that pistol would obviously have no use for those shells once he sold the pistol so they are probably a bonus to any potential buyer of that pistol.

        • @nosdan I think you got your answer above, idiot..

        • -1

          if you had a point….. please actually tell me where….. caus ive made you look like an moron every time you have opened your mouth…..

          if you want to quote where you think i got my "answer" im happy to… again…. prove you totally and completely wrong…..

        • U've only made your self look like a moron by posting useless info thinking you have an argument, im not gona waste my time on you becuase your not worth it..

  • +3

    It's actually a good deal, went with a group of friends, had heaps of fun.
    2 hours includes training, the boys did finish before us girls.
    Friendly staff too, tried a variety of weapons, overall a great experience.

  • +1

    Are the pistols at this place tethered? I don't see the point if they are. Seem very restrictive, which I know is the point.

    • Yes they are.

    • It actually isn't that restrictive. Not at the place where i went to at least.
      Don't get me wrong, i'd rather do without as well, but seeing it is required by law while it still being a reasonably hands on experience with the whole chained up thing i wouldn't want to give it up.

      • Unless it's a new thing, I don't believe having them tethered is required by law. Shotgun ranges (clay pigeon) allow unlicensed people to try shooting as well, and there's no way you could do clays with a tethered shotgun.

    • +3

      It's a new development since the last time I went… about a year ago they weren't tethered!

      Also, would recommend people not buying the Scoopon and just booking directly with them. I did that for a bucks I organised and they gave me the same deal (Scoopon offer was finished anyway). Why risk having your Scoopon expire?

  • +4

    Might pop in for a few rounds. Need to get my prescription filled, and this is on the way. YES!

    • +8

      A little daunting that you're out of your pills, and you're keen to hit up a gun range…

  • +2

    I wonder if they'll let you lie on the floor and shoot your gun up in the air whilst screaming 'ARRGGGHHHHH!'

    • Is it true that there's a place on the head of the target where if you shoot it, it will blow up?

    • +1

      Point Break style?

  • +7

    "Guns are tethered for safety reasons."


    • So it's sort of chained there in such a way that you can't point it at anything but the target, right?

      • +12

        Pretty much, yeah. So no shooting up the place or doing a quick selfie.

      • +1

        They are pretty much held by multiple harnesses that suspend the gun and force it to face forwards.

        The issue isn't that you can't turn the gun around, but rather that you are unable to control it properly.

        The harness affects recoil, vision, stability and feel.

  • For those that have been, what lever action rifle are they using?
    .22 or 30.30 etc or the way its worded could be a .38 as well?

    • +1

      Haven't been, but being that they're a pistol club (and only a 25m range too) it will be in a small caliber. Likely .22, .38 or if you're lucky .357. Also price wise it's likely to be a small caliber - .22s can be had for approx 5c/round, .38 for 50c/round .357 for 60c/round and 30-30 is a touch over $1/round.

  • Thought they only had this in Surfers Paradise, good to know its in Sydney too

    • +1

      Although it's not heavily advertised, most shooting ranges will allow you to do a try shooting session. My local pistol range used to do them for $10 per session (still do them, I'm just not sure on price) - only 50 rounds of .22, but it's intended to let you see if you would like to take it up as a sport and 50 rounds is enough to do that (50 is also what they shoot in their competition shoots, and the try shooting mimics their competition shoots). I also know SSAA regularly hold them at their ranges (and if you look up the deal I've recently posted, they even have a free one in SW Syd this Saturday).

      • I already have a license and go regularly I meant as in you could shoot some interesting guns like the desert eagle etc. Good info for others though

  • -6

    Wow! If you join up do you get to try different guns than the ones offered?

    • +2

      Try to make some sense Luc.

  • We need to know a bit more detail of the guns and ammo distribution. Desert Eagle for revolver does sound a bit suss, as they are more well-known for their Hollywood-style futuristic pistol. Their revolvers look like ancient single-action type, boring. What type of ammo is the level action rifle firing? .22cal tiny pea shooter? As for the ammo distribution, how do they divide the 100 ammo into? I am guessing will they give you 50 or more of those cheap tiny .22cal rifle cartridges, while the bigger 9mm and .38cal make up the other 50?

    • 38 being the most expensive of the 3 id think only 1 mag of that lol

  • +6

    I just remembered this freebie, St Mary's pistol club is having their annual try shooting day this Saturday, you can come and shoot pistols and rifles for free. Not sure what guns are provided (I'd assume .22), but it's going to be held at St Mary's indoor shooting center between 10am and 3pm this Saturday October 12th.

    PDF with more info

    • +1

      Sounds like an impromptu ozbargain sydney meetup this weekend.

    • +1

      Fantastic, thank you so much for posting this, i'll be there :D

    • Would you recommend attending?

      St Mary's is a bit out of the way, but it sounds like an awesome opportunity to try out shooting. :)

      • If St Marys is too far away, see if there is a range closer to you. Most ranges offer try shooting sessions, costs vary but as an example the local pistol range near me only charged $10/person for 50 rounds of .22 - included ammo, club gun use, targets and instruction/supervision by the range officer.
        Let me know where you are and I might know of a range nearby.

  • They should also implement a psychopathic test, to filter out the crazies.

  • -1

    It seems like such a waste of ammo/money to expend it at a blank target. I think I will keep my $130 and stick to CS.

  • Do you have to set a booking date immediately after ordering the Scoopon; i.e. today/tomorrow?

    EDIT: I'm unsure about this clause: "Scoopons available in your account and bookings taken immediately after purchase for use from 1 November 2013 onwards. "

  • More bang for your buck…

  • Can we do quickscope?

  • +1

    It is good to know that not everyone in Australia is an anti-gun zealot. I like the notion they have in Amerikkka of having an armed citizenry that in an emergency can form a militia to counter a tyrannical government. Also, having the right to protect oneself and one's family, rather than being completely dependent upon the government/police/army. These is a tendency in modern society to become completely dependent upon "THE STATE' for everything. Self-reliance is an essential part of conservatism.

    • I'm sure the parents of the 26 kids killed at Sandy Hook Elementary appreciate the fact that they can form a militia in an emergency.

    • +1

      I like the notion they have in Amerikkka of having an armed
      citizenry that in an emergency can form a militia to counter
      a tyrannical government.

      Oh yes. Because,

      a) Western democracies have had so many tyrannical governments in the last 50 years.

      b) Hand guns and rifles would be so very useful against a tyrannical government's tanks, drones, submarines, mines, helicopter gunships, and tens of thousands of highly trained specialist killers (ie, the military).

      c) It would be so easy for uneducated, untrained yobbos from all parts of the country to organise together into a viable fighting machine.

      Also, having the right to protect oneself and one's family, rather
      than being completely dependent upon the government/police/army.

      Definitely. Taking all matters of security and justice into one's own hands, not needing police, or an entire judicial system, or even pesky things like human rights, Magna Carta, habeas corpus, or hell no presumption of innocence, nor even a respect for rule of law. Nah. Everyone should have big guns.

      (Oh, there's the little issue that everywhere in the world that guns are common, and easy to obtain, that they are vastly more likely to be used to actually harm ones family and oneself than any potential outside threat. More people owning guns = more gun violence. Duh.)

      a tendency in modern society to become completely dependent
      upon "THE STATE' for everything. Self-reliance is an essential
      part of conservatism

      Are you certain you are not from Arkansas?

      Self-reliance? Definitely. But don't stop at guns. How about growing your own crops? Or killing your own meat. (Ah…. the guns are for that.) Making your own clothing. Forging your own steel. Hang on. Don't we have civilisation for all that stuff? Hasn't human development over the last 10,000 or so years been leading to less self-reliance? Towards mutual reliance? Towards more caring and helping of our fellow hairless apes?

      Ahhh… but guns.

      Sorry. Yep. That overrides everything else.

      • -1

        Ah, a typical Communist who thinks the state is always right, a mindless drone who does whatever the government tells them to. So, if someone broke into your home, you wouldn't do a thing, simply ask them to take whatever they want, let them molester your family members without a complaint. 'Defense if the government's responsibility, not mine.'

        People nowadays are specialists with very little basic knowledege. They don't know how to operate a sewing machine, trim hair properly, performance basic car maintainence, mow their own lawn, trim their own shrubs, basic home repair, cook proper meals, or even how to calibrate a Television. I remember the government recently had a scheme where people would come around to install a digital set top box, at a cost of about $200 per installation. Such a waste of money - even somebody with an IQ of 60 should be able to do it for themselves. What you don't understand is that, for conservatives like me, there is a feeling of pride in learning new skills and being able to do things for oneself, as opposed to outsourcing to others and being coddled by the nanny state. For lefties like yourself, the source of self esteem is docilely following the commandments of the government.

        As for a militia needing to fight high tech armies, haven't you watched the news any time in the last time years, or have you been spending it all in a hashish haze in a hippie commune? Muslims, terrorists, jihadists… They lack military training and discipline, have no fighter planes, guided bombs, Apache helicopers, cruisers, aircraft carriers, APCs or Main Battle Tanks. But they have proven to be extremely difficult for Amerikkka to eradicate. Oppressively governments can be fought covertly. Perhaps all it would take is a coordinated nightly assassination raid on the homes of the dictators to bring down a dictatorship. And you do realize that our "democratic" societies are becoming increasingly authoritarian. Security cameras, airport security, repression of cigarette smoking, difficult obtaining firearms, red tape for businesses, anti-discriminatory legislation, proposed logging of everyone's internet data for 3 years, and many more examples - these weren't a problem 30 years ago. Extrapolate current trends 50 years into the future, and ask yourself - "Do I want to live in such a world?" If your answer is yes, please read "Brave New World", "Anathem" and "1984" for enlightenment.

        • +1

          Hi, those books are fiction, the cold war ended 25 years ago, Communist is no longer a dirty word.

          Get back on your meds and remove the tinfoil hat

  • Are we allowed to shoot the .38 and the Desert Eagle at the same time? One in each hand?

    • Unless your middle name is Akimbo, then no.

    • They're harnessed, so you'd have to be able to reach across two shooting booths.

  • This reminds me, I need to go to Ammunation and do some shooting range missions.

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