• expired

Umbrella Hat $3 Free Shipping from Kogan


Ladies and Gentlemen, the future is here. At least it would be if the year was 1880.

History lesson for those uneducated few:

The year was 1880 and while prospecting in Mexico, a handsome chap going by the name Robert W. Patten invented one of the most important pieces of attire in human history. I am of course referring to the Umbrella Hat.

Ever get annoyed because your normal umbrella is too big and jerks can get in on that action? Not anymore.

Ever feel as though you should be able to have your hands free to eat a hotdog that has been overpacked with relish, bacon and onion thus requiring two hands… In the rain? Now you can.

Ever feel as though when walking in pouring rain you are bombarded with men/women giving you their number because they want to as the kids say 'smack that'? That will never be a problem again thanks to this amazing Umbrella Hat for only $3 shipped from every Ozbargainer's best mate Sir. Ruslan Kogan.

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closed Comments

  • +57

    +1 for the description, not the product, thanks OP!

  • +23

    +1 for the history lesson

  • +28

    This should be the item of clothing worn at 'ozbargain meetups', so everyone can identify each other.

    • +1

      But what about the Woodworm "3 for $26.99 shipped" umbrellas ?
      Surely we can have a meeting outside when its pouring down. I betcha we will get a huge discount on the food :D

    • +2

      I'm pretty sure I can recognise a "true ozbargainer" at approximately one hundred clicks now anyway!

      • +1

        only 100 clicks? I can do it at 110 (with the officeworks 10% price guarantee)

    • It will go well with wearing a pair of Hi Vis jumpsuits over the top of each other.

    • +8

      I wonder if they have a black version for when I need to attend a funeral?

  • +21

    dont look up or down when it is raining.

  • +6

    +1 for the girl

    • She looks related to Ruslan Kogan

      • +28

        That is Ruslan Kogan, in a wig.

  • +28

    why keep your whole body dry when you can easily just keep only your forehead dry

  • +8

    Needs a propeller too.

  • +9

    Thanks. Just bought six using my $20 voucher.

    • +1

      You cheapskate… I'll chip in $1 so you can get the 7th :P

    • +2

      its probably a pricing error, so you might get all 6 refunded and another 6 x$20 vouchers

  • +1

    Ruslan Kogan is not a SIR.

    • +5

      I think he is a sir


  • +10

    I should get the 5 year extended warranty, right? It's only 42 cents.

    • +14

      You might get a raincheck on that..

  • +34

    Cheaper on ebay
    AU $2.68 Delivery within 3 weeks approximately from china, kogan is 4 - 6 weeks.

    • +14

      Good find. Seems exactly the same product, just different girls.

      • The umbrella is bigger on the eBay girl.

        • When on top of girls, Size matters..

        • If you are talking about the size of the umbrella, the Ebay one is 21" and Kogan is 66cm which is 26".

    • +2

      Thanks no_mercy, but not good enough for the veteran Ozbargainers. This one is cheaper!
      Also on ebay $2.67

    • every1 I've looked at on ebay is 51-54cms. I bet Kogan have measured it across the arch rather than diameter and it will end up being the same size as the ebay ones.

      • If you pay more, there are bigger ones like up to 74cm but was over $7. (Why am I wasting my time researching this??!!)
        I was thinking I could probably fold up my sombrero. It has a bigger diameter but just as colorful and effective. It also goes well with the fake mustachios for 95c from Meritline.

    • Cheap chinese import, Kogan would never offer something like that!

  • +4

    I wouldn't bother. This much awesomeness for $3. Surely will get kogan'd.

  • +7

    I'd consider renting one for $0.05/week, but I can't find what the risidual value would be!

  • Pricing error ? Lol

    • looks like pricing error….

  • Practical but very nerdy thing to wear.

  • Looks silly…….sorry

  • +2

    Rain often comes with strong wind.

    Strong wind blows ordinary hats off. It'll surely blow an umbrella hat off. Design fail.

    • +6

      Its held on with steel rivets fixed to your skull. A gale force wind might be sufficient to rip your head off, but otherwise you'd have very little to worry about.

      • Or it could turn into a low tech helicopter hat (kite hat?) and turn you into inspector gadget. The future is here, and all for only $3.

  • +20

    It is about time, we Westerners should STOP consuming these useless products.

    We don't pay for the pollution and resources, but will in the future.

    I mean WHO would actually wear this on the street normally?

    • +4

      So the east coast of Australia should be fine then right?

    • +5

      earth is round… which west point are you talking about here? lol.

      • -1

        Nope. Earth's not round. It's spherical.

    • Probably you

  • +1

    I assume ozbargained walks around naked with a banana leaf on his head.

  • +1

    History lesson for those uneducated few:

    The year was 1880 and while prospecting in Mexico, a handsome chap going by the name Robert W. Patten invented one of the most important pieces of attire in human history.

    Good reading BUT cheaper here (O)

    I know I will never use this thing so I will donate $3 to Charity instead.

  • +2

    This would be fine in Vietnam… When I was there it was torrential rain with zero wind. Of course you're gonna get completely soaked either way.

  • +5

    "Do you come with the umbrella?"

    "Oh you… giggles"

    • +3

      I see what you did there!!! (Simpsons)

  • +3

    will use it for working around in the backyard.. (not the front) …

  • +12

    That photo is the lowpoint of her modelling career…

    • +8

      I take it you don't know any models.

      • +11

        "My best ever gig was modelling the umbrella hat for an online retailer called "Kogan", unfortunately it was all downhill from there".

  • +5

    True ozbargain use plastic bag or paper when rain

  • +6

    So according to Ruslan, they're now the number 1 umbrella hat retailer in Australia? Hilarious.


    • +2

      Love the comment about doing his bit saving people from skin cancer… The word "bit" is right - saving them from skin cancer on a bit of their forehead… ;-)

  • +1

    This will go well with Brave Soul Men's Horatio printed sweatshirt and a pair of Rivers hiking shoes!


  • +1

    May be a good buy as John's graduation ceremony is around the corner. Just need to paint it black.

  • +12

    This will be a nice surprise in 4-6 weeks when I've forgotten about it.

  • Loving the number of votes this is getting

  • +16

    Another history lesson:

    • A month or so ago, Kogan had a price error on Samsung Galaxy S4 of only around $450, Kogan later corrected the error but not honoured the deal for people who have ordered it. Many OBers were pissed, beginning to neg Kogan and swear they won't purchase from Kogan forever ever again. Now Kogan started popping out cheap deal on cheap junks, some of these people appear to forgive and forget Kogan's recent sin. So the moral of the lesson is - People are greedy and dumb XD
    • I really hope I never have to read a history lesson along the lines of "That sight OzBargain with the funny gag products on the front page? You used to be able to find actual bargains on there"

    • Oops! That reminds me of the DealExtreme 50% sale in May this year!

    • …..well there was the coffee mug deal…..

    • +2

      Many OBers were pissed, beginning to neg Kogan and swear they won't purchase from Kogan forever ever again. Now Kogan started popping out cheap deal on cheap junks, some of these people appear to forgive and forget Kogan's recent sin.

      Were the same people though?

  • +2

    Bought one and randomly sent to a guy in the office. Will be funny when he receives it.

  • Looks pretty cool, but the shipping pissed me off.

    • +1

      Why, because it's free?

    • Shipping is free !!

  • +2

    I'm not sure I can fight well enough to wear that thing.

    • +1

      I'm not sure I can run fast enough to wear that thing.

  • Why would you waste a perfectly good opportunity to shower?

  • silly umbrella. kids might like it though.

  • +2

    Hmmm, I think i'll stick with my umbrella : http://goo.gl/II0Yni

  • So it has rejected 3 of my credit cards for payment. Just let me buy the stupid hat please god.

  • Damnit I don't even have enough money for this! Hurry up pay day…..

  • Loving the number of votes this is getting

  • Years ago, I bought a couple of these since they looked rather novel. Did draw a few laughs from others when I use them. But I found them really uncomfortable. Clamps on your forehead, and it weighs a bit as well. So I never use them again. That could be just me, and others probably find them ok.

  • thanks for educating me now i can get a real job.

    history lesson for those uneducated few:

  • +1


  • The person I sent mine to received it today (in Brisbane).

  • Been waiting for my delivery since 26/9 - although payment has gone through - yet another Kogan rip off to be added to the list?

    • It said 4-6 weeks, didn't it?

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